49,762 Topics

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Member Avatar for blasata

Hi all, I have a problem with winsock in c++ while developing a client program: - When I send the first, it is ok, appears in the Server, but the other "sends", in the server appear as a empty string! the send command return is Ok, the number of bytes. …

Member Avatar for blasata
Member Avatar for joejoe55

I am a c++ Beginner - Im looking to store a "Location" for a later use in this function and cant figure out how to do it still after hours of research. [CODE] if(pUnit) { if(GetUnitDist(Me, pUnit) <=10) { //Right Here need to store GetOldPlayerX() if(pUnit->dwMode == PLAYER_MODE_CAST) { if(GetOldPlayerX() …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for SonxQ7

Hi, i get [CODE]undefined reference to 'boost::gregorian::greg_month::get_month_map_ptr() '[/CODE] on the following code using Eclipse CDT and MinGW .. [CODE] #include "boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp" #include <iostream> int main() { using namespace boost::gregorian; std::string s; std::cout << "Enter birth day YYYY-MM-DD (eg: 2002-02-01): "; std::cin >> s; try { date birthday(from_simple_string(s)); date today = …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for zhouxuzhu1985

Hi, I've got a problem when I was using LoadLibrary function to load a library "MSVCR90.dll". It is a dll with manifest, but I don't know how to load this kind of library. Should I load the manifest first and how? Any suggestions will be OK. Thanks.

Member Avatar for zhouxuzhu1985
Member Avatar for Manxie

Hello, I'm new to using C++ and am using dev-c++ as a compiler only I'm having a problem as the code I've written doesn't stay open after the user has stated the name, here's the code. [CODE] //Game 3,0 //Using constants and strings. #include <iostream> #include <string> using std::cout; using …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for athlon32

I just learned about linked lists, so i decided to experiment a little. I'm trying to make a linked list that automatically keeps all of the data in consecutive order (like bubble sort built in :P). Anyways, the problem is that while it adds data, the second thing added disappears, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for kiroyzki

Hi, i'm having problem on the computation of working hours, regular pay, overtime and gross income... on a time-in and time-out of an employee for a week including holidays and overtime... please help on making it work. e.g. of employee.txt Name: kiroyzki Code: A02-004 Level: 1 Salary/Day: 500/day ############################################ [code] …

Member Avatar for vmanes
Member Avatar for drjay1627

Hello, My friend and I are trying to program a basic 3D modeler. Nothing fancy just a very basic program. I was wondering if anyone here could help me with reading material. We need to figure out the math and that is what I can doing now. Any good books …

Member Avatar for BountyX
Member Avatar for CJesusSaves

Hello all, I am Lisa and fairly new to C++/MFC. For a class project, we are to develop any software of our choice and add as much functionality as possible. I have chosen to build a program similar to MS Paint since MFC has functions that makes building shapes very …

Member Avatar for CJesusSaves
Member Avatar for rwill357

This is what I have so far. This program should contain a recursive function that will compute the binomial coefficient according to the definition if k=0 or k=n [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <algorithm> using namespace std ; int C(int n,int k) { if (k < 0 || k > n ) …

Member Avatar for rwill357
Member Avatar for Fbody

I just started an advanced C++ course and my instructor sent around a file with this piece of code: [code]class smallobj // specify a class { public: smallobj() : iData(0){} // Constructor smallobj(int iInValue) : iData(iInValue) {} // Overloaded Constructor ~smallobj() {} // Destructor void setdata(int d) // member function …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for clutchkiller

Hi, is there a quick way to format a float variable that is 0.775 to display it as 77.5? Thanks To better clarify, im doing a simple little tasks of variable = variable / variable to find the percentage of something.

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for t_stewart1012
Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for sisse56

The program asks the user to enter physician name as array of character,but do not work properly ,only work for single character how can i input array of character for the physician name. look case 1 on my code. [CODE]for( i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"\nEnter physician "<<i+1 <<" name :"; cin>>phy_name[i]; cout<<"Enter …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for V0ldemort

I'm kind of a noob at this, I have an error and i -sort of- know what it means, but I have no idea how to fix it. [CODE]#include "Sprite.h" int Sprite::LoadSprite(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 device, std::string Filename) { dImageScale = 1.0; D3DXIMAGE_INFO ImageInfo; D3DXGetImageInfoFromFile(Filename.c_str(), &ImageInfo); dImageHeight = ImageInfo.Height; dImageWidth = ImageInfo.Width; }[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for V0ldemort
Member Avatar for sonisuhas

how does the ramdomize function works?? does it have some formulae to bring out its output?

