49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kanoisa

Hi, I think im trying to break c++ again in making it do something it does not want to do. Basically i have a logging class im making which simply takes a string stream and pumps it into a file. But i want 2 different versions one that trys to …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for PixelExchange

Hi all. I need help "binding" to a specific IP address. My program is able to "bind" when using inaddr_any, but I can't seem to bind to a specific IP address using inet_addr("...."). I am basically trying to "bind" a socket to MY home pc's IP address, and a random …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for wyssen

Hey everyone I have this huge program which comes with different directories like lib, include, test, modules, services etc. Every directory has a -Makefile -Makefile.am -Makefile.in The root directory has the following files -missing -Makefile -Makefile.in -Makefile.am -configure -configure.ac I added two classes with 2 header files and one of …

Member Avatar for wyssen
Member Avatar for cj232

[CODE=c++]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout<<"x value x2 value x3value\n\n"; int x=0, y, z; back: x++; if(y=x*x) if(z=x*x*x) cout<<" "<<x<<" "<<y<<" "<<z<<"\n"; if(x<10) goto back; system("PAUSE"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }[/CODE] how can i get the total of x value, x2 value, x3 value...??? …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for sana_moi

hi pleas i need help if it's possible ; i have a c++ code which can select from a DB but i can't do the code for insert a new data in my data base .

Member Avatar for sana_moi
Member Avatar for Saranya Ravi
Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for fire_

Hello. I'm using this constuction to write to file: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int main () { char data [50]; cout << "Enter data\n"; cin >> data; ofstream file("data.txt"); if (!file) { cout << "File opening error"; cin.get(); return 1; } file << data; file.close(); cout << …

Member Avatar for abdelhakeem
Member Avatar for fire_

Hello. I'm writing DOS program with Visual C++ 6 and i want to log date and time to file. I'm new at programming so please tell me all #include <> and full syntax :) Also I tried time() but i recieved error: error C2064: term does not evaluate to a …

Member Avatar for fire_
Member Avatar for Shikhin

Hi To All, I just wanted to ask you all brainies that I wanted to attempt Microsoft Certification For C++ Language. Now when I searched Microsoft certification it showed up results such as Microsoft Certified ...(Something Something). Now can anyone give me a link to the information about Microsoft C++ …

Member Avatar for AkashL
Member Avatar for autodale

I am wondering what the capabilities of C++ are for launching executables. I would like to create a simple launcher for one of my projects. It would need to launch a program in the same folder. The launched program needs to be run maximized and in Windows 98 compatibility mode. …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Haxifix

Hey guys, I wrote a TicTacToe program at my friends house in like 10 minutes, so I am sure I can improve some things. Can someone please give me some idea's on either stuff to add or stuff I can improve on (make more efficient). [code]#include <iostream> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for mkcee

I am having difficulty reading the following input file Jon 40 Chris 50 Pete 60 what is wrong with this code that I wrote to read the above file. thank you for your help. [code]//***************** #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> #include<cassert> using namespace std; void …

Member Avatar for nutristars
Member Avatar for Lomko

Hello everybody, i'm a beginner in programming, so I hope someone can help me. I'm programming in Visual Studio 2008 in C++ and I'd like to use the error functionor the complementary one, erf(x) and erfc(x). I've looked for a solution in the internet and I've seen that including math.h …

Member Avatar for Lomko
Member Avatar for eysiy

I need to read .dat file which is in form: x y z d 4.860568047E+000 1.591771126E+001 4.034203053E+000 1.000000000E+000 -2.356933117E+000 2.466155815E+001 -3.108083963E+000 1.000000000E+000 -1.673650980E+000 1.986449051E+001 6.616530895E+000 1.000000000E+000 -5.323183060E+000 1.964732361E+001 -7.041398048E+000 1.000000000E+000 .... I need to read the first line and put these values into a equation, say: results = x+y+z+d, then …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for figuer25

I just coded this implementation of a stack using a singly linked list. Its written in C++ using the STL. I believe I am complete with it but there may be functions I am forgetting or ways to improve/ optimize my code. I tried using exceptions to learn how to …

Member Avatar for figuer25
Member Avatar for new_programmer

I have basic idea about malloc and calloc i heard about falloc and dlmalloc, can any one explain about it?

