49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for mcconnell_34

can someone show me how to prompt user to input a number from 0-35 and if the number is less than or equal to 9 it will display the number but if it is greater than nine it will store it as A=10, B=11, C=12...... By using the cast operator …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for kutuup

I am not sure why but this code (an attampt at a point and click game engine using Allegro 5) throws up an unhandled exception. The program starts and displays a picture, but as soon as the mouse is moved the exception pops up and the program crashes. I have …

Member Avatar for kutuup
Member Avatar for marirs07

Hi all, How to find the offset of a structure member just by knowing the structure name and the address of that member????? For ex. [CODE]Struct cook { int a; int b; char c; }eat; void func(int *ptr) { //how to find the base address of structure. //I know only …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for dospy

basically i have a header full of function prototypes(util.h) and a cpp file with the functions body [CODE] // util.h #include <ctime> uint32_t GetTime( ); uint32_t GetTicks( ); // util.cpp #include <util.h> uint32_t GetTime( ) { return GetTicks( ) / 1000; } uint32_t GetTicks( ) { return clock( ); } …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for sandman64

[CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int getNumAccidents(string); void findLowest(int, int, int, int, int); int main() { int counter, num, crash1, crash2, crash3, crash4, crash5; string n = "North", s = "South", w = "West", e = "East", c = "Central"; for (counter = 0; counter < 5; …

Member Avatar for sandman64
Member Avatar for vrs1155

friends i am using visual c++ 6.0.i need to use multiple cpp files and that cpp file to be communicate.can you tell any one how to do??? thanks for the helping

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

Hello, There are many tutortial about it, but all are olds or are for C.. if someone know any FRIENDLY site/forum/pdf to learn c++ please give it, for my c++ window programming is like chines, because there is no any help like in VB/C#/F#/Java and things work totaly diferent, example... …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for marirs07

Hi all, How to find the base address of a structure ,just by knowing the name of the structure and a address of one of its members. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for marirs07
Member Avatar for skylinedrifter

Hello people! Got a project due tomorrow been at it the whole day still no luck hopping one of you guys could help me out before tomorrow :/ First one...... This is the code [CODE]int main() { const double Tax = 0.0825, Rate = 0.15; int PartNum, Units; double Price, …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for meli123

heyy all :)) So im working on a new piece of code here..take into consideration that I love while loops and that's what I really want to use! so here is how the program would go read: # then read: base print: decimal representation thanksss :))

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Tom_Weston

What I want is when I type "calc;" (without quotes), The calculator opens. Else, if I didn't type it correctly (example: "calc" (without quotes)) it will generate an error. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main () { string calc; char end; end = ';'; cin >> calc …

Member Avatar for Tom_Weston
Member Avatar for XodoX

Hi, how do I exactly do this? [quote]1) Read an integer from the input. (Reading will automatically stop after the first non-digit character, accounting for possible sign characters.) 2) DO read the next character WHILE the read character is whitespace, then validate it as an operator and store it. 3) …

Member Avatar for Ravic85

[CODE] Rectangle::Rectangle() {length = width = 1.0;} Rectangle::Rectangle(double len) {setLength(len);} {setWidth(1.0);} Rectangle::Rectangle(double len, double wid) {setLength(len);} {setWidth(wid);} [/CODE] I get this error: Error 1 error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?) H:\C++\Programming assignment one\Programming assignment one\programming assignment 1 member functions.cpp 19 on line 5 and 9 and …

Member Avatar for amzyz

I havent programmed in C++ for about 3 years.. Since i started uni actually.. Now i gotta implement some stuff for Algorithms and Complexity.. I've got a vague idea of how to do that but thats not my problem.. According to my memory and old programs that i dug up …

Member Avatar for EEBlake
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Can anyone list the pices of hardware I can manipulate with C++ and code with it \ ex: #include <windows.h> Beep(250,250) for internal sepeaker. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Triarius

Hi! I'm running the latest OpenSuse 11.4. I have knowledge of C++ programming and I think I'm ready to start using graphics. I have downloaded [URL="http://sourceforge.net/projects/alleg/files/allegro/5.0.4/allegro-5.0.4.tar.gz/download"]allegro-5.0.4.tar.gz[/URL], extracted it and tried to include allegro.h file in my C++ code. Here is my testing file for allegro. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include "/Documents/Allegro/include/allegro5/allegro.h" int …

