49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

I was wondering if [CODE] *pntr.age = 19;[/CODE] is valid considering that pntr is a pointer to an object that has age as a varible. If it is valid, can it be used with an array of pointers to objects? if yes can i get an example please? thank you.

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Mono15591

I haven't ran it for a while now and now I need to register it BUT the link it has to register doesn't load anymore...the site loads but all I get is a stupid loading animation for the product key. it's been going for 20 minutes now. I've tried multiple …

Member Avatar for totalwar235
Member Avatar for lsandling

I guess I am really having trouble with what's inside the function How do I get it out.. Suppose I ask a yes or no question and if the answer is no then break if the answer is yes then compute that formula. okay [CODE] int ThingYesNo; doubleThingHeight do { …

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Member Avatar for ahaykal

Hello i am new here i liked this community: I have a c++ homework could you check it if it is correct? 1. Rewrite the following loop so it uses pointer notation (with the indirection operator) instead of the subscript notation: [code] for (int x = 0; x < 100; …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for philipbas

i don know about class n pointers,can u explain it with essy examples please

Member Avatar for dusktreader
Member Avatar for fenerista

I have GradeBook.h that include class interface, GradeBook.cpp that include class implemantation, I want to make a lib file and use it with GradeBook.h on the other project. How can I do that ? I am using Windows 7, VS 2008

Member Avatar for fenerista
Member Avatar for SamStradling

I am getting the error error C4716: 'ReStart' : must return a value can anyone help? thanks [code]int ReStart(int id);[/code] [code]PushButtonAdd("Transparent",90,300,ReStart,11);[/code]

Member Avatar for harryhaaren
Member Avatar for mikabark

When I want to save result to file I use ofstream, right? [CODE]ofstream myout; myout.open (sav_fl, fstream::app); [/CODE] But depending on the "ol" value(=user input), I want to show it to screen not to file. How can I do? I thought this way. But error message shown up. [CODE]if (ol …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Hello. I need some help with a project of mine and the thing is that I have the class organisms that has two sub-classes: animals and plants. Animals has two subclasses itself: Carnivores and Herbivores. I have succeded in including the plants header file or cornivores header file or herbivores …

Member Avatar for SpyrosMet
Member Avatar for deorcar

hi im working with opengl/sdl and im still new to it what im trying to do is to make a 2nd box or sprite that will follow the frist box ive made can anyone help me out here is some of the code i have [CODE]#include "sdl.h" #include "GL_Functions.h" #include …

Member Avatar for Skeen
Member Avatar for atticusr5

Hey everyone, I have this assignment for my C++ class and I need to sort some data I have data in a file in this order: some 10 digit int -the account id some name -the account name some balance -the account balance basically I want to sort the data …

Member Avatar for atticusr5
Member Avatar for Roger_Hades

Hi everyone! I've been working on this code for 2 days(got half of it from the web) [code] class name { string name1; public: name(string s) //set name { name1 = s; } string get() //get name { return name1; } }; // Define less than relative to name objects. …

Member Avatar for Roger_Hades
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

Hey, this is my first post here, glad to be here and learn from you guys! what i'm trying to do is this: I would like to enter 2 names and then hit a number from lets say 1 to 10, and i have the array Q1,Q2... etc. these should …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for VilePlecenta

upon trying to save or view the code when I generate a dialog box in vs 2010 beta 2 I get a nice [URL="http://yfrog.com/jmdialogerrorp"]Little Error Box[/URL] That pop ups and prevents me from saving or editing the source at all leaving hours wasted making it in the first place. I …

Member Avatar for V0ldemort

[CODE]LPCWSTR name; name += TEXT(".png");[/CODE] produces:'+=' : illegal, right operand has type 'const wchar_t [5]' I want to have .png appended to the name string. Anyone know how to fix it?

