49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for mimis

Hi, i have to sort two arrays in a specific way. I have two parallel arrays A[N] and B[N]. Ι have to sort A in descending order. The changes in A should be happened in B at the same time. If 2 or more items in A is the same, …

Member Avatar for mimis
Member Avatar for Ultratermi

Hey, is there a way to search a specific word in a string and get the position where it appears? Like with the std::string... There I get the INT position of the word... Hope you know what I mean... I cant find the same with System^String in WinForms... Only : …

Member Avatar for Ultratermi
Member Avatar for lisha.ahuja

Hi Friends, I am an java programmer and trying the code change in C++ now,Kindly guide me for the below issue I am facing, The code which I need to modify is Original code:- [code] /* **-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Description : This class starts the event listener threads for BRANCH ** …

Member Avatar for jakesee

Hi, I have a Win32 + OpenGL sort of graphics engine I wrote myself for a simulation software project (still in progress). The problem is that this software must also have a linux version. Now this software is using MDI and Docking windows and what not so I am not …

Member Avatar for jakesee
Member Avatar for rwill357

I am a newbie and currently taking as a subject data structures and algorithms. I have posted the function I'm currently working on down below. It works the problem is I would like to ensure I'm meeting the professors intent. I'm supposed to write a recursive and nonrecursive function to …

Member Avatar for program_helm
Member Avatar for shaunmccann1

Hi, Ive got a similar problem, it seems a run of the mill thing to break a string into tokens yet its kept me head scratching for days, is there another option or is it a simple code tweaking problem. Fairly new to C/C++ but ive been coding in C# …

Member Avatar for shaunmccann1
Member Avatar for froggy1976

I have written this code and it compiles and works just fine but I would like to put the string day[7]; as private since the days of the week will never change and I am required to have at least one private member in my code. When I simply move …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for llamaboy

Hi I am trying to make a nursery registration form for an assignment at uni and have hit a stumbling block. I have written the functions but dont really know what to declare them as. Could anyone help. [CODE]#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; int menu(); //creating …

Member Avatar for llamaboy
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey, I'm wondering if this is possible. I store customers in an array: [code] string customer[10]; customer[1] = "Phil"; [/code] But I have a menu, that has things like [INDENT]1. Display customers 2. Add customers[/INDENT] The thing I want to do is not show the 'Display customers' if there has …

Member Avatar for abdelhakeem
Member Avatar for m7md.is

hi every one this is the Project requirements i did the first three things but i have problme with number 4 You are hired by an electronics company aiming to build microwaves. You are asked to develop an application that simulates the work of these microwaves. Consider the following specifications: …

Member Avatar for m7md.is
Member Avatar for King Dede
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for fsl4faisal

[code]#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<malloc.h> #include<string.h> //int bin(int,int,int*); //int term; int main() { int *set; int num,*anum,j,i,k,term; printf([/code]

Member Avatar for Nikhar

Hi... I'm trying to study graphs but I cant find a good tutorial on it. I googled it, but couldn't find what I needed. Can you please suggest me a good tutorial on graphs in c++. I am basically looking for how a graph class is implemented in c++, an …

Member Avatar for Nikhar
Member Avatar for coolfriend

please correct this------the desired output is in the bottom [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int main() { int randomNumber=0; int guess = 0; int balance=100; int amount=0; int bet=0; double balanceLeft; cout<<" Guessing Game:"<<endl; cout<<"Written by coolfriend:"<<endl; do { cout<<"Please enter your bet$100.00):"<<endl; cin >>bet; …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for dubeyprateek

hi everyone, i m messed up with intializer lis. please help me by solving these questions. [QUOTE]How does compiler impliments intializer lits? How intializer lits improve performence? When it is must to use intializer lits? When intializer lits must not be used?[/QUOTE] What is wrong with this pice of code.. …