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for avirag

How can I convert a char that has this info in it "312,000" to a double? I know I can use atof but it doesnt work with the comma.. is there any way to remove the comma.. or to use atof when theres non numeric values in the char? Thanks

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for k1_zav

Hi people, I am writing a code to do some matrix manipulation stuff. like replication of a matrix in a bigger matrix vertically and horizontally, or putting some elements on a specific diagonal. The problem is that when the size of 2-D array goes to 290, the program crashes. The …

Member Avatar for k1_zav
Member Avatar for shizu

Hi all.. I had a part of code like below.. CPropertySheet oPropSheet("Page", NULL, 0); oPropSheet.m_psh.dwFlags |= PSH_NOAPPLYNOW; oPropSheet.m_psh.dwFlags &= ~(PSH_HASHELP); oPropSheet.AddPage(&oPropSettingCriteria); oPropSheet.AddPage(&oPropAdvancedSetting); if(oPropSheet.DoModal() == IDOK) { } ... now I would like to hide or disable OK button..just left only CANCEL button there.. I tried using oPropSheet.GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(FALSE); but will have …

Member Avatar for shizu
Member Avatar for Learning78

Hi; I have made a MCQ based game in Visual C++ using MFC. It runs fine but it shuts down when some key is pressed unintentionally. Like, if you click the options with mouse click, it works fine but even if you press ENTER key during the game, it quits …

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Member Avatar for ashrut

i m feeling problem in making a program for attandance management. can u help me plzzzzzzzzzzz

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for coolfriend

Plan and code a guessing and betting number game, as described by the text below and the sample output but do not write any functions (other than main). An appropriate welcome message with your name in it should be shown at the start of the program. The user starts with …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for valleymorning

Hi all, The code below is to converts a tchar from lowercase to uppercase. Could you tell me if my code is correct or need to be fixed. Thank you very much. VM =============================== [code] tchar* MyToUpper(tchar *input) { static tchar buffer[1000]; tchar *s= input; tchar *t= buffer; while (*s!= …

Member Avatar for Sudar_Gudi
Member Avatar for Nikhar

I have made a program to the follwoing problem:- [QUOTE] Another chessboard puzzle (this one reputedly solved by GAUSS at the age of four) is to find a sequence of moves by a knight that will visit every square of the board exactly once. Write a backtracking program that will …

Member Avatar for Nikhar
Member Avatar for Amonod

This might be a bit of a silly question and I should probably know this anyway. I have tried searching for it but I have not found anything on this subject(or the more plausible reason, I have not been searching for the right things since I don't know much about …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for lola_fcis

[code]void Delete(TreeNode* tree, ItemType item) { if (item.ComparedTo (tree->info)==LESS) Delete(tree->left, item); else if (item.ComparedTo( tree->info)==GREATER) Delete(tree->right, item); else DeleteNode(tree); // Node found } void GetPredecessor(TreeNode* tree, ItemType& data) // Sets data to the info member of the right-most node in tree. { while (tree->right != NULL) tree = tree->right; data …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for foxmulder

Hi! I was wondering if someone might have an example of this that I might could take a look at, would really appreciate it since we have a test in about a week. Thanks in advance! Adam

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for xka

Hi, I am a total newbie to programming, so I do not know much about it. However I have created this very basic program which converts 2 currencies. I would appreciate it if I received some constructive criticism so I can improve my programming skills. Thanks, xka [CODE] #include <iostream> …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for __kanth

Hi Guys Is there any function in C which will help me make an input string invisible while we are entering the input?? I mean similar to oracle login. when we type our oracle password at dos prompt it is not visible. My requirement precisely. 1) I want to read …

Member Avatar for __kanth
Member Avatar for ishaiman

Problem Statement: Expense class You are required to write a class name “Expenses “. Expenses class has· Constructors· Destructor· Write a function to add expenses for a month· Write function which displays these expenses.· Write a function which calculates savings for a month. · Expense class has following data members …

Member Avatar for Salem

The End.