49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for Suzie999

Hi all, hope you are well. I'm having some trouble trying to convert the literal value of a hex number to int. I say literal but I'm not sure if that is the correct term, but my code will explain better I hope. I have simplified the code down to …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for nine9hours

Hi. I have made a simple testing program which I'll use in another program later. I create the items of the QListWidget through looping and now I want to make changes in one of the items of the list, which the user clicks. But when I call a fucntion to …

Member Avatar for nine9hours
Member Avatar for SAM2012

I am new to this forum. I need help in defining the same kind of function according to my requirements. as [url]http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/1088/Wildcard-string-compare-globbing[/url] I hope, I 'll get good response. Words are strings which are separated by dots. Two additional characters are also valid i.e:The *, which matches 1 word and …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for mkaynutty

So basically this is suppose to be a grade calculator and the program works, I now just have to put it into a do-while loop so it can work for more than one student. My professor wants it to say Y for another student and N to quit at the …

Member Avatar for doma18
Member Avatar for doma18

[CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> using namespace std; int main() { system("Color 1A"); char clear[200]; char cipher[200]; int x,i; cout << "what do you want to do with your password " << endl; cout << "1 Encrypt your password " << endl; cout << "2 Decrypt your password …

Member Avatar for doma18
Member Avatar for yongj

So I have a file that has contents that need to be stored into a growing object. By growing I mean that it'll explicitly concatenate the new line it reads into the growing object, pBuff, each time every line is read from the file. I only get the last line …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for nuclear

[B]On visual studio 10:[/B] I've tryed out some code and everything was fine, but when I use this line: [CODE]sf::RenderWindow App( sf::VideoMode ( 800, 600, 32 ), "Hexagon Puzzle Thing" );[/CODE] Or anything with RenderWindow I get an: Unhandled exception at 0x76adfeb8 in SFML + Box2D Project.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation …

Member Avatar for wildplace

[CODE]struct Information { ifstream* in; ofstream* out; ... }; ..... ((*info).in)->eof() //this one (*(*info).in).eof() // and this one[/CODE] so, info is a Information struct, is there any different between the two shown above? my guess is they are the same. and what is "->" and "." called?

Member Avatar for ejosiah
Member Avatar for sujan.dasmahapa

I have created a toolbar in mfc. I want to add this toolbar on my dialog. So in the dialog's OnInitDialog() function I am trying to create this toolbar. But the toolbar is not coming. Please tell me how can create it. [code] BOOL CDlgsViewDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CToolBar toolBar; CRect …

Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello all this is my c++ web server that i can get working on my computer but not connecting to others for some reason. I am not on a router, just using my external ip address. If i run the server and type my external ip address into my browser …

Member Avatar for jonnyboy12
Member Avatar for SamuraiGhost

I have code that will ask for the day of the week but is there a way to make it ask the question again if the user doesn't enter one of the 7 days provided? [CODE]string TheDay() { string whichday; cout<<"Please provide a day of the week - ex. Mo …

Member Avatar for livinFuture
Member Avatar for newbie1234

i want to read data from file. I have test.txt. In this i have data a:123 b:223 c:323 how can search 'b' and get the data 223 and so. I found some where that i can go via getline and than tell and for data grabing seek. but i do …

Member Avatar for tungnk1993
Member Avatar for stevo7624

Can someone help me finish this code off. Its a simple program that prompts two players to pick a card. Each picks between 0-51. An array is holding each of the cards by rank and suit using a struct. Everything works great except the greater_than function. The only issue with …

Member Avatar for stevo7624
Member Avatar for ejohns85

Hello, I am trying to capture a video stream from a webcam, and simultaneously display the frames, using OpenCV. Previously, I have captured one image, and then at the end of my program displayed the image in a window, which works fine. However, when I try to capture a sequence …

Member Avatar for josephbeluan
Member Avatar for aderogba08

I wrote a program that allow users input a double value, if I input a string or a char value, it turns out to be a logical error. I've tried this: [code=c++]bool h; float value; do{ cout<<"enter a value"<<endl; cin>>value; if(cin.fail()){ cout<<"error, enter a value!"<<endl; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); h=true;} else h=false; …

