49,760 Topics

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Member Avatar for daldrome

I have created a program to generate a set of characters in an array. The objective is to move all vowels generated by the array to the left, for example: given the following array: A B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q …

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Member Avatar for edgar5

I am working on a WIN32 (not MFC) project. Currently it uses the default XP and earlier file dialogs. In attempting to add the option, under Win7/Vista, to use the new-style file dialogs, I have come to a stumbling block. The only code examples I can find come from here: …

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Member Avatar for beeho

Hi all, I'm having a problem here!! I've attended a lecture on Implementation of stacks in c++ using arrays and it wasn't really hard to understand, but now I'm supposed to know how to Implement a stack using linked list, that's the problem. help please?:confused:

Member Avatar for beeho
Member Avatar for hollowprimus

In a course, a teacher gives the following tests and assignments: A lab activity that is observed by the teacher and assigned a numeric score. A pass/fail exam that has 10 questions. The minimum passing score is 70. An essay that is assigned a numeric score. A final exam that …

Member Avatar for mikrosfoititis
Member Avatar for james6754

[CODE] class Rectangle { private: int num; public: int method1(int,int); }classOne; int Rectangle::method1(int num1,int num2) { classOne.num = (num1 * num2); return (classOne.num); } int main() { Rectangle* one = new Rectangle(); cout << (one->method1(2,10)); NewClass* newClassPointer = new NewClass(); //I want to access NewClass here.... } [/CODE] [CODE] NewClass::NewClass() …

Member Avatar for mikrosfoititis
Member Avatar for zck17

I'm trying to make a Palindrome program, that basically returns whatever you enter, just backwards. For some reason, the cNewArray is not only couting the original array backwards, but also the original array. For example if I enter "Hello" it returns "Hello = olleHHello". I'm very new to referencing pointers …

Member Avatar for mikrosfoititis
Member Avatar for Valociraptor

I am trying to read integers from a txt file and then read the values looking for similarities. I am initializing an array as all 0 however, after I have read from the file and output all the variables, there are random numbers displayed in the array and I don't …

Member Avatar for Valociraptor
Member Avatar for Wireboy

hey guy's I'm relatively new to C++ and I've been asked to make a Caesar Cipher. I'm supposed to take an encrypted .txt file and output it's decryption. I've sort of got an idea of my flow as shown below but I'm confused as to how to transform capitals in …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for zck17

I've just kind of gotten bored reading over learncpp.com repeatedly, so i decided to attempt to make a couple small programs for my own enjoyment ( and to really test what I'm capable of ). I have been making this little game that I call Implicit Explicit. It's basically the …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for raphilix

I'm trying to run a program with 3 levels:1st Menu, 2nd Input and Output and 3rd Calculations. But it keeps me giving me permition denied and Id returned 1 exit status when I try to compile. any suggestion? here is the code [ICODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> int calcpercent …

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Member Avatar for ratatat

hey guys, trying to run a program here but my compiler reads something like this 1>------ Build started: Project: ati, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>Compiling... 1>ati.cpp 1>Compiling manifest to resources... 1>Project : error PRJ0003 : Error spawning 'rc.exe'. 1>Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\TEMP.STUDENTS.002\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ati\ati\Debug\BuildLog.htm" 1>ati - 1 error(s), …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for PapaGeek

I’m creating a Windows Form Ap with Visual Studio 2008. The Ap has a few selection boxes and buttons that trigger “things” to happen. The form also has a “feedback” area where I will display progress to the user. OK, that should be vague enough – SMILE. I want to …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for carlpike

I have a main loop that parses winsock input. Once the parsed input has been received, it creates a thread and passes an array element id to a global array of names to the thread. The thread then downloads the requested file, but first checks to see if it already …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for stereomatching

This is codes snippet from our codes [code] void testSmartAssign() { boost::shared_ptr<int> A; std::auto_ptr<int> B(new int(9)); A = B; } [/code] Is this kind of assignment well defined? Thanks

