49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for mswezey

Hello. Finishing up the my program that's due soon and I've came across some hiccups you could say. Basically I am to write a Class definition file and use it to to read in an infinite amount of fraction problems. (+,-,*,/,<,>,<=,>=,==, and !=) While I have successfully written most of …

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Member Avatar for mark88211

This lab i am stuck on and was wondering if someone could help me with the source code. Thanks. I need a program in c++ that asks a user for 20 integers and finds the max, min, average and median of the numbers inputted. It wants code to contain arrays …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for d34dw4rd

Hi, I'm new to C++ and my first assignment is to convert C code into C++ code. Here I have a loop, however; I can't seem to get it to break out of the loop. It is suppose to input an odd number that is less than 15 and set …

Member Avatar for d34dw4rd
Member Avatar for jdpjtp910

I have some code that implements a linked list. The program has the basic implmenetation including: • IntList() // Constructor • ~IntList(); // Destructor • void appendNode(int); • void insertNode(int); • void deleteNode(int); • void displayList(); • void reverseList(); I am trying to get the reverList to work correctly. Below …

Member Avatar for abhimanipal
Member Avatar for YeMiller

Alrighty, just wondering if anyone can spare a few minutes to help me out a little. Trying to do the finishing touches on a project I've got for tomorrow. My problem is this - I'm trying to make the user interface a little more appealing instead of it just asking …

Member Avatar for YeMiller
Member Avatar for eggberto

What is wron with my code?: [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int i; void myfunc(char scrpt); char scrpt; char scpt[10][200]; int junk; int main() { int z; char scpt[10][200] = { "AAA", "A1", "BBB", "B1", "CCC", "C1", "DDD", "D1", "EEE", "E1" }; srand((unsigned)time(NULL)); z = rand()%1-10; …

Member Avatar for sdsda
Member Avatar for Seriss

The goodIds and badIds arrays don't seem to be loading right. The good one shows all the values loaded in including 4 0s at the bottom where the bad ids were.. the bad one does the same only all the good ones come out as 0s and the bad ones …

Member Avatar for sdsda
Member Avatar for jigglymig1

I need help with inputing the file. The file has the "lastName" "firstName" "phoneNumber" "email" then a new line. When i read in all 4 rows it says the first line in all 4 rows. the infile is in main [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; void mainMenu(); void …

Member Avatar for sdsda
Member Avatar for mn_minal

I am trying to migrate from VC++6 to VC++9. I am getting error " fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'fstream.h': No such file or directory" on build. I tried removing .h and adding using namespace std; after #include, here it gives me error in iosfwd file like "iosfwd(574) …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Dinglish

I have a c++ problem regarding looping. I am writing a program which will include a problem similar to below. 1) ok, i am writing a program that asks the user to enter a number. 2) Then ask the user if the number entered was correct. 3) If the number …

Member Avatar for caut_baia
Member Avatar for MattyRobot

I am trying to move a project from CodeBlocks to visual c++. (it compiles fine using minGW) I am using the 2010 express version. when I compile the projectusing VC++ I get the errors below. I have done some research and it is comming from including windows.h. to test this …

Member Avatar for 3cats

I have an if stmt which checks to see if a char value (upper or Lower) is equal to a value input by end user. My understanding was if you are using a char value in a conditional stmt you need to put single quotes around the char value. If …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for john10

Hi, I've only learned c++ for about 2months, I've basically learned up to arrays, two and multiple dimensions but not in-depth. Currently reading through pointers. I've managed to achieve a similar graph to what i am supposed to have. What I'm getting. [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n79/johnz13/graph1.jpg[/IMG] Should look like. [IMG]http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n79/johnz13/graph.jpg[/IMG] Problem I am …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for walaa_23

Hi all, I create a MFC DLL "Static" and with wizard I add a dialog and "Microsoft web browser" ActiveX in this dialog, also I create a class for this Dialog. All I want here to call this Dll from a Win32 app "normal c++" and load this Dialog into …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for bs5134