Member Avatar for aderogba08
Member Avatar for shywolf91

Here is the Full assignment and what I have done so-far: [B](1) The program will ask the user to enter a filename from the console. (Just like the last assignment). (2) The initial configuration will be read in from a file, which will be a 12 by 30 two-dimensional array …

Member Avatar for Guipborges

I am migrating my code from the builder 6 to embarcadeiro xe2 c++. The files.Cpp are constructed separately without problems, however when I build all comes the following error message-> [ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'TYPINFO.LIB' FAILED! And the process ends! Can anyone help me?

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for pattmorter

a friend asked me to help him with his lab. the lab involves opening a file and adding the numbers in the file together displaying how many even and how many odd numbers there are. I have the file "textinput.txt" in the directory with the .cpp file but when i …

Member Avatar for pattmorter
Member Avatar for ChevyScience

I am having a problem with my code, it is suppose to be rearranging the characters inside the array, but every time i enter the lower bounds (x) and upper bounds (y), i rearranges the wrong alphabets. Here is my code [CODE] int main() { char a[5]={'A','B','C','D','E'}; int x, y; …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

To what extent does the system endianness effect a program. I know that doing pointer assignment will be affected, and unions are too, but what about bitshift operators? Do they apply to the value, merely emulating real bitshifts, or do they apply to the bits themselves? Are there any other …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for nonlinearly

Hi I have an old inherited file with c code (visual studio 6). I compiled this file in Visual C++ 2010 (I made an empty project and a win32 console application) and was OK. But when I did the build to make the .exe then the linker throws errors. I …

Member Avatar for nonlinearly
Member Avatar for virus.exe

I was wondering if it is possible to move the mouse in C++. Like get the coordinates and move the cursor. Maybe it's not possible but it would be cool. thx

Member Avatar for BhawikJain
Member Avatar for matt209

I'm new to using vectors and some may see this as a trivial problem. If you have any suggestion on how I can improve the program, I welcome your input. code(with problem): [CODE] #ifndef CMONOPOLY_HPP #define CMONOPOLY_HPP #include <vector> #include "head.hpp" namespace CMonopoly { class CMonopoly { public: ~CMonopoly(); void …

Member Avatar for matt209
Member Avatar for shadow29014

I created a program which outputs a y coordinate based on a value of an x. Here is my code. [code] double xmax,xmin,xspac; cout << " Input a value of minimum value for x: " << endl; cin >> xmin; cout << " Input a value of maximum value for …

Member Avatar for tungnk1993
Member Avatar for CreativeCoding

So I am sorta interested in viruses. No, I do not plan to make the next conficker or even something that will trash my brothers PC. But I want to learn about how they work. What they do that makes PC's let them into their system... So for a first, …

Member Avatar for Pestilence
Member Avatar for grh1107

how you would compute/denote the time complexity of two loops based on different variables? I understand how to compute the time complexity for a simple loop PseduoCode while X<N { while Y<M { Z++ } X++ } one loop occurs N times - time complexity O(N) the other loop occurs …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Susmita_Sikder

hi all, i can't do the programme in c++ "Write a scanf function in c which accept sentence from user."pls any body reply. thank you in advance

Member Avatar for tungnk1993
Member Avatar for Candace Parker

Hello everyone! I have here a code with a random-access file that lets you delete and update any information in the file. Please run the file to see what I'm talking about. [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; #include <cstdlib> int choice; void displaysmenu(void) …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Dec28

Alright guys, I've been trying to think how to do this and I keep confusing myself. It's part of a project using piping in UNIX but first I need to get this small program running properly. I want to pass the final result (Hex value) to another program that will …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Im writting a very simple command-line. I want the > Charecter to come up every time a command ha finished what it's doing (easy) AND when the user presses enter with nothing on it. For example ($ is currssor) I want this: [CODE]> >$[/CODE] Not this: [CODE]> $[/CODE] How would …

Member Avatar for tom12

The End.