Member Avatar for thelamb
Member Avatar for xiaodi
Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for kppowell

Hey, im Keith and im 15 years old. I like computers alot and im pretty good at making websites, so this year i signed up for computer science. Our teacher is teaching us how to wrote programs using C++ and i love it, but i was wondering, why are they …

Member Avatar for sonu babu
Member Avatar for nose

I am trying to convert this to Delphi, but I'm lost, please help [CODE=cpp]enum Error { Ok = 0, ErrorUnsupportedFunction, ErrorInvalidParamaters, ErrorInternal, ErrorUnknown = 0xffffffff }; typedef enum Error Error; Error __stdcall GetLastError() { typedef Error(__stdcall *FunctionType)(); FunctionType GetLastError = (FunctionType)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(NULL), "GetLastError"); return GetLastError(); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for manchesterutd

Hey guys, I really do not know on how to start this loop logic structure. Can anyone give me a rough idea on how to go about it? The question is : Develop a solution to calculate a student's grade average for one semester. The letter grades should be entered …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Dragonsreign

[code] /* * This program displays "I Love C++" to the Standard Output */ #include <iostream> int main () { std::cout << "I Love C++"; return 0; } [/code] I just DLed and Installed Cygwin and Netbeans using instructions from: [url]http://netbeans.org/community/releases/65/cpp-setup-instructions.html[/url] I did see that ths "type" of problem has …

Member Avatar for Dragonsreign
Member Avatar for d2dupes

So here is my program: [code] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { string lotName, bidder1_ID, bidder2_ID; double reservePrice, bidder1_bid, bidder2_bid; cout << "Enter lot name: "; getline (cin, lotName); cout << "Enter a reserve price: cin >> reservePrice; cout << "Bidder #1, enter your …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

Assuming that a year has 365 days, write a class named DayOfYear that takes an integer representing a day of the year and translates it to a string consisting of the month followed by day of the month. For example, Day 2 would be January 2 Day 32 would be …

Member Avatar for clutchkiller
Member Avatar for agnetta22

this is the program // file: am00201.cpp // author: a.montes de oca #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a[16] = {67, 111, 110, 103, 114, 97, 116, 117, 108, 97, 116, 105, 111, 110, 115, 33}; int i; char letter; i = 0; while (i < 16) …

Member Avatar for adnan.siddique
Member Avatar for psdao1102

[CODE]#include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <cassert> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream inFile; ofstream outFile; inFile.open("file.txt"); assert(!inFile.fail()); cout << "everythings fine" << endl; cin.ignore(); cin.get(); return 0; }[/CODE] This is my current code, file.txt doesnt exist. The program simply crashes. I was hoping for an error message explaining what …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for chuong3a

Help me to find the error in Prim code, thanks. [CODE] #include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #define MAX 10 class prims { private: int cost[MAX][MAX], tree[MAX][MAX]; int n; public: void readmatrix(); int spanningtree (int src); void display (int cost); }; void prims :: readmatrix() { int i, j, k; n = …

Member Avatar for chuong3a
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Hello. I'm a newbie and i was wondering if anyone can tell me how to create an array that contains objects and number 0 wherever there is no object. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for atticusr5

Hello everyone, I am a C++ newbie and I am running into some linking errors. I am using Vi to compile and link my code. Here are the linking errors: assign6.o: In function `cAccountList::cAccountList()': assign6.cpp:(.text+0x1db): undefined reference to `cAccount::cAccount()' assign6.o: In function `cAccountList::cAccountList()': assign6.cpp:(.text+0x22b): undefined reference to `cAccount::cAccount()' assign6.o: In …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for atticusr5

Hey everyone I am writing some code for my c++ class and in this program I am trying to sort back account information by there accountID #'s. When I try to compile, here are the errors I get: assign6.cpp: In member function ‘void cAccountList::sort_by_ID()’: assign6.cpp:110: error: ‘accountID’ was not declared …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for sadhramani

[code] int do_openFile(void) { char *p ; /* pointer to outFileName */ char *m ; /* pointer to report date */ char *mon; /* month number in report date */ /* get output file name */ m = pk->CNCRptdate; m += 2; strncpy(mon, m, 2); p = outFileName ; strcpy(p, …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos

I would like that case 1: should display how many elements do i want, and that i can assign values to those elements. Mine because of the j++ goes infinite, so i can enter infinite values to infinite arrays. How could i do this? Cate elemente vrei sa adaugi: 3 …

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The End.