49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for gedaahmed

hello guys!!!!!!!!!!! please,i have tried as much as i can to sort a given name alphabetically.but,i couldn't get it.please, help me.

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for dinesh.isuranga
Member Avatar for miturian

So, in the course of a bigger project, I need to generate normally distributed random numbers. I've decided to try to use the GSL rng library. From [URL="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Random-Number-Generator-Examples.html"] the gsl webpage[/URL] I got an example code, just to get an idea of how the interface works. The program looks like: …

Member Avatar for miturian
Member Avatar for sasTReSS

Hi everybody, i want to compare between 2 vector that stored char value. I've made 2 vector: [code] vector <char*> className; vector <vector<char*> > Item; [/code] first i stored the class data in each vector, the name of class in vector className. after that i get data from the other …

Member Avatar for sasTReSS
Member Avatar for carrythe1

Hi, I am trying to learn how to use windows hooks in c++ (using visual studio 2010) and have been reading a lot of info on msdn etc. I think i have a correct understanding of the process but am unsure about some of the specifics regarding its implementation, having …

Member Avatar for victorxstc

Hi guys and sorry for poor English I'm about to implement a program in C++ that according to the algorithm, will parse a text file and do further processes on it. I have previous implementations that could read ASCII characters from a plain text file. I need to extend it …

Member Avatar for vmaxusb

Hello, I have made client server communication and I am sending and recieving Files. I am using file pointer and fread and fwrire commands to read and write file. I am able to read and write .txt,.GIF files.but I could not write .doc file. I am opening file in binary …

Member Avatar for victorxstc
Member Avatar for BLKelsey

Hi all, Quick question: This is the only thing left I'm trying to work out on my console program. I am trying to return control back to the point where a user enters their selection after giving an invalid entry. I am using switch statements that house the selections, and …

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for achieve_goals

Hi, I am confused in making circular linked list. This is what I have. CircularLinkedList.h [CODE]#ifndef CircularLinkedList_H #define CircularLinkedList_H class CircularLinkedList { public: void remove(); void set_number_people(int); void print(); }; #endif[/CODE] CircularLinkedList.cpp [CODE]#include "CircularLinkedList.h" #include "Node.h" #include <stdio.h> void CircularLinkedList::set_number_people(int num_people) //This is where I am confused { Node *head …

Member Avatar for ctaylo21
Member Avatar for dj_saxy

Is is possible to take an array full of characters and then make the characters into numbers? i.e. a =1, b=2 etc. I'm trying to write a program that deciphers ceasar shift ciphers. Any ideas would be really helpful, Thanks dj_saxy

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

Ok I have a program that reads in a .TXT file and displays it as tokens. What I'm trying to do now is read the file and print out only the reserved words for C++ and the variable it uses. For example: int main() { double e = 24; int …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for hypernova

As the title says it, I have made a program to implement adjacency list representation of graph. I wish to use it in implementing various graph algorithms like DFS, BFS, Dijkstra, etc. The program works fine for the test cases I put in it. But I am sure that there …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for ctoshi

i am new to linux, i want to run QRNA..but i am getting this message please help sqio.c:220: error: conflicting types for ‘getline’ /usr/include/stdio.h:651: note: previous declaration of ‘getline’ was here make: *** [sqio.o] Error 1

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Jennifer84

Hi, I am using a flashcontrol in my application where I have assigned a bannerlink. A banner is shown in the flashcontrol wich is perfect and when clicking the bannercontrol the companys webpage is opened up in a browser. This works fine. The problem is now when I assign the …

Member Avatar for dansnyderECE

I'm trying to fill a string with the name of a file stored in a "fake memory" vector. Assuming I have a start pointer that directs me to the beginning of the string in my memory and I know the string completes with a NULL, how do I do this? …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for kenji

Hey, Iv decided to tackle a bit off C++ before I start it in college in fall and Im sort of stuck on a problem. The book im reading is Accelerated C++ and its exercise 3.2. Basically the question asks to get values from the user and take for at …

Member Avatar for arkoenig
Member Avatar for akssps011

I am having problem in using a virtual function across several files. I have this code: myPlugin.h [CODE] #include "myprojPluginInterface.h" #include "myproj_export.h" class MYPROJ_EXPORT myProjPlugin : public myprojPluginInterface { public: virtual ~myProjPlugin(); virtual myProjPlugin * newInstance() const = 0; virtual int speed() const; virtual int direction() const; protected: PositionProviderPlugin(); }; …

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Member Avatar for tennis
Member Avatar for magnumsv

Hello, I am trying to execute two external programs at once. Here's my code: [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { system("cd \\ && cd Program Files\\Skype\\Phone && Skype.exe"); cout<<"Skype launched \n"; system("cd \\ && cd Program Files\\MAXA Notifier for Skype && SkypeNotifier.exe "); cout<<"MAXA launched \n"; system("pause"); return 0; …

Member Avatar for packetpirate
Member Avatar for iXmerof

Hi, I am using Visual Studio 2008 and I am writing an MFC Dialog Based Application. I have two trobules - the program uses brushes to draw the lines throw the points from the CPoint table - but the density of points may be vary every time. So my idea …

Member Avatar for iXmerof
Member Avatar for RingmasterTJ

Hey everyone, So, for my C++ course I am implementing a Binary Search Tree. In this Binary Search Tree we are to create a function to copy the values of a passed array into a Balanced Binary Search Tree that will render a correct inorder traversal. I.E. an array of …

Member Avatar for wieczorek1990
Member Avatar for Sumaiah

3. Write a program to convert a number between 0 and 20000 (exclusive) into words. The program must use functions, and switch/case. Here is a sample run: This program will convert a number to words. Enter a number less than 20,000 : 18975 Number:18975 in Words: eighteen thousand nine hundred …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for anshuli30

Well I am doing Computer engineering.. and doing a project on web crawler I am familiar with C and C++ only.. i need to make a program on how to search from my hard disk..can any one help..?

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Member Avatar for nwhitfield

im not able to find anything on the internet about the code that will make it so when one presses a key he will exit the program or something like that.

Member Avatar for avarionist
Member Avatar for Prasad Bhujbal
Member Avatar for packetpirate
Member Avatar for Ryan61343

what would be a good way to go about summing the digits of an int for example say i put in 3456 the sum of thos would be 18 but i have no idea how to get the numbers to sum from a single integer

Member Avatar for Ryan61343
Member Avatar for Martje

How do i load a text file to a windows clr textbox? and how do i save the lines of the textbox to a file?

Member Avatar for Martje
Member Avatar for mimis

Hi, I am trying to write a program that will read an integer as a string and it will add 1 to this integer. For example if it read 234, it will return 235. My attempt is this: [CODE] #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; void addone(string& num){ int …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for abrou

Hello, I have come across a compile error, which should have a very simple solution, but I cannot figure it out. I am fairly new to programming and am still getting used to OOP. I am trying to call a function from another class. The class seems to work but …

Member Avatar for deepavj
Member Avatar for epicasian

First off, sorry if this is the wrong section, but sense I'm working with graphics, I thought it would be more appropriate for the game dev topic. Okay, whenever I start debugging from VC++, I segfault. But when I run my program outside of VC++, it runs perfectly fine. If …

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram

The End.