49,761 Topics

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Member Avatar for Octet

Hello DaniWeb Users, I am new to the forum however from what I have seen it is exceptionally good! I have searched the forums already and found various questions relating to a similar problem as mine however I am unable to work out how I can amend this for my …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for eRayven38

Hey Guys, I am really trying to get into List-Implementation. Everything I wrote works fine except the "delete Element at Position" funktion. With the iterative Implementation there is no problem, everything works, but I want to do a recursive Version. This is the Task: Invent an algorithm which becomes a …

Member Avatar for deepu.sri24
Member Avatar for mrgadgets

Hi, I just want to know is c++ or maybe java the programming language which is used by most programmers to write those software programs we seen on cnet or clickbank? I am really interested to develop a software which can run on desktop (particularly on windows). Also I am …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for v3ga

I am doing a program to do dfs traversal given the adjacency matrix. My code follows: [CODE] #include <iostream> #define SIZE 10 using namespace std; bool M[SIZE][SIZE]; int flag[SIZE]; int dfsNum[SIZE], num; int n; void dfs( int u, int p ) { flag[u] = 1; dfsNum[u] = num++; for( int …

Member Avatar for v3ga
Member Avatar for chandara

Please help me out to put the above code of delete array crashing together, because I've been trying millions of time. Please help. Thanks a lot.

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for brettclavier

I'm working on a tool that can copy the registry files from a designated drive or image onto a local machine. After doing that, how would I go about reading from those registry keys? I've seen other people use RegOpenKeyEx but that was on their computer and not an external …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for karmstrong

I'm at the very last bit of this project. I think i am confusing myself at this point. I need to do one last function called showCost. The function is to print the total cost and the average cost. I'm at a loss one how to do this. Wonder if …

Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer
Member Avatar for ravinder yadav

i want to write a program which display alert message whenever 15 mins are over.But i am not finding solution of my problem using waitforexit() or delay() functions. [CODE] #include<time.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<conio.h> void main(void) { time_t timer; struct tm *tblock; time_t t; //timeout=18000; /* gets time of day */ …

Member Avatar for ravinder yadav
Member Avatar for shinnoon

hi I'm new to c++,I really need your help :( I have an assignment that it's title is a latin sort.It needs to read from the text file and then sort the words by bst and again write the sorted files to a text file,I also attach the assignment I …

Member Avatar for shinnoon
Member Avatar for Navlag

I am getting the following error: PII.cpp:266: error: 'struct std::string' has no member named 'getfirstblock' And I'm not sure how to fix it, since "int block" has to be equal to the firstblock of the file, how can I fix that error? Also, my "getfirstblock" function should return the block …

Member Avatar for baldwindc
Member Avatar for skylinedrifter

Hey fox i had a hw problem and im stuck we're supposed to do a payment project and i sort of did the first part but then stuck on the second. Here's what i've done so far... [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> using namespace std; //Program name: Amortize int …

Member Avatar for baldwindc
Member Avatar for jonnyboy12

Hello i am building a game. The bigger it gets , the longer it takes to compile. I wanted to speed up compile time. I have a lot of headers and cpp's and they recompiled every time. I was thinking about when building my game, excluding some parts of it …

Member Avatar for jonnyboy12
Member Avatar for christine.j

So, I've been assigned to write a program that reads the wind-tunnel test data, that of which is called the "tunnel.dat" in my program, and then allows the user to enter a flight-path angle. If the angle entered is within the bounds of the data set, the program would need …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for jmaass20

this is my first year of c++ and i am really confused on functions. if someone could help me with one of my examples to get me on the right track i would really appreciate it. 1. using void printMenu().....i dont understand how to set it up 2. using isEven(int, …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for slygoth

Hey guys i am having a little trouble with this code [CODE]# include <fstream> # include <iostream> # include <string> using namespace std; int main() { fstream filestr; filestr.open("text.txt", fstream::in | fstream::out | fstream::app); filestr.close(); return 0; }[/CODE] But i keep getting a error when i run it 1> All …

Member Avatar for slygoth
Member Avatar for gus7984

Hello, I have a question about classes on C++. So far I have 3 classes on my project. BibEntry ( abstract class), KeyFinder (class to find the \cite in file and store to private KEY at abstract) and TypeFinder ( class to find which entry is it article, journal so …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for 3FatCats

The assignment requires program to read from a file into an array, use two boolean functions to validate certain data (set to "true" when there are no errors) then output any errors to a separate file. Everything works fine except for validating the rate. All the numbers are read into …

Member Avatar for 3FatCats
Member Avatar for king03

Hi there guys I just wanted to ask if you have any c++ games there that are easy to program? I'm on my way to learning game programming with c++, so perhaps you can give me ideas on what to code just the basic c++ games like tic tac toe …

Member Avatar for Serapth
Member Avatar for caut_baia

Hi.I get the following error "g++: error: CreateProcess no such file or directory" whenever i try to compile a program.I have installed the MinGw 7.2 version at work on a windows machine and the problem does not occur , however after installing windows SP3 on my home computer i get …

Member Avatar for toneatles

Hello all, U have a project that I am trying to figure out how to start, I don't have very strong programming skills, so I'm actually quite lost here. Any help is appreciated. Basically here is what I have to do: 8 processes are characterized by 5 readers and 3 …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for garu525

I'm having an error "a value of type "double" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "double *" Any tips? Thanks! [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct sample { string name; double *num; unsigned elements; }; int main () { sample x = {"Dude", [COLOR="Red"]{1, 2, …

Member Avatar for garu525
Member Avatar for mrgadgets

I am a web developer and this is my first time doing coding for desktop program. I am looking for a software development tool to use for c++ which include GUI and be able to pack up and run on windows after I have finished written the program. This software …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for sasho648

My question is why fstream can't read 0x1a. For example make a test file and inside it write in HEX editor 30 1A. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <fstream> typedef unsigned long DWORD; using namespace std; fstream myfile; template <class T> T grad(T value, int step) { T val(value); if(!step) return 0; …

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Member Avatar for s_r_k

I'm doing a project for school and I've run into a problem. I have to reset values of a cylinder (height and diameter), back to the values used in the default constructor within a function. Here is what I have so far: My Class [CODE]class cylinder { public: cylinder(); cylinder(double …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for champaned_out

I am currently working on a small project with Fibonacci numbers and it requires me to report an error when given a negative numbers. This is the assignment my professor gave me, "The program is not assured of receiving good data, thus if -2 is received as the number of …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for ToweyLeake

Hello again. I am hitting a brick wall. I am to read data from a file, store the data in three arrays respectively, and then calculate and display the average of the numbers in column 2 and 3. These are the things I know: Read my data from file. Use …

Member Avatar for ToweyLeake
Member Avatar for learner guy

hi i have two problems in c++ console application 1. I want a function to execute when a certain key is pressed .kbhit() is for any key but i want to modify it to a specific key ..plz tell me about it also if any other function can do this …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

Two things. First I need to resolve the linker errors I'm getting and I also need to learn how to create a text file in a C++ project file. I'm working on a stacks project with classes and I'm running into linker errors. Specifically it says: [B][Linker error] undefined reference …

Member Avatar for BoBok2002
Member Avatar for v3ga

Hi everyone just started Daniweb! I have been using devcpp for some time.I am trying to make a switch from DevCpp to Visual Studio but find the latter confusing having so many options. Recently, I did a console application that will accept a word from user and prints its anagrams. …

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Member Avatar for reddit

I am trying to make an 8x8 board with an array. The only problem I run into is making a box or square that will be placed into that array. for instance: @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ …

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The End.