Member Avatar for new_programmer
Member Avatar for sudoku43

hello, im newbie here and also newbie in c++. I have a problem with char data type. I try writing the code input character 'D', 'd', 'R' and 'r'. if input are correct, the output will be 'OK' but turn out, even I give input other character, still give the …

Member Avatar for RogueEffect
Member Avatar for Lukezzz

Hi, I have created a ToolStripMenuItem in the MenuStrip. Is is called: [B]OneToolStripMenuItem[/B] What I need to do now is these tasks programatically: 1. Add one Item named: "Item1" 2. Create a Click Event for this "Item1" 3. Place a very small .JPG Image or Icon Before this "Item1" I …

Member Avatar for crodriguez08

Hey there, I'm having trouble getting my program to display the students and class summary using classes. What I'm unsure of is where the problem lies, whether it is a displacement of set/get functions or the content in my StoreStudent function is incorrect, or perhaps something else I might have …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Cgm

Hi, I have visual c++ and have recently downloaded the Dark GDK add on. Does anybody know where i could find some tutorials because I am okay with c++ but dont know how to code the graphics. Any help is appreciated Thanks -Chris

Member Avatar for green_frog
Member Avatar for goody11

Hey, I am working on creating a UBCD for a company I work for, but I can't figure out how to do a certain part. I want to create a program on the disk where if it's ran, it will automatically run through spybot, malwarebytes, ect...I know how to open …

Member Avatar for goody11

Hey, I wanted to make a program that could open up and control another program...Specifically, I wanted to write a program that could open up google chrome, open 2 extra tabs, have each of the tabs go to hotmail, and then each auto-sign me in to my 3 different e-mail …

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Member Avatar for figuer25

Hi so I am just trying to figure out what is wrong with my program. I am trying to implement the node class in C++. All I want to do is learn how to implement it and get it working. I am not trying to use it to create a …

Member Avatar for figuer25
Member Avatar for tundra010

Hello all As the title suggests, I have tried to write a sorting program in C++ The code compiles right, but does print the sorted numbers, but rather prints a list of zeros. I have tried to find the cause of this error for a while, but I can't seem …

Member Avatar for tundra010
Member Avatar for edoscope

Hi, I am having a very hard time understanding what I am doing wrong here. I am trying to read from a file into a struct array, however it stops working properly after a short while. my data in the file is in the following format: Last, First Name ID …

Member Avatar for blackrainbowhun
Member Avatar for anny**

me Anny here !! I want help plzz actually m going to make programmable dynamo graph .Its a weight machine with circuit and that circuit is interfaced through port to a computer Now i have to create a program that show a graph between voltage and weight but how is …

Member Avatar for selfrules
Member Avatar for green_frog

Hi, I'm working on a game and i have created a new camera but i need to hide an object in the newly created camera and still be able to view it in the default camera. Is this possible?

Member Avatar for Grusky

I am trying to create a simple matrix class. When an object of class matrix is created it should be able to create any nxn size matrix. The problem I am finding is that there doesn't seem to be a simple way to make a class with a dynamic 2D …

Member Avatar for r.evrard
Member Avatar for sudoku43

any idea how to create a loop if user input wrong characters..?? i tried to do while loop but it never works.. anyone..?? [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { double input_x, number; cout << "Insert value: "; cin >> input_x; char choice ; choice = 'D', 'R', …

Member Avatar for r.evrard
Member Avatar for joshalb

Hello. I'm trying to store a child class into it's a pointer of it's baseClass, like this: [code=cpp]baseClass*test = new subClass;[/code] Which works and all, except I'm having trouble using 'delete' to destroy the newly created subClass. So something like this: [code=cpp]baseClass*test = new subClass; delete baseClass;[/code] Here's a more …

Member Avatar for arkoenig

The End.