49,755 Topics

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Member Avatar for okwy

Can some one please help me on this issue as I have spent time going around it without making any headway. I have data in an array of size say 3O. 1. I want to take the first five elements of the array, find their mean value. Store the value …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for programing

Hi .. for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { first=i%10; last=i/10; ....... i want to see how many number that first number equal last number; like 3003..and 1,2,3... is counted because its a single numbers but my statmant it is just count the num unti 100 and its not count the single numbers .. …

Member Avatar for programing
Member Avatar for VBNick

If I am using overlapped sockets with i/o completion ports, is it ok to use WSASend on a socket to send data [B]after [/B]posting the initial WSARecv on that same socket, but [B]before [/B]having received any data? Will the socket still receive data and trigger the completion port if I …

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Member Avatar for David_Omid

Hey, sorry if this question is really really simple and silly to ask here but I can't find a suitable answer anywhere else and nobody out there so far is willing to help me out so any help would be greatly appreciated. Simple thing I want to do: I have …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I have been frustrated by the lack of a time unit in all the C/C++ std librarys (hope I've got the right wording!). What is a function that I could use. I don't care if I write it or if it is in a library. Thanx in advance!

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for daviddoria

With std::queue I've been using this: [code] std::queue<int>::iterator pos = std::find( q.begin(), q.end(), 5); [/code] But when I try that with std::stack : [code] std::stack<int>::iterator pos = std::find( s.begin(), s.end(), 5); [/code] I get [code] error: ‘iterator’ is not a member of ‘std::stack<int, std::deque<int, std::allocator<int> > >’ [/code] Anyone know …

Member Avatar for AuburnMathTutor
Member Avatar for yoni0505

I want to add some while() loop to a windows form app, the problem is that when I try its freezing the window because of the loop. There is any way or method to add a loop that won't freeze the window?

Member Avatar for yoni0505
Member Avatar for jos_t_tarigan

hi, im trying to read a binary file with header. so i manage to read the header by calling this: [CODE=c]fread(&headers, sizeof(MtexHeader), 1, fp);[/CODE] the header contains the size of the real content. i call those content by calling this line: [CODE=c]fread(out, sizeAccordingToHeader, 1, fp);[/CODE] but it always returns me …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for sabareesh

String operator+(const String &s) Here String is a class. here why we are using ampersand operator? please explain me.(&s ?)

Member Avatar for sabareesh
Member Avatar for racoon8995
Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Frederick2

My title says it all! I'm completely mystified by this - have been working at it all day with no resolution. The fundamental assumption under which I am laboring is that when a Dll is loaded into a host's process, the Dll will receive a DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH message. I have been …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for dansnyderECE

I need to convert an ASCII string like... "hello2" into it's decimal and or hexadecimal representation (a numeric form, the specific kind is irrelevant). So, "hello" would be : 68 65 6c 6c 6f 32 in HEX. How do I do this in C++ without just using a giant if …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for ftl25

Hi. I am a C/C++ newbie. I am looking for advice on best practice. I am building an application which will take an input command (string), compare it with a list of stored commands, and go off to the relevant function. What i'd like to know is; what is the …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for newworldcoder

I am very new to development and have been sinking my teeth into C#. I have an application that was written in C++ which is out of my depth, and I was wondering if someone could explain how I would recreate this in c#. The application sends message to linux …

Member Avatar for sundip
Member Avatar for Matt Tacular

Does anyone know an easy way to do array's of arrays? I'm not 100% sure this is the thing I want though because I just need a simple way to make a loop able to change the list it's comparing. I have the loop done, I just can't figure out …

Member Avatar for chanthutshamsu
Member Avatar for yoni0505

Hi there, I want to make a program with visual C++ 2010 using windows form. My problem is that I want to include "windows.h" and I can't find out how to do that. I want to include "windows.h" to use functions such as SetPixel() and some others... If it's possible, …

Member Avatar for yoni0505
Member Avatar for cgcgames

Hi Everyone. I have been Looking around for a Tutorial on Forms in Visual C++ I found a nice graphical calculator walkthrough for C# but the code for C# and C++ is a little diffrent and I cant get it working in C++. I am trying to make a Form …

Member Avatar for kirennian
Member Avatar for viv0411
Member Avatar for sundip
Member Avatar for rax_19

:cool: hi Friends,.,. !! i want to know a perfect time consumption for a given particular program.. [B][COLOR="red"]IN MILLISECONDs[/COLOR][/B] I know the way of using following method: [CODE=c] start=clock(); /*... ... my programming logic . . . ... */ end=clock(); difference=(end-start);[/CODE] But it gives time in seconds , which is …

Member Avatar for rax_19
Member Avatar for qqwushi12345

Write a program that displays all the prime numbers between 50 and 100. Below is my code: [CODE]Write a program that displays all the prime numbers between 50 and 100. please correct my mistake, thank you. #include <stdafx.h> #include "genlib.h" #include "simpio.h" #include "math.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for darksmokepunch

Hi I have a question with regards to storing and retrieving a players location in a game. At the moment I'm working on a text based dungeon game, and one of the things I am having trouble implementing is, a way to move between rooms in the game world (I.E. …

Member Avatar for darksmokepunch
Member Avatar for qqwushi12345

Write a program that displays the table of Fahrenheit - Celsius temperatures. Below is my code, the problem with it is that the celsius column is all zeros,please correct my mistake, thank you: [CODE]#include "stdafx.h" #include "genlib.h" #include "simpio.h" #include "math.h" int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int i; double …

Member Avatar for qqwushi12345
Member Avatar for reolynda

[CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i,j; float a[10][10]; for (i=0; i<10; i++) { for (j=0; j<10; j++) { a[i][j]=0.2; a[i][j]=a[i][j]-0.2; cout<<a[i][j]<<"\n"; } } } [/CODE] //// why is the output not exactly 0.00 ??? how do i make it output 0.00

Member Avatar for reolynda
Member Avatar for Haranadh

Hi Can I use the this object inside the constructure of a C++ Class? please share if any one have idea what are the issues we may fall into.

Member Avatar for Haranadh
Member Avatar for gameon
Member Avatar for ota1it1iuss

Okay, the first project was to build a calculator that functioned as follows: ----------Using the example functions about, write a calculator program. Allow for the user to enter a simple math functions to evaluate: (Note: the '>' designates user input for cin) >5 >+ >7 >= result:12 or: >5 >+ …

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Member Avatar for ana_1234

I have an assignment in class I'm and almost done but I need help with one part. Within each subject in the output file, list the students in alphabetic order, sorted by last name. Do not change the given case (upper/lower case) of the names that were read from the …

Member Avatar for ana_1234
Member Avatar for escortcosworth

Hey guys, iam assigned a program that has to read in 3 values (sides of triangles) at a time and find the area. The values have to be read from a file, they are in a loop as there can be as many sets of triangles as the user wishes, …

Member Avatar for escortcosworth
Member Avatar for rObOtcOmpute
Member Avatar for rObOtcOmpute

I posted a thread a bit earlier about a simple error, but this is more of my main issue. I have a struct: [CODE=C++] struct Inventory { string ItemName; int ItemQty; float ItemPrice; }; [/CODE] with the intention of creating an array for storing an inventory array. I can't seem …

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The End.