49,757 Topics

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//Bubble.h #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; struct nodeType { int info; nodeType *link; }; class Bubble { public: Bubble(); //constructor //deconstructor //copy constructor //operator= (overloading the = operator) friend istream & operator>> (istream &infile, Bubble & mylist); friend ostream & operator<< (ostream &outfile, const Bubble & …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

As you can see, I'm struggling with classes. How do I call my fraction plus(fraction second), fraction minus(fraction second), etc. functions? #include<iostream> using namespace std; class fraction { private: void reduce() //I will do this later. {} int num, denom; public: fraction() { num = 0; denom = 1; } …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for James19142

I need a way to do a cast without being returned a pointer to a new address but, the same address as the original. Something like this: derivedClass something_derived; baseClass* basePointer = &something_dervived; derivedClass* derivedPointer = static_cast <derivedClass*> (basePointer); /* my problem is "derivedPointer" isnt assigned the same address as …

Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for restrictment

Hey everyone, I am taking an online C++ class and part of our assignment is to complete a whole bunch of small program snipits on a site called myprogramminglab.com. This one program seems to have me stumped as I am not very familiar with Data structures. Could someone help me …

Member Avatar for restrictment
Member Avatar for singlin

I have been asked to write a coding for calculate GPA by using struct and array. I want to display the ouput for every subjects's name, subjects' code, grade for every subject and GPA for every sem but i coulds't get the ouput i want. I think i had done …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Rachel Roxx

#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream using namespace std; const char Avail = '#'; const char Taken = '*'; const int r = 15; const int c = 30; char SEATS[r][c]; int main() { // Declarations for main ifstream inputPrices; double seatPrices[15]; int row; int column; double cost; int answer; …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for nitin1

i have started using C++ these days. Initially , I have done coding alot in C language. I have seen that on my onliune judges , there are 2 different versions. Why they have given 2 versions to compile the code ? Can you tell ? thanks if you can …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for matt.sunder.7

Hi, i'd like to ask for some help about a problem i got... So i got this code right now: Code: const int rows = 5; const int cols = 3; int tocke = 0; int tekmovalci[rows][cols]={{7, 6, 9}, {8, 7, 8}, {6, 9, 10}, {7, 7, 9}, {8, 8, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for James19142

in this program i'm writing the functions that have qt classes as parameters Qlabel, QSpinbox, etc. are causing compile errors, my other functions work fine i get the same 2 errors for each QT object i use as an argument this is the function definition that uses QT classes as …

Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for JaxConer

Hello, guys i have an irritiating problem in the following function: void Sort(Point P, Point &AT50, Point &AO50){ Point AT50_new, AT50_last, AO50_new; while (P != NULL){ if (P->Age <= 50){ AT50_new = new Member; AT50_new = P; AT50_new->next = NULL; // <--from here comes the problem if (AT50 != NULL) …

Member Avatar for JaxConer
Member Avatar for kaywt

I have the following code that I need to figure out what the output will be. Whenever I try to run it I get an debug error - and it crashes... Somebody else said that it ran fine on their Apple machine. I just need to see what the output …

Member Avatar for kaywt
Member Avatar for NoUserNameHere

Is it possible to point to a certain index of a value? For example, int x = 2576, is it possible to do something like x[2]? I know you can do it with strings, but can you do it with numbers?

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Member Avatar for strava

I'm newbie in C++ programming and I want to declare a constructor from following code in my main however I'm completely confused about it. Here is the code: #include <vector> using namespace std; template <typename HashedObj> class HashTable { public: explicit HashTable( const HashedObj & notFound, int size = 101 …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for IcyFire

I need to write a program (using Dev-C++) which can count the number of hyperlinks of a given web page. The main objective is to practice socket programming and try to use HTTP protocol. I am not sure exactly how to go about doing this. Can anyone help me figure …

Member Avatar for IcyFire
Member Avatar for guy21

void main() { char line[300]; cout<<"enter ascii code"; cin>>line; int d = strlen(line); for(int i=0; i<d-1; i+4) { if(line[i]!='.') { (int)line[i]; (int)line[i+1]; (int)line[i+2]; int num=(line[i]-48)*100+(line[i+1]-48)*10+line[i+2]-48; cout>>(char)num; } } getch(); } ok, you enter ascii codes like 104.101.121. and the program converts this into a line like 'hey'. But there's something …

