49,756 Topics

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Member Avatar for angel6969

I am having some trouble with this program .. if input is abaabcdbab output should read abcd.... program is supposed to delete the repeated characters and output only one of each character but it is not working .... and ideas would be welcome //Reads the letters in an array and …

Member Avatar for Ariel_2
Member Avatar for gretty

Hello I have made a simple win32 program that displays a window that has a button & a text area. When I click the button, my program grabs the text from the text area & displays the grabbed text in a MessageBox. [B]My Problem:[/B] When my program grabs the text …

Member Avatar for malcolmsand
Member Avatar for Smn

Beginner's question : How is c different from c++? what are the differences? Which one shoul i go for , if i know basic oops (just basics)? **plz provide some genuine answers rather than simply "google"ing ..... I have searched a bit and not yet satisfied.**

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for vell

please help me to create a program about THE DECLARATION OF TWO VARIABLES CALLED COUNT AND DISTANCE.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Anil_7
Member Avatar for Moschops
Member Avatar for Sonia11

I am proceeding with parallel processing using GPU, while installing CUDA, I did build the dll files in CMAKE to have GPU support. I did include all the CUDA files and now when I am trying to rebuild the following solution: #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include "C:\Users\admin\Documents\opencv\build\include\opencv2\opencv.hpp" #include "C:\Users\admin\Documents\opencv\build\include\opencv2\gpu\gpu.hpp" using …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Muhammad_75

welcome everybody, i am able read my file by asking the filename from user but i am facing a little problem,When i type a name of file which doesnot exist,compiler also shows it with some zeroes, this is my program, please help me,having problem in case 2... #include <fstream> #include …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for ifra.raja.1

Define a structure Ticket that holds data items of a carnival which includes: name of the carnival, total amount of tickets, price per ticket, total tickets sold and total sales. The total sale is based on the price per ticket and total tickets sold. Input the data into structure type …

Member Avatar for Shining_1
Member Avatar for alan91

How to write a program using nested for loop to display the following output: 0 * * 0 1 2 * * * * 0 1 2 3 4 * * * * * * * * * *

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for aliasadullah
Member Avatar for cambalinho

can i change the HBITMAP structure for be transparent? because the gif's files are show me a black background color.

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for afiya abdu

i need a program that saves the record of three students in one subject then saves the file. again calling this file to calculate the total of the projects,assignments, final exams and finally do grade for three of them. at the end the students record should be puttedin menu of …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for ivel

Is it possible to solve this problem in c++? Write a program that counts the numbers from 3 to 117. But for multiples of three add 3 instead of 1 and for the multiples of five add 5 instead of 1. For numbers which are multiples of both three and …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Adam_21
Member Avatar for Ahmad Imran

Is it possible to use fclose() once for 2 file pointers. Somewhat like this : fclose(in,out); please help

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for Narue

When you want to remove extraneous characters from an input stream in C++, it's usually because you mixed formatted and unformatted input methods. The formatted method would leave a newline in the stream and the unformatted method would consume it and terminate successfully, but fail completely to do what you …

Member Avatar for Smn
Member Avatar for Ippolitos

Recently appeared on my desktop when i start my PC the following error: there was a problem starting C:\PROGRA~3\9EEDE77.ccp the specified module couldn't be found does anyone know what it is?..... i click ok and then i work with no obvious issues thank you

Member Avatar for Ippolitos
Member Avatar for cambalinho

i have these code for show popupmenus: case WM_USER + 1: { if(lParam==WM_RBUTTONUP) { POINT pCursor; GetCursorPos(&pCursor); HMENU test=GetSubMenu(GetMenu(HandleWindow),0); SetForegroundWindow(HandleWindow); TrackPopupMenu(test, TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RIGHTALIGN, pCursor.x, pCursor.y, 0, HandleWindow, NULL); PostMessage(HandleWindow, WM_NULL, 0, 0); } } break; the menu is showed normaly, but why the click message isn't working? heres the …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for Abiy_1
Member Avatar for Praveen_13

I have this code which works fine but I cant comprehend the meaning of cin.get(ch) in the for loop. I tested the program after removing it and the first input comes fine but as soon as loop runs for the second time, program does not wait for the user to …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for cambalinho

when do: operator HBITMAP() { HBITMAP hbitmap=CreateBitmap(imageweight,imageheight,1,32,NULL);//create the bitmap with icon size SelectObject(hdcimage, hbitmap);//add the bitmap to memory DC MessageBox(NULL,to_string(GetLastError()).c_str(),"error",MB_OK); return hbitmap; } the hdcimage is copyied to hbitmap, right?

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for exoruel

Good Day guys, I wanted to make a multiplication table but it seems not that easy for a newbie like me. Mind taking your time and see what I am missing in my code? It would be a great help. Here's the code: #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; void initArray(int …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for leo_7

``Bookkeeping You work for a company which mainly trades with 3 other companies. You record your balance in a file (you can still use cin or scanf to read or if you want you can read from "input.txt" file) with the following convention: Debit of Company A Credit of Company …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for markdean1989

I wonder why this program does not do any changes to the text file that I am trying to modify. Scenario: My program uses the Fstream header file, I declared infile as IFSTREAM and outfile as OFSTREAM. I simply want to transfer data from infile to outfile. The data is …

Member Avatar for markdean1989
Member Avatar for Ahmad Imran
Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for itzlavanya

guys help me out i need programs in c++ on library management, like a program to manage book issue and a program to manage book deposits.. but they should be of basic level, with headerfiles like iostream,conio,string,stdio and stdlib u can use for,while and d while loops ☺ thanks please …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for man.chester.581
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for it@61@sec

I want to copy all the files from one directory to another using the fread() and fwrite()-statements. Some of these files are rather large in size, and that's why I want to calculate who long the transfer will take. (Later I will use this information to show a progress bar …

Member Avatar for it@61@sec
Member Avatar for Haroon_3

I want to convert a code from C to C++ , but some statements are very difficult to me , and I have not enough time to make the whole code in C++ from beginning, So anyone who can help me in this regard please comment me then I will …

Member Avatar for dilantha.prasanjith.96
Member Avatar for cypherscouter13

I am using scientific linux. In the directory user/project/Build , after I ran 'make' to compile and link all the cpp files,I had no problems. But then, when I went to directory user/run/run.sh , which runs the project binary in user/project/Build/bin/project , I get a segmentation fault error. In the …

Member Avatar for Moschops

The End.