49,762 Topics

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I'm trying to do an analysis of buildHeap vs. inserting an array of n values one at a time into a heap. I have a random case, best, and worst case. I was wondering if anyone knows what would actually be in an array to make the best and worst …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for MachDelta

Another newbie question here. What's the difference between these two? [CODE]cin.ignore(cin.rdbuf()->in_avail(), '\n'); cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');[/CODE] I understand that the former will ignore only the characters [I]left[/I] in the stream buffer, while the latter tries to ignore characters equal to the [I]size[/I] of the buffer. So the end result should, normally, be …

Member Avatar for MachDelta
Member Avatar for myrongainz

[CODE]string rev; for(int i =1; i<=(int)user.length();i+=2) { rev = user.length[i+1]; rev = user.length[i]; } [/CODE] this is a part of my code where "user" is the user inputted text. I'm trying to get the output to do this. input - square output - er au qs I've been stuck on …

Member Avatar for myrongainz
Member Avatar for George_91

I've to make several experiments of some algorithms. I want to send those results to a .txt file [CODE] //.... for (count= 1; count<= 20; count++){ //.... std::cout<<exp<<"Time: "<<duration << " seconds" <<'\n'; ofstream f2; f2.open("results.txt", ofstream::out); for(int i=0; i<=20; i++){ f2<<duration<<endl; } f2.close(); } [/CODE] With this code, I …

Member Avatar for MachDelta
Member Avatar for Brokenpwn

I recently started reading Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming written by Wendy Jones, and I'm about 60 pages in on the chapter about sprites, and I feel like I haven't learned anything, half the code they throw at me I can hardly decipher, and even if I do that, how …

Member Avatar for Serapth
Member Avatar for vishwanath.m

hey guys, i have a problem with this question.. Given n and m, calculate 1^1 + 2^2 + 3^3 + ... + n^n modulo m. here i cant use power function directly as it only works for very very small inputs. Test your code on anything larger and you will …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for George_91

I've this code. I need to do several experiments to obtain de average time it takes to do some methods. Instead of re-running and re-running the program, I want to put a segment of the code in a FOR bucle. The problem is that my program never ends,it stays looping …

Member Avatar for vishwanath.m
Member Avatar for George_91

I've a vector of size 'n', I need to do random couples with the n numbers (integers) and make a swap between them. Any ideas how? I had this idea [CODE] int low = 0; int temp; for (int high = n-1; i= low; high-- ) { temp = v[high]; …

Member Avatar for George_91
Member Avatar for learner guy

hi can anyone help me in making this code work ..i will be very grateful to him/her [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; #define BLACK 0 #define BLUE 1 #define GREEN 2 #define CYAN 3 #define RED 4 #define MAGENTA 5 #define BROWN 6 #define …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Vasthor

the program behaviour is different with code that have similar function this [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { int a = 1; while (a < 11) { int b = a++; int c = a * b; std::cout << c << std::endl; ++a; } return 0; } /* …

Member Avatar for Vasthor
Member Avatar for george08.08

Hello again I am a bit confused about how to show a constant in a class constructor. I have a savings account class (A child class of Account) which has a constant interest rate. I have it in my class as a static constant double INTEREST_RATE;. Then outside of my …

Member Avatar for mzimmers
Member Avatar for VilePlecenta

Seen it asked for so here it is.[code]#include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; #define ClearScreen() system( "CLS" ) class _Notepad { public: _Notepad() { ZeroMemory( &Buffer, sizeof( Buffer ) ); pt.x = 1; pt.y = 1; } void GetUserString(); void SendToChild(); private: HWND nphWnd; POINT pt; char …

Member Avatar for fengdanbailu
Member Avatar for george08.08

Hello I am creating a bank account for an assignment and the account number must be automatically generated with consecutive numbers. I have written some code that works, but now I need to know how to use it in conjunction with my Account class, especially how to add it to …

Member Avatar for mzimmers
Member Avatar for Vasthor

2-4. The framing program writes the mostly blank lines that separate the borders from the greeting one character at a time. Change the program so that it writes all the spaces needed in a single output expression. already google this, but what I got is a bunch of headache... so, …

Member Avatar for Vasthor
Member Avatar for fatzky_04

HELLO! There is no error and it runs, but it doesn't show my desired output. What is the problem? [CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct list { int data; struct list *ptr; }; int main() { struct list *clist; struct list *top; struct list *tmpptr; int i; clist=(struct list *)malloc(sizeof(struct list *)); top=clist; …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for tvm78

