49,763 Topics

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Hello DaniWeb Software Developers :D I have a problem which exceed my programing capabilities and i need your help! Problem: I am somewhat new to c++ and i have been making some useful console applications in windows GUI visual Express. I thought i would give building in Linux a try …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for hiddepolen

Hi all! I have a very strange problem. I am making a Win32 program, using Visual C++ professional 2010. Everything works exactly as it should, until I want a MessageBox to appear. It appears, but I cant click any buttons. I also can't access my main API, so I can't …

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Member Avatar for snipermann

Hello, I have a project to find a monotone curve as it in the figure 4 in this link: [URL="http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~stephane/cs507/Project.html"]http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~stephane/cs507/Project.html[/URL] and after I had calculated the values which must be calculated (figure5), in order to get the monotone curve . I have thought to use the Breadth-First serch Algorithm [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search[/URL]for …

Member Avatar for snipermann
Member Avatar for iamuser_2007

write a program in C++ that computes the minimal and the maximal value of function f(x,y) obtained on an integer point in a given rectangle [a, b] x [c, d]. Your program should prompt the user to input numerical values of a, b, c and d, as floating point numbers, …

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Member Avatar for Awais Ali mugha

hye everybody.... can u tell me, What is the code of "Towers of hanoi" using [B]Iteration[/B] in C++....???? plzzzzz reply quickly.....

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for jordankaushik

Hi everyone, i just want to know about "time.h" or "ctime"... I browsed through many sites, but I couldn't understand anything.... I need some help... from the basics in "time.h" or "ctime"... From declaring a time variable and initialising a date to a time variable, to the end... Please help …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for AmerJamil

inputs a string from the user and coverts all the capital letters to small letters and all the small letters to capital letters. Example: If the user enters string “HeLLo wOrLd”, the program will display it as “hElllO WoRlD” i have written following code.. please tell where im wrong..as it …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for dungdragon88

Can anyone tell me the difference between MFC SDI withi Document/View architecture and MFC without Document/View architecture

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lcx88

I need help in file handling. The problem is... In a text file.. consists of (5) five student load with their...(subject,description,units,teacher,room,time, and day).. I did the first student load.. but I could hardly proceed on the next student loads.. I easily did this in Java.. but on C++ i could …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for jahangir hassan
Member Avatar for Kamal_Java

Hi guys, I like to design a workplace or form(not decided) in VC++ (MFC) or (C++) where I can select and place different objects like car , bike etc and move them programmatically.Each object has its own properties(which is already designed) I have no problem in moving them by changing …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for gpta_varun

Hi All I was going through a code and came across something like --> [CODE] TC_A &tc_a=*(TC_A *)p; [/CODE] Now TC_A is a derived class of another Class 'X' of which p is an instance. Does this mean that a new class instance of TC_A is invoked and contents of …

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Member Avatar for fuggles

Are there any good C++ XML parsing APIs that anyone recommends? I tried TinyXML but couldn't get it to compile, or find any information about it.

Member Avatar for sundip
Member Avatar for vbkumar

Write a C++ program that reads N positive integer numbers from the keyboard, calculates and displays the following information. a. Count of all numbers which are greater than 1 and less than 11. If no such numbers are entered, 0 for the count value should be displayed. b. Count of …

Member Avatar for vbkumar
Member Avatar for thelamb

I'm designing an exception class, but ran into a case where a copy is being made which I don't want (plus, I don't understand why). Consider the following cases: [code=cpp] // 1 Exception e; throw e; // Copy: yes //2 throw Exception(); // Copy: no //3 throw Exception() << "extra …

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for Juginx

Hey. I have problem. How i can change options in form2 from form1? [CODE]public: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { this->Form1::Show(); video^ video2 = gcnew video(); video2->Show(); } public: System::Void button1_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) { video^ video2 = gcnew video(); video2->axWindowsMediaPlayer2->URL=(listBox1->SelectedItem->ToString()); video2->axWindowsMediaPlayer2->Ctlcontrols->play(); }[/CODE] I know it's bad, becouse i open …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

im curious is there a difference between const float f = 1.5F; vs. const float f = 1.5; is there a difference??

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for sahil1991

hi frndzz..... i was doing some coding in c++ and realise the importance of understanding the basics of data structures.......so i thought of working on it... but,i dont know any good book for it..... it 'll be good if i can find links for some good ebooks ........ thanx in …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Frederick2

I musn't be thinking about something right (or maybe left)! If I have the number '1', which in binary is this... 1000 0000 ...and I do a right shift on it to get this... 0100 0000 then that should give me '2', not??? Then why doesn't this work... [CODE=C++] #include …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

I am getting the following error codes when trying to compile the following 2 files 1>c:\users\adam-7\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\chapter 13\exc_1\exc_1\cd.cpp(9): error C2533: 'Cd::{ctor}' : constructors not allowed a return type 1>c:\users\adam-7\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\chapter 13\exc_1\exc_1\cd.cpp(58): error C2264: 'Cd::Cd' : error in function definition or declaration; function not called Provided the code, any …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for come_again

Hello everyone, I'm working in Ubuntu right now trying to get some code working for a bluetooth dongle that I have connected. My goal is simply to communicate with another bluetooth device. I wrote some code using Bluez in Eclipse and I cannot seem to get a simple program running. …

Member Avatar for come_again
Member Avatar for crazymidget01

I am writing a program to input an infix expression, convert to postfix, and then evaluate. Converting to postfix isn't the problem, but evaluating the expression is giving me odd answers. Simple expression like 1+1 is giving me 12 as an answer. I cannot figure out what the problem is. …

Member Avatar for Dingbats
Member Avatar for COKEDUDE

Whats the difference between using CC and CPP as the file extension for C++ programs? I thought C++ use the CPP extension for source files. I was reading this article and saw he used CC. [url]http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/111[/url]

Member Avatar for myrk
Member Avatar for Mona..

Hi this is the HW question, i can't understand the avail_list part can anyone explain?? (1) Write a program to implement indexing with avail_list support for deleted records as follows: a. The program maintains a data file called students.txt of students’ records which contains studentID and studentName. These records of …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

i use the window 7 with Turbo C(16-bit) compiler , now i have an assignment to generate the bicycle code in c++ graphics when i run any graphics program the TC show error and terminate . plzz help me as fast as possible.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for networkZombie

So I'm trying to make my own version of Pokemon simulator and this is what i have so far.. [CODE] /* Pokemon.cpp */ #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; void battle( int enemyHealth, int Health, int enemyAttack, int Attack, vector <string> &att, vector <string> &enmAtt ); int main() { …

Member Avatar for alexchen
Member Avatar for لولا

I have program that wants the user to inter an array and revers it and alos serch for some elements in the array but I have an error C2679 binary'<<': no operater found which takes a rigth-hand operand of type 'void' ( or there is no acceptable convesion). and I …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for alexchen

I need help with rand();. This program produces random number without repeating. In my error list there are no errors. Unhandled exception at 0x00414742 c++.exe: 0xC0000094: Integer division by zero. [CODE]int *numbers,range; void randomize(unsigned numberToSelect){ for(unsigned i = 0; i < numberToSelect; i++){ const int selectedElement = rand()%(range - i); …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for dip7

Hi, I am a beginner user of C++. I need to search a file for a certain pattern binary code. eg. i need to use C++ programming language and search a file to determine if 001H is present in the file. How do i do this? Thank you very much …

Member Avatar for alexchen
Member Avatar for stereomatching

I am building a simple tree by pointer this tree would only have one child and one sibling if you call addChild more than once on the same node, it would add a sibling if you call addchild more than two times(assume it is three times) on the same node …

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The End.