49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for slygoth

Hey guys. I just learn about magic numbers today. I am trying to make a program that uses fstream along with magic numbers to tell what a file is. Example the magic numbers for jpg are ff d8 ff e0. How do i check a file to see if its …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hari.paartha

[COLOR="Green"]Hi all Pls tell me how i can read a data from EXCEL file and copy it to a text file using c++ program.I dont want to do it as manually .(Its for an extended application for software).I want to read the data from perticular cell to the end of …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for stereomatching

[code] template<typename U, typename T, typename binary_functor> struct template_param_swap { binary_functor<U, T> func1; #1 binary_functor<T, U> fun2; #2 }; [/code] CH3 of modern c++ design may solve this, but I am not a template wizard and don't have the ability to make it yet. template template parameter could make #1 …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Rez11

I have this assignment to do. Its been about a year since I messed with c++ and I've been refreshing my brain on the subject. The assignment is this : Your assignment is to write a program for a computer dating service. Each client gives you his or her name, …

Member Avatar for jmichae3
Member Avatar for rohan121212

Hey i am a beginner in programming I typed the following program on my own But there are a lot of errors it it Please help me find them [CODE] #include<IOSTREAM.h> main() { int a,b,c,x; cout<<"Enter three values - \nA,B,c."; cout<<"A-"; cin>>a; cout<<"B-"; cin>>b; cout<<"c-"; cin>>c; if (a>b) x=1 else …

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Member Avatar for cafegeo

I'm not sure if my title makes sense, but I have an assignment and need some guidance on how to approach this. It's an Accounts Receivable program for ABC Hardware Company. I have a Master file with cust numbers, cust name and balance due. I also have a Transaction file …

Member Avatar for cafegeo
Member Avatar for nightcrew

convertHex changes all occurrences of %XX (XX are exactly two hexadecimal digits) to ascii characters. Returns the number of replacements made. Here are the rules: Except when defining your character arrays, you must use pointer notation for all c-string manipulation--no []'s allowed. You may use any function from the cctype …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for cafegeo

Hello everyone. I am trying to pull data from a file and show it on the screen. There is a condition in the file that says if it is a "payment" or "order". A "P" and an "O" in the first column. My output becomes an infinite loop. I have …

Member Avatar for cafegeo
Member Avatar for ag_17

I was using getline() function and it was getting skipped. I searched through the forum and found the tutorial on how to flush the input stream but there is one thing that is still unclear to me : getline() uses newline character as a delimiter. So when a '\n' is …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for mikepablo

For my intro to c++ class I have to create a complete program from broken algorithms The questions are (a) Print a random number between -1 and -9 to the output screen: (b) Print (to the output screen) the sum of the square roots of the numbers 1, 2, 3 …

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Member Avatar for tedman102

Ok, so I'm new to programming and I'm making console programs right now. I tried making a program to draw a rectangle in a cli program. I have some logical errors in the program that prevent it from working. I'm new to C++ so go easy on me. :P [CODE]/*Program …

Member Avatar for mlesniak
Member Avatar for sjcomp

Hello, I am using a singleton pattern, which works fine. But when I decided to have a singleton of a nested class that is privately declared. [CODE]class A : public CSingletonTmpl<A> { class B : public CSingletonTmpl<B> { }; }; A* CSingletonTmpl<A>::s_Singleton = NULL; A::B* CSingletonTmpl<A::B>::s_Singleton = NULL; [/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for madGambol
Member Avatar for collinskawere

hello. am a new student to programming! am doing c in my computer science class at university, as dev cpp as the compiler; - but am disappointed each time I try to run a program. the program just flashes off the screen! am using windows 7 professional s a platform. …

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Member Avatar for valestrom

Okay, so almost the exact same code works in one of my c++/cli projects, but not the other. Both have the variables set as public, so they should be free to change. But only the first one does, and the second one does nothing. Here's the button click code for …

Member Avatar for valestrom
Member Avatar for datuna

unfortunately following code returns zero as output [CODE]#include<iostream> #define MAX 100 using namespace std; int graph[MAX][MAX]; int queue[MAX]; int head,tail; int parent[MAX]; int V,E; int s,t,fTotal; int F[MAX][MAX]; //breadth First search bool reachable(int s,int t){ bool found=false; head=tail=0; int vq; memset(parent,255,sizeof(parent)); queue[tail++]=s; parent[s]=s; while(head< tail && ! found){ vq=queue[head++]; for(int …