So I'm trying to write a program that is due tomorrow. I am trying to overload operators and dealing with template classes. I have everything written already but keep getting this error whenever i try to compile the driver file: NOTE: proj4.cpp has #include "box.h" and box.h compiles fine, but …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for phr33k

Hi, I am new to the forum. I am stuck on this assignment I have to do. I think i have defined the array suitably enough, I just cant implement the sorting specified in the question. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the question: Create a program in …

Member Avatar for dctb13
Member Avatar for typedefcoder

I have a series of Key value pairs. Each Key has 2 values. Values of Keys ma coincide. Initially i start with Key1, ValueKey1, ValueKey2 are stored in a set.(Maybe Array). Now for each consecutive Keyi, i check if Valuei, Valuei+1 are in the set. If any one of them …

Member Avatar for typedefcoder
Member Avatar for MachDelta

Hi everyone. First time poster here :) I'm working on my final project for a computing course at university, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a portable library or solution to changing console colours. I understand that such functions are OS specific (I'm working on Win32, but my …

Member Avatar for xfbs
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

After trying to start writing my long paper "Programing, The Art" I noticed that, getting user imput, conditional statements, using escape charecters, exicuting system commands, and even declaring variables and using them so that they have use; these are all difficult outside of the domain of C and C++, even …

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Member Avatar for Panathinaikos22

Here is my code, i will also give an example... [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; class Encryption { private: int wp, wk, encryption; public: Encryption() { } Encryption(int password, int key) :wp(password), wk(key) { } int Encrypt_Store() { encryption = wp + wk; cout << "Encypted: ( " << hex …

Member Avatar for xfbs
Member Avatar for Blue Hawk

hi guys .......i am new around here ......would like you suggest something about..."Gaming using C or C++ languages"

Member Avatar for xfbs
Member Avatar for thenewbiecoder

I have to write a game application that simulates a roulette table. The roulette table has 36 numbers (1 to 36) that are arranged in three columns of 12 rows. The first row has the numbers 1 through 3, the second row contains 4 through 6, and so on. There …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for rjstamey

Hello all, I am trying to figure out how to create new class objects when the user is asked if he/she would like to. What I have is a program we have to write that takes a certain number of students and keeps track of their name, assignments, and the …

Member Avatar for xfbs
Member Avatar for i2u2me

Complete TRY THIS Exercise 1, and then modify the IPO chart information and C++ instructions so that the commission rate will always be 10%. How is commission rate set to 10% always? <writing instruction> IPO Chart Inforomation C++ Instructions Input sale1 double sale1 = 0.0; sale2 double sale2 = 0.0; …

Member Avatar for collinskawere

why do my programs just flash off the screen when i try to execute them? i am new to programming, don't forget!

Member Avatar for siskaj
Member Avatar for Jsplinter

class MapClass holds copies of class DataStruct so that instances of class Action only have to store the key value associated with the DataStruct: [CODE]struct DataStruct { friend bool operator< (DataStruct const &lhs, DataStruct const &rhs) { if (lhs.xData < rhs.xData) return true; else if (lhs.xData > rhs.xData) return false; …

Member Avatar for Jsplinter
Member Avatar for hudsonzp

[CODE] #include <iostream.h> main(){ int balance; int payment; int payment_num = 1; int months = 0; float interest; cout << "Please input a value for the balance" << endl; cin >> balance; cout << "Please input a value for the payment" << endl; cin >> payment; while (balance > 0) …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for senergy

Hello, I've added TXT file to my resource, but now I need to know how to access data in it? can I use iostream to read data? I have this: resource.rc [code]LANGUAGE LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL IDR_0_1 0 "..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\Desktop\\test.txt"[/code] resource.h [code]#define IDR_0_1 119[/code] main.cpp [code]HRSRC hRes = FindResource(0, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_0_1), "0"); HGLOBAL hData …

Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for HASHMI007

[CODE] #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> template < class ItemType > class stack { private : int top; int maxStk; ItemType *items; public : stack(); stack(int max); int isEmpty(); int isFull(); void push(ItemType newItm); int Pop(ItemType &Itm); }; template <class ItemType> stack <ItemType>::stack(){ top=-1; maxStk=500; items=new ItemType[500]; } template <class ItemType> …

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The End.