15,552 Topics
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Hi everyone, I am a newbie in C programming. I need to make an implementation of gets() function from stdio.h, but I am not sure where to start. Please advice, any help is welcome. Thank you, Brian. | |
hi i have done a project with graphics(winbgim) on dev c++....suggest me a software for creating a front end for my project...should be easy to use.....thank u | |
hi With the help of below program i try to print out different combinations of characters but when i compiled it i got some problem with it can anyone please help me with the errors in logic with the program [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> char CharList[] = { 'a', 'b', … | |
Hi, I don't understand the portions I put in bold in this function for converting Fahrenheit to Celsius. The texts are "FtoC." I am guessing "FtoC" is a variable; I really am confused about why "to" is in there. What does the paranthesis (float f) indicate? [CODE]#include <stdio.h> float [B]FtoC[/B](float … | |
Hi, I have a python simulator file sim.py. I need to start, stop and restart this simulator from a C/C++ test file test.cpp. I tried using system( "\sim.py" ) in my test file. This starts the simulator but in the same window as test.exe. In this case how do i … | |
Please inform me can we use C programming in all OS of Mobiles . Like J2ME, Symbian, I Phone, Apple.. | |
Basically, I formulate the website name using the version information ( IDE codeblocks SVN 6088, using autoversioning plugin ) and launch the website using *gasp* CMD... the problem is I don't want to launch a web page because ... i just want to check for updates... Also I don't really … | |
Hey guys, I've got a struct array in a header file and at least two pieces of code that access that array. How do I schedule access for read and write events to that array. Where do I place my mutex_lock & unlock code? Thanks for your help, Tom header … | |
Hi everyone, I'm trying to get the current time with this function and it's working fine, but, I'm getting the following warning when I compile with gcc 4.4.3 on Linux: [B]warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘strftime’[/B] I've tried using literals for maxsize and format, but that didn't help. … | |
gcc supports an extended precison "long double" type typically 10 or 12 bytes but Windows XP always maps the "long double" to the standard double (typically 8 bytes) MinGW on windows XP thinks it has a 12-byte "long double" but in fact it only has the 8 byte support on … | |
the program is showing the output perfectly but the value of [iCODE]a[/iCODE] is printing more than once. for example, if i enter range from 10 to 20 , the output should be 11,13,17,19 but the output is 11,13,13,13,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19 how can i fix this ? [CODE]int main(void) { int a,b,c,d,f; clrscr … | |
I am a beginner trying to write a program for my intro C class. I am trying to write a program that calculates the combination of numbers given a specific output by the user. The number has to be between 1-10 to be valid. I am not allowed to use … | |
I am writing a c program to copy content of one text file to another but with the copied lines in the destination file preceded by the length of the line and a blank space. Let me illustrate my expectation: original.txt destination.txt daniweb 7 daniweb forum 5 forum plz help … | |
hello, is there any way to call a specific variable from a function ? see the following program. [CODE] float abc(void); float main(void) { float a,b,y,z; a=abc(); b= printf ("enter value for z"); scanf ("%f",&z); y=(a-(a*y))/(b*z); printf ("%f",y); } float abc(void) { float x,p; scanf ("%f",&x); p=x*x; return(p); }[/CODE] in … | |
Hello, I have been trying to setup mysql API with C. I followed tutorials but I don't think I am installing the API correctly. Could someone tell me the package to download, and what to do with it. Thank you very much. | |
I have a file name fun.c contain the fuction to add two number (addnum(a,b)).Now I create another file name callfunc.c.Here I want to call the function (addnum(a,b)) from the file fun.c. How can I do that?. | |
I've learned to write bytes from a file by reading the entire file into a character array and then writing them out to another file using fwrite. Of course, my teacher told me this is both wasteful and a file might not fit into memory, so I should use another … | |
I'm going crazy. I've been trying to a linked list of a struct (which stores some strings and a character) however I've had no luck. It's just not working and I've been working on this for hours on end. Note: StorePtr is a pointer to the Store struct (which stores … | |
I'm writing a program to read data and store it to file. However I am a bit confused by the EOF statement, and how to get my program to stop reading when there is no more data to read. My code looks like this [code]while((c=fgetc(fin2))!=EOF) { if(c=='#'){ while((c=fgetc(fin2))!='\n'){ }} else{ … | |
im writing this program for an intro to c class, I was wondering if anyone knows whats wrong with this code? it says theres an error with the first else, if i take the curly brackets out it says theres a problem with all 3 else's. Thanks. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> int … | |
There are many inbuilt functions for drawing lines in turbo c..is there any similar functions in ncursers library.....please tell me some equilvalent functions for setfillstyle() in the ncurses library. Thank u | |
hello friends can anyone please help me with a C version of a brute force cracker in which i can compare with a selected string and identify for a match.. the c version is in the link bellow [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread121991.html[/url] cheers | |
Are there any functions built in C to display the current time and date, and if there is could someone display its syntax Thanks..... | |
Hi, I am working on a small program that converts English to Morse code and back into English. The input is read from a file specified by the user no matter which way the conversion is going. I figured out the english to morse conversion pretty easily, by just reading … | |
Hey ppl, I'm doing a project which needs serial communication. I'm sending and receiving data from a PIC through the serial port. I'm using Windows XP and dev cpp. I'm succesfully sending data by my program to the PIC. I'm using inpout32.dll file to access serial port because windows dosen't … | |
how to go about tis program [CODE]int array[26] for(i=0;i<=25;i++) { array[i]=`A`+i; printf("\n %d %c "array[i],array[i][/CODE] | |
Hi, I am developing a client and server in C. Client encrypts some data and sends it to the server. The server receives the data and prints it out. I am using AES 128 bit encryption in CBC mode. But at the server side I am unable to receive any … | |
Hello Guys, I have found many source codes to implement linked list. But all are inserting or deleting the node values after user's choice. I dont want that. Insertion should happen dynamically. I have a client program running on another system. I fetch the data from that system through my … | |
hi can anyone tell me how to use the bgi library for windows in code blocks compiler...i have downloaded the libraries but dont know how to use it...please tell me the procedure | |
Hi im trying to allocate memory using malloc(). Also, im trying to make a copy of the string before i allocate it. So im using strcpy(). But im still having issues with compiling it. please help!! [CODE] #include <stdlib.h> #include "setup.h" char *run( const char * const str ){ strcpy(str) … |
The End.