15,551 Topics

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Member Avatar for Voltron160

Hello guys, I started this project but cant seem to finish it. You guys are my last hope, any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.These are the requirements, it seems I am mixed up. The owners of Body Language Fitness Centre require an information system that can manage and maintain their …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Muhammadlodhi

This is begining. BALANCE PARANTHESIS and show the result of ((9-4)/(44*34)) etc ??? what to do? int main() { char arr[30]; for(int i=0;i<30;i++){ if(c=='(') c++; else if(d==')') d++;} if(c==d) printf("parenthesis are balance"); else printf("are not balance"); } further cant understand.

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for Gonbe

Hello Daniweb. [B]Scenario[/B] For a project we have to write a irc server. For this, we first wanted to investigate what kind of server architecture we should apply. (e.g. multithreading, multiplexing, multiprocessing etc.) We've written simple servers which implement different architectures. The servers basicially receive a message, and then send …

Member Avatar for nezachem
Member Avatar for DCvonB

Hello, I am trying to get the following code to print out the number of days in each month using pointers. This what the program currently prints: Enter a year (ex. 1997): 2001 Year entered: 2001 --Not a Leap Year!-- Number of days in each month: January: 0 February: 0 …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for Xufyan

how can i add the last value to the current value using loop..? i tried so much but didn't find the answer :( [CODE]void main(void) { int numbers,add,sec; clrscr (); for (numbers=1;numbers<=49;numbers++) { for (sec=numbers;sec<=numbers;sec=numbers+sec) printf ("%d ",sec); } getch(); }[/CODE] here the loop is from 1 to 50, i …

Member Avatar for Xufyan
Member Avatar for Cheran

hi everyone... i"ve to pass a string as a returning value.but wat is the problem is there is an integer in the middle of it.the problem arise here.. [code]char* my_string( char* dest,char *c) { char str1[25] = "C:\\windows\\"; char str2[25]; char str3[25] = ".jpg "; strcat(dest,str1); //append str2 to str …

Member Avatar for Aia
Member Avatar for pramoda.ma

Hi All, How to copy one 2D-array to another without using loops and library function of C. Not pointers. Regards, Pramod

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for mariosbikos

hi guys i have an urgent problem....we have been asked to make a battleship game in C which will have the formation of ships taken by a file txt.....for example 00000000 ppp00000 0000nnnn 00000000 etc...i want to open the file txt and then put every single character 0,p,n etc to …

Member Avatar for mariosbikos
Member Avatar for deeep

Hello Guys, I have implemented a linked list. And my output looks something like dis: ************************************************* The elements in the list : address is = 163196952 ADOC1100250100000119666 address is = 163196968 ADOC1100250100000119666 address is = 163196984 ADOC1100250100000119666 address is = 0 ADOC1100250100000119666 TOTAL NO OF ELEMENTS IN THE LIST ARE …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for shahab.burki

Hi, I am stuck in file reading problem. I have tried various solutions but nothing worked. Actually I can't develop a logic to do so. I want to read some lines from file and pass them to structure. When reading a file you must use WHILE loop. I am posting …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for buckkitty

Does anyone understand why Data2 would not equal Data? I print, and can see, that they LOOK the same, i.e. have the same number of rows and columns with the same values in each element. But when I pass the matrices to a calc function, they give different results. I …

Member Avatar for buckkitty
Member Avatar for ericas5

New to C and haven't had any problems until now - I can seem to get straight with passing arrays between functions. Here is what I need to do: Write a program that declares 3 single-dimension arrays named bookPrice, numBooks and totAmt. Each array should be declared in main() and …

Member Avatar for ericas5
Member Avatar for denis_stoyanov

Well i'm just starting to study recursion and i have a small problem. I'm trying to write a program which generate every six digit combination where every digit is used only one time. I've writed an iterative (i think this is the correct term) : [CODE]#include "stdafx.h" using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Muhammadlodhi

[I][B][B][/B][/B][/I] i want to put the answer like user enter any odd number then out put will be like this one if 3 *** * * *** the even rows shows only 1st and last stars LIKE 5 ***** * * ***** * * ***** [CODE] int main(){ int num,i,j,k,l; …