Member Avatar for lawnmoler
Member Avatar for wnr78ta

I am writing a program for an assignment, i have a main that calls a test and the test simply tests all the functions within a class called int11, the int11 class and implementation are as follows [ICODE] #ifndef INT11_H #define INT11_H #include "proj1.h" class Int11 { private: T _left; …

Member Avatar for wnr78ta
Member Avatar for Cainer

Hi, I'm not sure if this is right forum to ask, please don't kill me if it isn't. I'm using Visual Studio C++ Express 2010. I found that different setting in project properties can lead to big difference in performance of application. My app was running at 140 FPS, I …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for darren2005

Hi, The was my application works is that my C++ .exe will create a .bat file, which will then in turn run the .bat file. [CODE]ofstream myfile ("tmp.bat"); if (myfile.is_open()) { myfile << "keytool –import –alias exe –file cert.cer –key example\n"; myfile.close(); system("tmp"); [/CODE] The batch file is created, however …

Member Avatar for metoohere
Member Avatar for SoFLy

For an assignment, I am writing a program in c++ that prompts the user for the day of the month, the weekday (numerically), the month, and the year. Then, based on that, I've got to have it output a calendar that is similar to the Unix 'cal' command. I've got …

Member Avatar for Jsplinter

I am trying to write a class which holds either a pointer to an object of class A(base) or class B(derived) depending on conditions at run time. The base class and derived class: [CODE] class A { protected: int x; }; class B : public A { public: int y, …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for marirs07

Is it possible to find the offset value similar to offsetof() function when i know only the structure name and the address of the member of structure. For ex in offsetof , the structure name and the member name is given to find the offset. Similarly is it possible to …

Member Avatar for Frederick2

This is my first post! I can’t figure out how to modify/cast the return address obtained from the Windows Api function GetProcAddress() without using a typedef. I’m aware that using a typedef is the standard way to do this, but one should be able to do it without a typedef, …

Member Avatar for bitluni
Member Avatar for cent91

i have a code that uploads a file to ftp. i want it to add an exception in firewall when it executes so that the firewall doesnot request the user for permissions. i know how to add a registry entry but i dont know how to add a firewall exception …

Member Avatar for Satyrn
Member Avatar for sumi1234

the aim of this program is to create a record of 20 members inputted by the user st the phone number is stored in 3 different parts e.g. 011-234-7891 where 011 is area code 234 is exchange and 7891 is numbr...every record must have a member id and member name …

Member Avatar for sumi1234
Member Avatar for GSLENK

I dont know how i did it before, but i dont quite remember how to get started on a win 32 console program for Microsoft Visual 2010 ultimate edition. could someone give a basic idea of where to start for a blank template? I did: New project, Win 32 console …

Member Avatar for dospy
Member Avatar for dospy

i've never knew how to use command line arguments since the first source code i used to edit(and from i learned basics of c++) was using a config file to 'read' user input data on program startup and not command line arguments. now my question, what's the difference between using …

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Member Avatar for Merex

Hi everyone, I'm new here and I have been reading some books for a while on C++ software Development. I have a good idea of what I wan't to program at the present point in time, so I thought I would post a road map of what I'm going to …

Member Avatar for Merex
Member Avatar for lightdshadows

[CODE]#include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include <string> using namespace std; const double PI = 3.1416; int main() { ifstream inFile; string fname, lname; int age, beginningBalance; double length, width, radius, interestRate; char ch1; inFile.open("inData.txt"); inFile >> length >> width >> radius >> fname >> lname >> age >> beginningBalance >> interestRate …

Member Avatar for lightdshadows
Member Avatar for carlpike

Hello everyone. I am having an issue with flash style connection So I start off by connecting to port 843 and requesting a <policy-file-request/> The server sends me this: <cross-domain-policy> <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-… /> <allow-access-from domain="*website.com" secure="false" /> <allow-access-from domain="*website.com" to-ports="443-49151"/> </cross-domain-policy> Since it is non secure, I try to connect …

Member Avatar for cherrymae.calma

The End.