15,555 Topics
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Hi guys, if anyone can help here it would be great. I'm running Windows XP SP3. I have at the moment a micro-controller connected to my serial port. Using the micro-controller I can get temperature data and send display it in a terminal. I can program the micro-controller in C. … | |
hi. i made a function which is supposed to create a binary tree from preorder and inorder traversals using recursion. i did this by making arrays for the left subtree and the right subtree in preorder and in inorder at each call of the function. makeNode() puts the data into … | |
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char **myargv = argv + 1; while (myargv[0] && myargv[0][0] == '-') { if (strcmp(myargv[0], "-d") == 0) { myargv++; continue; } exit(1); } argc -= (myargv - argv); argv = myargv; Hi , I am new to C programming . I understood the … | |
I keep getting a segmentation fault error with this program. It is supposed to read in a file that reads: ABC=EFG$#$HIJ #$#KLM=NOP The program will then take out the all the "=" "$#$" and "#$#" and write it all back into another file. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> int … | |
ok Guys and gals i just started learning C about a week ago and im working on a program that makes calls to the system for user name, system info ect... here is what i have so far. [ICODE] #define _POSIX_SOURCE #include <pwd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include … | |
hi, i just want the join two strings by checking the second string a non vowel word. suppose, str1="hello"; str2="world"; here i want the neglect the vowel characters in the second string. so, i have used 'while loop' for checking each character in the str2. i used the code something … | |
My project this week is to perform basic linked list operations. We didn't learn this in class, and the TA that attempted to explain can't speak English very well, so I'm having trouble understanding what I'm doing wrong. I linked the entire file, but I only had to implement the … | |
Hi, I have been trying to compile open source projects since past few months with no success. I just don't know how to go about the entire thing. Readings over the internet have not helped much. Some come with [COLOR="red"]./Configure[/COLOR] and a [COLOR="red"]Makefile[/COLOR] while others with only a [COLOR="Green"]Makefile[/COLOR]. How … | |
Hi, I'm currently a student given the task of programming a RPN calculator using C. The following code is some test code that I made to solve the issue described in the thread title. It calls a custom getline() function(while loop) which is also shown and then should take in … | |
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and programming in general and had a quick question. In the code below, I was wondering why it was necessary to initialize the variables. I understand the general purpose of initialization(no garbage data) but I don't see what the point is here … | |
I have two programs which gives a same output.....But they uses different logics.... So I want to compare their compilation and run time so I can understand which one is better.... The program gives an output like.....If u enter a number=789 then output=890 means each input digit got increament of … | |
Hi folks, I am working in linix and i have a little bit confusion that whether i can access the PCB of current process or not? if yes then what content of it we can print it using it process id (getpid())..... thanks for answering ..... | |
I am taking a data structures class and we are using the standard gcc compiler on a unix system. This is fine and I have no troubles using it, but I would like to begin using an IDE for my labs. I am trying Visual Studio 2010 Professional with my … | |
Create a program that will accept a date in numbers and output the date in long format. Have your program trap for the leap year and also invalid inputs. Your program will also ask if the user wants to input again. Range for year (1980-present) plsss help me ASAP...tnx!!! | |
Hello, I am new in C.Please tell me how to pass parameter in Function. Thanks | |
Im working on an assignment and have run into a proglem that I cant seem to fix. With the following code I get the following error. "warning: passing argument 2 of strchr makes integer from pointer without a cast" [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char buf[250]; char *chptr; … | |
Hello cryptogeeks, does anyone have idea for KATAN/KTANTAN block cipher.Got any C code for it??? | |
I am doing an bubble sort assignment, the goal is to enter up to a max of 10 numbers and sort them. The problem that I am running into is when I run the code, I have to hit ^D to have the next line of the array displayed and … | |
Hello All! I'm working on a bit of code and I ran into a problem. I am trying to make a program that writes data to a binary file. When the program is run again later (presumably after being terminated) it is supposed to read in the old directory file … | |
Hello, I am working on a project that involves 5 servomotors that need to move in a coordinated way. The servos are controlled via an Arduino micro-controller. I've been learning C through this project, so my coding might be a little off-convention. What I have is 5 buttons (0 to … | |
hey frnds ... my query is regarding the [B].bak[/B] files which are genrated when we compile our code. For some files i hv seen the [B].bak files[/B] but for others they dont exist . I just want to know the start n the end of these [B].bak files[/B] . Whats … | |
[CODE]#include <graphics.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> #include<dos.h> int main(void) { int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode,i; int midx, midy; int radius = 100; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\tc\\bgi"); errorcode = graphresult(); midx = getmaxx() / 2; midy = getmaxy() / 2; setcolor(getmaxcolor()); for(i=5;i<=90;i+=2) { delay(50); setcolor(i); circle(midx+i, midy-i, radius); setcolor(i); … | |
Hi, I am a newbie to Visual C++ programming. I already have a code which I edited for my purpose. It is as below. [CODE]#include <stdafx.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #define FIL_LINES 17873 /* no. of lines in input datafile */ double t[FIL_LINES]; double x[FIL_LINES],y[FIL_LINES],z[FIL_LINES]; double … | |
hi, i'm currently learning C on my own. i explicitly made a binary tree just to see if my postorder procedure works. i have no idea why but at the end of running the program, before it does the last procedure, this appears: [IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/2nb52xx.jpg[/IMG] everything else works fine. i know … | |
I am newbie in C programming and I have a easy assigment but I coul not do that. I need to read two number from a file, add them, print them that is all. Here is the my code. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main(void) { FILE *fp; fp … | |
Ok so I tried to search and didnt come up with anything so if this has been posted before, I am sorry. I am new to C programming and have done well in my class so far up till now, the teacher says that this is the hardest program and … | |
Good Day .. I'm new to the forum .. New to C++ either .. I'm having a problem regarding the while loop .. I've been trying to make an ATM system .. But I can't continue further for the other cases because whenever I try the loop for going back … | |
Hey, I think you will be fine!!! .:) The user has posted the question [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread346716.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread346716.html[/URL] I want to know how to interface ADC with Micro controller and then how to display the result on LCD. Please Share some code and circuit diagram also. waiting for your reply:X Thankx.... | |
Hi, Good Evening,I am new to use Keil and Proteus.From last week i am writing a program,To show Alphabets on LCD, using 89c52.I am in great trouble. The code and simulation files are attached herewith.Plz elaborate my mistake and give me some hints so, I can learn. Respected, Advance Thanks … |
The End.