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for lo0lo0999

/* I write this pro in single linked list useing stuck how i convert it to class.. #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; struct studentinfo { string FName; string LName; int no; int age; struct studentinfo *next; } *head=NULL; void add_studentinfo(int s); void print_list(); int …

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Member Avatar for Vonga

hi I'm new I got some questions about bubble-sort, so I registered here. I'm currently working on this program (bubble-sort) so I looked up some example codes and I found this here, which is practically the right thing I'm looking for. But I have some questions, like 1. How would …

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Member Avatar for hemj

Can someone please tell me why I am getting an error message saying 'temps' is uninitialised??? [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include <cmath> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; struct record { string websiteUrl; double revenue; int hits; }; struct totals { double totalRevenue; …

Member Avatar for mikrosfoititis
Member Avatar for beaute

I am trying to learn about marshaling structures and DLL's. [URL="http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ef4c3t39(v=vs.80).aspx"]I'm following this example[/URL]. The code builds and compiles just fine. But when I run it, the lines where the call to the function is returned; it makes the call to the function from the DLL, goes through it, but …

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Member Avatar for TaoNinja

Hi Guys, Im completely new to this website and quite new to programming, Currently im doing Programming at college, Due to some unforeseen circumstances i had to miss a few weeks at college, Could someone please help me with a problem? I have been trying to figure it out on …

Member Avatar for frogboy77
Member Avatar for methosmen

I'm new to programming and C++. I've managed to succesfully insert multiple nodes from front. Problem is that when printing it starts with the latest node and goes "backwards". I would like it to start with the first node and print forward. Therefore I would like to insert new nodes …

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Member Avatar for Yokil

Hey guys. So I'm doing this project for my end-of-year exam and it's running. But I can't seem to go further beyond a point. This program asks the user as series of questions and then analyses the symptoms to give the result ie, if the user is diabetic or not. …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for james6754

[CODE] #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { oneclass.hello(); return 0; } class one { private: int num; public: void hello(); }oneclass; void one::hello() { num++; cout << num; } [/CODE] Could anybody please please tell me what is wrong with this code. I think …

Member Avatar for ravenous
Member Avatar for PapaGeek

I’m writing a Windows Form Ap that manages a series of website. I created a website class then pre-loaded std::list<WebSite> from an INI file. Now I need to use that list in other places in the code so I tried to move it into the private member area and got …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for needforkevin

hello all! i am working on a program that reads in a text file that the user inputs, creates a text file that the user inputs, names the text file that the user wants, and then sorts the text file sorting words above the user entered in threshold and displays …

Member Avatar for needforkevin
Member Avatar for Vasthor

what I mean by undefined error is because I don't know what the error is about. :P, actually it's because the error not from the code itself, but it's about a compiler that can't defined some sort of file... btw, as title said, the error is from the code in …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Well really simple: I want to compile for my Pentum 4 and not a WIN32 Console App. What tag/thing would I use for this?

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Nikesh2014

[CODE]#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<process.h> #include<dos.h> #include<time.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> class getInfo { int dep; int with; int bal; int year; int mon; int day; char des[100]; public: getInfo() { dep =0; with =0; bal =0; year =0; mon =0; day =0; strcpy(des,""); } int year1() { return year; } int month1() …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for stereomatching

I want to parse XML and change the contents of the XML Which one should I choose? boost::spirit or boost::serialization Thanks a lot

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Member Avatar for Stazloz

Having issues creating table using chain hashing (linked nodes). The program compiles, but is crashing during execution. I admit I don't really know what I'm doing since I havent really used inked lists in forever. A lot of this code I do not expect to work right away, such as …

Member Avatar for Stazloz
Member Avatar for slygoth

Hey guys. Im trying to open a file the user entered. [CODE] cout<<"Please enter the file name"; cin>>name; cout<<"Do you want to open the file? [yes] or [no]"<<endl; cin>>pick; if(pick=="yes") system("C:\\wmplayer.exe [COLOR="Green"]fname[/COLOR]"); else cout<<"Good bye"; [/CODE] How do i get the value thats in fname to be printed their so …

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The End.