49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for techniskull

hi guys i have been given an assignment to write a program which inputs date month and year and than outputs Full calender of that month .. Help Is really Appreciated Thanks

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shethia.tejas

hie, i want to operate a usb webcam using c or c++ language that is i want it to take pictures using c/c++ commands can any1 suggest me how can this be done. Also i want to find out two laser spots from an image using processing and track them …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for merse

It is possible to write, but the compiler dont find the function when I want to use func(x): [CODE]template <class T> double func(const double& x, const double& error = 0) {...}[/CODE] I have to write separately, like this why? [CODE]template <class T> double func(const double& x, const double& error) {...} …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for Gibson_Junk

I am trying to make a program to login to a website for me and retrieve off a certain page. Website i am trying is beta.rapidpremium.net i do have a working login for this site but need to know what to do to get required information for using the same …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tizzo233

Hi. I am kind of having trouble with some functions. Basically, I know how to write out functions using void and no return, but for this problem I am working on, I have to use int myfunction(something&) instead of void myfunction(). Can anyone please lead me in the right direction …

Member Avatar for tizzo233
Member Avatar for Instinctlol

I was just wondering how I would compare 2 different object member of the same class. I want to compare the int speed between the 2 objects. Lets say I have a [CODE] class Car { private: int speed; public: int compare(Car car) } main() { Car Honda, Toyota; //Lets …

Member Avatar for Instinctlol
Member Avatar for tizzo233

Hi. I am trying to input values from a user and put them in a linked list. Some how when I display the values that the user inputs, they are both show up under one variable. ie. user inputs $3 and then inputs $5 for next variable. however, when i …

Member Avatar for thomas_naveen
Member Avatar for stardustmeri

Greetings! My Instructor is asking me to do something that I am totally confused about. I need some assistance. Thanks! Here's the information: For the lab this week, create an original single-file command line program that does the following: 1. Prints your name (First and last) 2. Recursively computes the …

Member Avatar for Seten
Member Avatar for dron

Hello, Is there a way to get the time of a remote computer (for synchronization purposes) using Win32 API? I need to do programmatically what the NET TIME MS-DOS command does. Thanks.

Member Avatar for glitteringsound

Hello, Can any body give me the idea how to extract information from win 32 dll's. e.g class name all methods which dll exports. name of methods, parameter types(in,out) & return type of that method. all variables (private,public,protected). all data structures listed we can do the same job from tlb …

Member Avatar for nichya88

Hi everyone, I'm an absolute newbie in C++, please help me to solve this problem. This problem is something related to the [I][B]getline[/B][/I] method. I write a program to ask for user's age and name. Just for demonstrating some IO operations. [CODE] /*IO Example*/ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace …

Member Avatar for nichya88
Member Avatar for Nautise

working on the backwards String and i can't get it to print correctly plz help [CODE] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void backward(char *); // Function prototype int main() { const int SIZE = 11; // Array size char string[SIZE]; // To hold a string // Ask the user to …

Member Avatar for Nautise
Member Avatar for atjfriday2

Having the user “insert” their money. The money insertion will be handled in a Loop. For example, before they start, their total inserted is $0. let’s say that a drink costs $1.00. If they say that they are inserting “$0.25” then we will add $0.25 to $0 and tell them …

Member Avatar for hag++
Member Avatar for mukeshrijal

i make two man in turbo c++...using graphics...but now i have to move these two man,,,moving n the sense ,,playing football...but i cannt move them move...please help me to move the two man,,, plz help me with the code using turbo...graphics should be supported.. any solution,,,plz mail me at:[I] <<snip>>[/I]

Member Avatar for mike.p.poulin

Hi Everyone, i'm hoping that someone can help because i'm a c-sharper who's a little confused in the land VC++ :) I have a set of older c++ files (cpp) that i found on the web and I need to consume them from c#. So, i create a c++ class …

Member Avatar for Gibson_Junk
Member Avatar for Gibson_Junk

I have this code here from a previous topic that sknake help solve. I can't see why its not working. [CODE]String^ user = gcnew String(username->Text); String^ pass = gcnew String(password->Text); try { Uri^ url = gcnew Uri("http://beta.rapidpremium.net/login.php"); String^ data = "username=" + user + "&password=" + pass + "&login="; HttpWebRequest^ …

Member Avatar for sidra 100

i have written the program but my month function is making problem plz chk it and correct it[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdio.h> using namespace std; class expense { private: int income; int gbill; int ebill; int wbill; int oexpense; string month[20]; public: expense() { income=0; ebill=0; wbill=0; gbill=0; …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for asa88

i am trying to convert decimals to binary ..the reason i am using function is becoz i want to include -ve numbers too .......i was sucessfull for the positive but for making it run for -ve numbers to i divided into a new function....but i am not able to figure …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for whitebread

I am trying to write a program that interfaces with a BlackBerry device plugged in via USB (utilizing the Desktop Manager API). The only exampes I can find for doing this are in C++, but I only know how to write/interpret VB .NET (I'm a novice, really), so I decided …

Member Avatar for whitebread
Member Avatar for Drenon

hi im working on a project for uni. i am doin a games software development course and i am currently working on a small game. we have to then optimise it so it runs as fast as it can to prevent lag. though im getting alot of bottlenecks around cout …

Member Avatar for Drenon
Member Avatar for steak-sandwich

Hi everyone, I have some troubles with reading floats from a file into a 2d vector. Basically, I have 3 coordinates (x,y,z) of some points which I want to store in a 2d vector. This is what I have so far: [code] #include <vector> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Agni

[code=c++] int main() { int i=10; char arr[i]; } [/code] I was expecting an error but it is compiling without any issues. I'm assuming the g++ compiler is doing something but not sure how to disable that. This is my compiler info [quote] Using built-in specs. Target: i486-linux-gnu Configured with: …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for suho

I have a 2D array with 2 types of values : '-1' and non - '-1'. -1 implies pixel off else on. After each loop my array changes. Hoa can i make a video from these images ? any idea , tools , any help :X

Member Avatar for suho
Member Avatar for DavidDD

Hello there! A very quick question: Can I use an already defined int as array size? I want to make an array the same length as a string. I use ifstream to read in a random word from a file and I use .length to get the length of it …

Member Avatar for DavidDD
Member Avatar for alexa868

Hey guys, so I want to write a program that calculates the sinus, cosinus and tangent without using math library... Any ideas?

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Japus

Hello I'm trying to read the ID3 tag from a file. For now, I print out the string that I've read and I can see the title, year and so on but in the specs it says that the first 7 bytes contain ID3, the version, some flags and the …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for Annettest

Hi everyone: I am fairly new to c++. I have created a dynamic array, but I am having trouble initializing it. My goal is to create a grid, and then assign an initial condition (for example, initial temperature = some value) on the grid points. I know that it would …

Member Avatar for Annettest
Member Avatar for awaisysf

hello can u help me to find the combination of very large number in c/c++ ??

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for sidra 100

plz i m having error at line 71 and 83[CODE]#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; class expense { private: int income; int gbill; int ebill; int wbill; int saving; public: expense(int, int, int); int display(); void setTotalIncome(int); void setEBill(int); void setWBill(int); void setGBill(int); int getEBill(); int getWBill(); int getGBill(); …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for neoeinstein

I am very new to C++ and have written only basic algorithms. In school we use turbo c++ compiler but now i have to attend a workshop for which I need to be able to use a gnu compiler and I do not know how to change my programs for …

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The End.