I need to write a program that sums all values in an array row that the user can choose. The program sums correctly but instead of only outputting one row's sum, it sums up all of the rows up until the input row and adds them all together. I can't …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for alcondor

I have worked on this code hours, and get it to work finally on Linux Debian.. its basically sort a linked list --bubble sort. Also I added a piece of code to the main function to measure the execution time of the bubble sort function what I am trying now …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Sonali_86

Hi, I had a query whether Windows multithreading API throw any Synchronization exception. If I am sharing a STL string between threads and the string is not guarded,will there be any synchronization exception. Another query is does STL container throw exceptions apart from memory violation Thanks in advance :-)

Member Avatar for madhav_75
Member Avatar for batchprogram

I'm an experienced programmer of 5 years in Java & C#, but recently I decided to program in C++ as well. I'm familiar with proper code syntax and advanced programming techniques, but this compiler error i'm getting just stumps me beyond recognition, I've analyzed my code for syntax errors a …

Member Avatar for EddieBre
Member Avatar for madmax007

Hi, I want to develop a an application based on independent "CustomModule" that all derived from a base class "BaseModule" and that can send different kind of "CustomEvent" (derived from a "BaseModule" class) to each other. Each Module just knows that it is connected to others "BaseModule" (i.e. it does …

Member Avatar for madmax007
Member Avatar for Prota

Hi! I have a problem finding a string from a register if it contains a certain character combinations and * is used to "fill" the positions of the string as we do not know the contents of. Example: We register "abc" and "abd". If we only know "a" and "b" …

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Member Avatar for phummon

Hello everyone, I’m an intermediate-level C++ programmer grappling with a fairly rudimentary problem. I’m creating a C++ object called FruitCart; FruitCart contains a number of integers categorizing the numbers of individual fruit in the cart. I also need FruitCart to contain accessor functions so other functions can set, retrieve, and …

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Member Avatar for timb00

Hallo everybody, I'am a newbe in the subject of dynamic-link library an c++. Currently I'am working on an interface of a fortran dll to c++ programm. I have available a example interface in Fortran, which works very well. My idea is to develop a one to one correspondent c++ source …

Member Avatar for blackmagic01021

I have a void type array. I want to create a function which will read 12 bits in each time and store it in a unsigned int type variable. Any ideas? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for goback

I have got a homework named greatest common divisor of two integers write in C++ in MS visual c++ 2008 in windows form. Using listbox, textbox... I don't know how write this programme. Please help me thank you. Sorry for my English.

Member Avatar for goback
Member Avatar for 3cats

We are just learning user defined functions. Instructor has us taking a prev assignment and pulling the calculations into functions. I thought I understood how to do the function, but guess not I''m getting the "error term does not evaluate to a function taking 0 arguments." I have been working …

Member Avatar for chiwawa10
Member Avatar for rowley4

I am trying to get my program to print the normalized matrix values and the maximums for each column. The output should be organized nicely in rows by columns manner followed by a row of values for each column maximum. For each column of the matrix find the member-cell with …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for d3mos

[CODE]bool validateCourse ( int courseNum ) { switch ( courseNum ) { case 4587: case 4581: case 9696: case 4590: case 4580: case 4599: case 4583: case 8997: return true; case default: return fasle; } } [/CODE] I need it so if the user enters anything but these course numbers …

Member Avatar for chiwawa10
Member Avatar for viziroth

I'm writing a header file for a class project and one of the functions we have to add finds a patient's age from their birth date. I need to write the function without arguments or any user input and can't use a static date. I've figured out enough that I …

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Member Avatar for hassan_physic

me too i need to load image by borland c++ but i dont know how please someone tell me

Member Avatar for Schrödinger

Hello, I have entered 6 random names into a text file. From my program, I accessed that file, and stored the 6 names into a vector. Now my question is, how do I delete every n number of names? I am having trouble figuring out how to keep "wrapping around" …

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The End.