Member Avatar for NaveenGowdar
Member Avatar for qupav

i have this part of my link list program [CODE]template <class E> LinkedList<E>::node * LinkedList<E>::getNode{ ... ... }(const E &item) [/CODE] and my compiler, bloodshed dev c++, says expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before "*" token expected ";" before "*" token i don't think there is an syntax error …

Member Avatar for qupav
Member Avatar for wellibedamned

heya.. i wanted to ask if there was a way to give a pointer to a multidimensional array of, say, ints, as a function argument. i tried a somewhat natural approach, which seems to have failed.. i'm no expert at stuff like that, so i tried: [CODE] int numbers[ 10 …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for kenoch

I have a problem with this topic ..Solution to algorithm using static and dynamic data structure

Member Avatar for Rajesh R Subram
Member Avatar for grealish234

hey i have a problem with adding an is numeric checker to my code for my class when i hit a snag just wondering if i could get some help this is my first program so help is appreciated [CODE]// fun with physics.cpp : Defines the entry point for the …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for soloice

[CODE] //Encryption/decryption program that encrypts or decrypts //user input as a string. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; string encrypt(string text, string message); string decrypt(string text, string message); char choice; int main() { //Ask user to encrypt or decrypt cout << "Would you like to encrypt or decrypt?" << …

Member Avatar for soloice
Member Avatar for rohitn
Member Avatar for ashishchoure

hi, I am creating a ThreadPool. I know that thread pool is collection of [B]live threads[/B]. Its main purpose is to assign task to any of available thread. I am not going through any complex tutorial available on net. So I am just creating threadpool by my own. For this …

Member Avatar for ashishchoure
Member Avatar for johnny_gear

[CODE] while(getline(bookFile,books[count].title,';')) { bookFile>>books[count].year; bookFile.ignore(1); bookFile>>books[count].author; bookFile.ignore(1); bookFile>>books[count].price; count++; } [/CODE] the code seems to just ignore the deliminating character and enter the whole first line into the title member of the books struct. I can not figure out why, any help would be appreciated .. thanks

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Member Avatar for shizu

Hi All.. I am using MsFlexGrid in my program.. normally after I double click, enter value, KillFocus then press OK to close the dialog.. now I would like to add a message box once I enter value. Then I found out that, after message box prompt out and I click …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for blasata

Hi all, I have a problem with winsock in c++ while developing a client program: - When I send the first, it is ok, appears in the Server, but the other "sends", in the server appear as a empty string! the send command return is Ok, the number of bytes. …

Member Avatar for blasata
Member Avatar for joejoe55

I am a c++ Beginner - Im looking to store a "Location" for a later use in this function and cant figure out how to do it still after hours of research. [CODE] if(pUnit) { if(GetUnitDist(Me, pUnit) <=10) { //Right Here need to store GetOldPlayerX() if(pUnit->dwMode == PLAYER_MODE_CAST) { if(GetOldPlayerX() …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for SonxQ7

Hi, i get [CODE]undefined reference to 'boost::gregorian::greg_month::get_month_map_ptr() '[/CODE] on the following code using Eclipse CDT and MinGW .. [CODE] #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp" #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace boost::gregorian; std::string s; std::cout << "Enter birth day YYYY-MM-DD (eg: 2002-02-01): "; std::cin >> s; try { date birthday(from_simple_string(s)); date today = …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for zhouxuzhu1985

Hi, I've got a problem when I was using LoadLibrary function to load a library "MSVCR90.dll". It is a dll with manifest, but I don't know how to load this kind of library. Should I load the manifest first and how? Any suggestions will be OK. Thanks.

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Member Avatar for Manxie

Hello, I'm new to using C++ and am using dev-c++ as a compiler only I'm having a problem as the code I've written doesn't stay open after the user has stated the name, here's the code. [CODE] //Game 3,0 //Using constants and strings. #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for athlon32

I just learned about linked lists, so i decided to experiment a little. I'm trying to make a linked list that automatically keeps all of the data in consecutive order (like bubble sort built in :P). Anyways, the problem is that while it adds data, the second thing added disappears, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

The End.