Member Avatar for Muhammadlodhi
Member Avatar for Iam3R

what is the correct declaration of pointer to a pointer to array of N elements. ( i want to store address of pointer to an array of n elements ) i am using the below declarions seperately , but getting errors. [CODE] int (*p)[4]; int (*p1) (*)[4] = &p; int …

Member Avatar for UncleLeroy
Member Avatar for kedarm

Hi! I'm trying to use the nanosleep and sleep functions in a program I am trying to write. I first tried this - [CODE] fprintf(stdout,"Hey guys.."); struct timespec t_req, t_rem; t_req.tv_sec = 1; t_req.tv_nsec = 500; if (nanosleep(&t_req, &t_rem) < 0) return 0; fprintf(stdout,"...What's up?");[/CODE] Since the function nanosleep did …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for shahab.burki

Hi, When I assign the value of one structure variable to the other I got the error "incompatible types in assignment". The Code is the following. The Problem line is 91. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct file_data{ char src_ip[18]; char dst_ip[18]; char src_port[8]; char dst_port[8]; char p2p_proto[18]; struct …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for alcx88

I am having troubles getting my program to work. It is supposed to take integers from a file and put them into an array. Then it is supposed to sort them by the bubble sort algorithm. [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N 10000 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for LMat619

Hello everyone! I am new to this forum (and C programming) but I hope that I will be able to master C help anyone out with problems in the coming months. But I am having trouble with my own program for an assignment. I am asked to simulate a user …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Muhammadlodhi

HI i made this program for odd inputs if press 5 then ***** * * ***** * * ***** but not showing the correct answer. write a right code if u can plz thanks alott. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> int main() { int num, i; printf("press any odd num"); scanf("%d", &num); …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Muhammadlodhi

I need your help AT ONCE plz IN C CODE ONLY i have a program to make an array of length 30 and NOW write equation like this ((3+4)-(24/5)) .... the paranthesis must be balance and the output of the operation must be shown IF paranthesis are balanced. HELP ME …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Muhammadlodhi

Hey guys and girl i need your help in program only in C CODE user press only odd numbers then the following result has been shown like if 3 then *** * * *** if 5 then ***** * * ***** * * ***** PLZ HELP ME >>>> Thanks

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for geekgirl2011

I am so lost in this programming assignment. Here is what I am suppose to do: A. Define a struct that represents a CAT as follows: A CAT has a weight, name, and a neutered flag, i.e., those are the components of the struct. Use a typedef. B. Declare a …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey I rather not use conio.h for cross compatibility so is there any way to make my own "conio.h" and just include it in my compilation. Thanks.

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for sangramanand

hi all, i created a window using c, next i want to add a text box in the window. Since am working on 32-bit, i donno which functions to use in that.... pls suggest me the procedure to implement this......

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for reshmasalian

heya, watz de meanin of malloc.h n alloc.h in c-programmin(both are different)? what is the difference between 1 pointer n 2 pointer in link list of stack? wat is the meanin of arrow mark pointer?

Member Avatar for sanji17
Member Avatar for urbangeek

the code is: [CODE] slen=strlen(str); for(count=0;count<=slen;count++) { flag=0; if((int)str[count]!=32) { for(count2=count+1;count2<=slen;count2++) { if(str[count]==str[count2]) { flag=1; break; } } if(flag==0) { ar[ar_count]=str[count]; ar_count++; } } }[/CODE] at line 5 the != operator working fine but when i put [ICODE]if(((int)str[count]>=65 && (int)str[count]<=90) || ((int)str[count]>=97 && (int)str[count]<=122))[/ICODE] it's not working.. if you've some …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for hosam2k

hi all im stuck to my assignment 1. i want to know how to use function search in order i can search each character in a string then count the number of it. for example: given : home alone the output will be : the string has 9 characters including …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for shahab.burki

Hi, I am working on structures. One of the structure member is char array i.e string. When I assign another string to this then it throws the incompatible error. The code is the follwing. The problem line is commented. Code: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct file_data{ char src_ip[18]; …

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Member Avatar for Xeros606

The End.