Member Avatar for guy21
Member Avatar for shark101

hello I have the following program in which there is a switch menu and when a person enters 2 the switch menu should take to the second function which is funcTwo but it is not doind so and just gets back to the menu it self i tried switching the …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for karan.rks

Hey... I have created a prgoram in turbo c++, and i wanted it to export it as a separate file ... that is out of the bin file.. and out of all the other include file, so that it actually runs on every computer who even does not have a …

Member Avatar for karan.rks
Member Avatar for Xmod

How can I get this [code](http://www.mediafire.com/?o3kg3nii2sfoigh) to work? I am using xcode 4.5. Thanks

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for HLA91

Hi all I am a noob to C++ and I was getting some source code off the web and this is the second time it has happened, when I compile (Blood Shed Dev) I get a message in the compiler "permission denied" "Id returned 1 exit status" Can anybody help …

Member Avatar for graceville
Member Avatar for James19142

Im having this weird runtime error whenever I attempt to copy a specific member of an array block. I get this from the output: ASSERT failure in QHash: "Iterating beyond end()", file tools/qhash.cpp, line 293 Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function. Invalid parameter passed to C runtime function. I …

Member Avatar for James19142
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

i know java c and c++ but i like java just because it was the first language i learned. i ask alot of people and they all seem to say "make game in c++" or "not a good idea to make games in java". what you guys think? should i …

Member Avatar for SeePlusPlus2

Hi, if we take for example 32bits: 1111 1000 0000 1000 0001 1111 1100 0000, how does it become (24bits) 1011 1110 0011 0110 1111 0110 after RLE is applied? Why/how does 1011 represent the 5 1's at the start of the 32bit number? I'm trying to understand the concept …

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Member Avatar for PrincessLyka

#include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <stdio.h> using namespace std; int main () { int n, x=0, ans; int b=0; do { x++; cout << "\nINPUT NUMBER: "; cin >> n; if(b<n) { b=n; } } while (x<=10); cout << "\n"; cout << "\nHIGHEST: " << b; system ("PAUSE"); return 0; …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for tayyabatiq

Hi, I want to output [chess symbols](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_symbols_in_Unicode) from unicode to console in c++, please tell me how to do that. Im using Dev c++, windows8 and console. Im just a beginner so please keep it simple for me (also tell me the libraries to include please)

Member Avatar for tayyabatiq
Member Avatar for narlapavan

#include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; class Cords { public: int x,y,z; }; class Object:public Cords { int a,b,c; public: vector<Cords> vCords; void insertCords(); void getCords(); }; void Object::insertCords() { Cords theCords; int x=1; do { cout<<"Enter X:"<<endl; cin>>x; cout<<"Enter a b c:"<<endl; cin>>a>>b>>c; theCords.x=a; theCords.y=b; theCords.z=c; vCords.push_back(theCords); }while(x!=0); } …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for acerious

OK, my code is very long. But this one is a little tricky so just bare with me here guys. What my program does is generate a text file with random numbers, for eg: 123 1234 12345 123456 And the program takes in that file and puts the random data …

Member Avatar for acerious
Member Avatar for thammalatha

Hi, I did a program which is dialog based application,in that i add listbox dynamically by deriving a class form CListBox class.and the list box is created in OnInitDialog() method.but when i add the listbox to the dialog using DDX_Control function it is failed to assert the listbox,because 3rd parameter …

Member Avatar for thammalatha
Member Avatar for thammalatha

Hi, I inherit the class called ListBox form CListBox and by using this class object I create a listbox containing two items in the listbox.when ever i select the item from the listbox the generated message should be handled by the control window by using WM_CONTROL_REFLECT mesage in ListBox message …

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Member Avatar for subtoneweb

Below you will find a game I written in my spare time from college. Any and all critique welcome. I plan to expand this to a console RPG later, and eventually GUI. All in C++. BTW, nice forums. //============================================================================ // Name : Monster Shot.cpp // Author : Dave T // …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for shark101

hello I have the following program in which i am tring to copy one strct array to another so that i can sort the second struct array without messing up the original one so i do the copy but when i run the program it give the following error : …

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The End.