49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for sdinu96

Hi everyone, I don't know how to calculate cpu and memory usage information of a process.I know this information is located in /proc/pid/... but where............because i want to display this information in C++ without using "gliptop" library........... Please help me ........even if possible i need "top" command source code in …

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Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

what does this statement mean? BYTE *gameBase = 0x4C62FC; [B] *gamebase points to the value 0x4C62FC?[/B] or [B]*gamebase points to an address of 0x4C62FC which is the location of data or another address?[/B]

Member Avatar for embooglement
Member Avatar for Tellalca

Hey; I want to be able to use VS2010 and still pass command line arguments to it somehow. When I am building an application that needs to use argv[], I need to compile it and run it from the command line. That is becoming boring sometimes especially when I want …

Member Avatar for sundip
Member Avatar for jeevsmyd

Hi , I'm an amateur programmer from India. I use code::blocks for my c/c++ programming. I would like to create a simple 16color bitmap file reader in c++ . The hraphics library I use is winbgim . I'm a very beginner in graphics programming. I just know how to set …

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Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I thought about a project idea and I came up with this: 20 questions. I have no clue how to start. I think that a simple knowledge base is necessary, along with a way for it to learn. also, how would it ask questions? it would have to know some …

Member Avatar for JSPMA1988
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

what is the library used? How do I assign it the value? What are some library functions dealing with them? Thanx- JT

Member Avatar for Saith
Member Avatar for zit1343

for C++ [CODE=c] #include "stdafx.h"; #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int x; char name; cout << "Please Type in your Full Name: "; cin >> name; cout << "Hello" << name << " , Now please type in your age: "; cin >> x; cout << …

Member Avatar for Saith
Member Avatar for MasterGberry

Hello, some of you have have seen me around the site lately picking up some C++ knowledge. I have been reading a book (brief history). I am trying to get involved in dev work for a community I help out. So i took up C++. My assignment has been to …

Member Avatar for MasterGberry
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I have been trying to invoke the default destructor for a class of mine (see below). when I try I get this error: "no match for 'operator~' in '~Card(((const Card&)((const Card*)(& hearts[1]))))'" [CODE] class Card { public: bool inPlayer; bool inDeck; bool inOpp;//in opponets hand. int type; //!< Member variable …

Member Avatar for jackmaverick1
Member Avatar for best_tanu

plz write prog. for take a string i/p and print it in small to capital, or capital to small..............

Member Avatar for دموعي
Member Avatar for DynamicMember

need someone who know mathematical functions in c++...send me your msn,gmail,icq,skype or else...i will ad u...

Member Avatar for JSPMA1988
Member Avatar for Barzanyadis

[B]The 1998 22nd Annual acm International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals sponsored by IBM [/B] Problem F [B]Polygon Intersections[/B] Input: poly.in Most drawing or illustration programs have simple tools for creating polygon objects. The better ones can find the regions that are the intersections of two polygons. The picture below …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Clinton Portis

As a proud memeber of the 10% unemployed and the 45% under-employed, I often find that I have a lot of time on me' hands. Now my dear ol' mom likes to play this game, and she's often at home alone.. so with nothing else to offer this holliday season, …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for BrownBeard

I am writing an alarm clock program in C++, and it works great for now, but I was wondering is there any way I can have the user select the sound they want to blare once it goes off. If it helps, here is my code, as bloated as it …

Member Avatar for Dingbats
Member Avatar for benny2010

Dear all, i am trying to get my sprite to be dragged around the screen by clicking the mouse, i can get it to attach to the mouse but cannot get it to unattach itself, i coded the if not mouse click then set mouse attach to false but it …

Member Avatar for benny2010
Member Avatar for coolpal.nikil

Hey guys, Im a beginner in c++ programming, and i desperatly need some help here. We were given a holiday project in class where we can come up with anything we want as long as its creative. So my friend and I got a wicked idea and we implemented on …

Member Avatar for SgtMe
Member Avatar for L.sha

Hello I have to work with Linkedlist, and sort them from smallest to the largest. So I have made this sorting function. It works but I dont understand why it is not displaying me the items I have inserted after sorting it. I have also looked at the other related …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for kaharas

Hi guys, there a flash ( a game ) application A that opens a socket with a server. What I need to do, is to write a c++ application that intercept every packet sent and received by the application through that socket ( to write the game actions history), eventually …

Member Avatar for crimes

hey all, im workin on a text rpg that has become very long and i have all the code on one page. basically i wanna break it down so its more organized and easier to understand. I read some stuff here and gathered that I need to do some research …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for lochnessmonster

im curious as to the why there is a signed version of char and unsigned version? what are the purposes??

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for OrangeGrover

Hello, first off thanks for reading. So my problem occurs when I try to copy an element from one vector into a second vector. The error that I get says that the vector subscript is out of range when I try to push_back that element. I only get an error …

Member Avatar for OrangeGrover
Member Avatar for vbx_wx

Anyone know why i get this error in eclipse when i compile any program: [code] error: to generate dependencies you must specify either -M or -MM [/code]

Member Avatar for vbx_wx
Member Avatar for mightysnake

Read a single character from ‘A’ through ‘Z’ and produces output in the shape of a pyramid composed of the letters up to and including the letter that is input. The top letter in the pyramid should be ‘A’, and on each level, the next letter in the alphabet should …

Member Avatar for mightysnake
Member Avatar for nxt200

Hello DaniWeb Software Developers :D I have a problem which exceed my programing capabilities and i need your help! Problem: I am somewhat new to c++ and i have been making some useful console applications in windows GUI visual Express. I thought i would give building in Linux a try …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for hiddepolen

Hi all! I have a very strange problem. I am making a Win32 program, using Visual C++ professional 2010. Everything works exactly as it should, until I want a MessageBox to appear. It appears, but I cant click any buttons. I also can't access my main API, so I can't …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for snipermann

Hello, I have a project to find a monotone curve as it in the figure 4 in this link: [URL="http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~stephane/cs507/Project.html"]http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~stephane/cs507/Project.html[/URL] and after I had calculated the values which must be calculated (figure5), in order to get the monotone curve . I have thought to use the Breadth-First serch Algorithm [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breadth-first_search[/URL]for …

Member Avatar for snipermann
Member Avatar for iamuser_2007

write a program in C++ that computes the minimal and the maximal value of function f(x,y) obtained on an integer point in a given rectangle [a, b] x [c, d]. Your program should prompt the user to input numerical values of a, b, c and d, as floating point numbers, …

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Member Avatar for Awais Ali mugha

hye everybody.... can u tell me, What is the code of "Towers of hanoi" using [B]Iteration[/B] in C++....???? plzzzzz reply quickly.....

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for jordankaushik

Hi everyone, i just want to know about "time.h" or "ctime"... I browsed through many sites, but I couldn't understand anything.... I need some help... from the basics in "time.h" or "ctime"... From declaring a time variable and initialising a date to a time variable, to the end... Please help …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for AmerJamil

inputs a string from the user and coverts all the capital letters to small letters and all the small letters to capital letters. Example: If the user enters string “HeLLo wOrLd”, the program will display it as “hElllO WoRlD” i have written following code.. please tell where im wrong..as it …

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The End.