Member Avatar for stereomatching

For what I know, typeid(type) would return a type_info object, typeid(type).name() would print the name of the type, the names are depend on compilers. I would like to build a table by std::map<typeid(type).name(), std::function>. My questions : (1) : For what I know, the names of typeid(type).name() are not always …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for typedefcoder

I want to parse command line arguments. Say someone gives me ./progname param2 [-price=50] [-size=10] [-weight=16] [-height=7] Square bracketed items are optional. Either none or exactly two of -price, -size, -weight, and -height can be specified. If none of them are specified, it should be taking default values for price …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Aghtar

Hey guys, theres a problem with the loop inside the yesno function here.. it kinda of hmm.. keeps the first number i enter and gives me the factorial of that number even if i enter another number the second time.. also my no option still gives me the loop even …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for mikecolistro

Hello there! Im making a huffman tree and im having troubles with the pointers. For somereason its not giving the correct output. The problem is where the l2 nodes are pointing. [CODE]#include <iostream> /* A=7 B=2 C=2 D=3 E=11 F=2 G=2 H=6 I=6 J=1 K=1 L=4 M=3 N=7 O=9 P=2 …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for fatzky_04

How does the functions for creating nodes can be used to create a linear linked list with n nodes? The linear linked list that will be created will be assigned values from 1 to n, right? The newly created linear linked list is returned by the function create linear() below. …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for Muckytears

So yeah I'm a fairly new coder but I'm trying to learn to do some various things. I can't find any straight forward answers to this anywhere else on the internet but I was wondering if my idea was possible before I spend time on it, and if possible could …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for karthik.datt

#include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include "g.h" typedef unsigned long (*AsmFunc)(AS_INBUF *, AS_OUTBUF *, T_REG_INF *, T_MPCNT *, ICE_ID *); int main() { AsmFunc _AsmFunc; HINSTANCE hInstLibrary = LoadLibrary((LPCWSTR)L"C:\Documents and Settings\karthikdatt\Desktop"); if (hInstLibrary) { _AsmFunc = (AsmFunc)GetProcAddress(hInstLibrary, "Assembler"); if (_AsmFunc) { std::cout << "ASSEMBLER FUNCTION" << _AsmFunc(ptr1,ptr2,ptr3,ptr4,ptr5) << std::endl; } } …

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Member Avatar for truetexan

I am developing a Vis C++ 2010 Express Windows Forms application which handles some time/date scheduling, based on user input. So, to test the application, I ran my PC's date forward a couple of weeks. Edited a glitch in the mean time... Then, set the date back to current. Now, …

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Member Avatar for C++newbie chick

Hi guys, what I'm trying to do is allow the user to add a new student record to the system. If the user inputs a student ID already existing in the system, it doesn't accept the ID, but if it's a new student ID, it asks the user if they …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for ChaseRLewis

So going over the new DirectXMath and loving how it has better documentation then the old versions, but anyways. It makes a note on many of its targets need to have aligned memory blocks, but that throws me for a loop because I don't know of a way to declare …

Member Avatar for stereomatching
Member Avatar for stereomatching

Since the data structure are something like [code] struct morph { size_t num; std::string name; //and so on } [/code] I have to find the different of the two sets with functor or some 3rd party where could I find something like this? Below is the implementation alter by me(refer …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for C++newbie chick

Hello guys, I've tried searching the internet on how to cout a struct in an array via a binary search, but with no success. I've only learned how to do a linear search and I sort of understand how to do a binary search but: how do I cout the …

Member Avatar for C++newbie chick
Member Avatar for javedmirza

AOA Dear fellows i have code in which i uses linked list.when i compile that program the compiled file run but not work. I write this code in Dev c++. [CODE] #include <iostream.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; class Node { public: int value; string Name; Node * …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for ben1996123

I just made one, however after a short time or after a click, it just breaks and an image of the window appears within the window, and that image starts jumping around within the window, but the actual window stays where it is. I have no idea why this is …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I need to know how to extract the data in a display list in opengl. I have a font and use it to create a display list to draw, but then I want to get the actual vertexes of it so I can use them for collision checking. How can …

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The End.