15,554 Topics
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I am very poor in calculating complexities. Please some one let me know what is the complexity of the below program. I actually want to write a program for finding the nth last element with 0(n) complexity. but unable write, please give me some idea. the below code works perfectly … | |
N00B. If I compile a simple Hello World! program on a 64bit linux, will it work on a 32bit linux? (I'm using gcc). [CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Hello World!"); return 0; }[/CODE] | |
How to: 1. Buffer output ? 2. Get its size ? 3. Print the buffer ? [CODE]#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("Tons of printf lines\n"); // 1. Somehow buffer the output up until this point printf("The size of the buffer is: %i\n", SIZEOFBUFFER); // 2. Get and print the size … | |
hello i'm subhash n m persuing BCA IInd year n got an assignment of writing a program to create a binary tree n display the elements level wise ie i need to display in a form of tree. for example if elements are 6,4,8,3,5,7,9 then i need to display it … | |
This code is just handling the SIGCHLD signal, but as you can see, the parent process should ignore this SIGCHLD signal according to the signal function. But in fact, the parent process will omit the signal function, and handling the child process using "wait". I wonder why the parent do … | |
I have a file called file.dat and have to write a program called sdev.c which adds up all of the numbers in file.dat from each line. (Assuming that one number is per line) which has to open like this $ ./sdev < file.dat Now I can do all of the … | |
Hi everyone. I am so confused in input and output! I'm following what it looked to be a nice tutorial from VTC and it shows how to use scanf and printf. But i'm seeing everywhere things like printf and scanf and getc, getch, puts, gets...wtf? I learnt the diff between … | |
hi i want to pass excel sheet in linux C using libxls so lpz give me guideline | |
Can someone help me edit this program. I am a begginer in C and suck at it somewhat. I can't figure out a way to make the function work since i have to initialize s to equal u and if i initialize it in the function it will always make … | |
Dear Sir Any one can help me in C language please here are 2 questions and i need th solution of them very simple question beginer level See Attachment file for the questions Regards | |
hi i want to pass excel sheet in linux C using libxls so lpz give me guideline | |
Hello every one, i have written the following program for testing getch function behaviour. but, as soon as i run the program i am getting segmentation fault. i dont understand the problem. i am using GCC compiler on Linux Environment. i want to test the key scan program. [CODE] #include<ncurses.h> … | |
help me to implement a short C program that works with factorization of integers it is supposed to compute and print out the sum of all natural numbers below 100,000 that are multiples of 3,5 or 7. if asked to sum all the natural numbers below 20 which are multiples … | |
some one help write a program to calculate the sum of the first 20 integers | |
A friend of mine is having problem with his C programming for his assignment. The question is as follows: THE QUESTION: RESTAURANT BILLING SYSTEM Write a program in C to computerize the billing system of a restaurant. The customer bill is charged based on the following information: • Assume that … | |
I have to read a moviea database txt file(attached) into an array and then implement string search. I am using fgets() but problem is that I can read only part and not compelete text. Any anyone can help please ?? | |
i have two func from one i am passing address of a matrix and in another function getting elemts in matrix. getting coredump on entering first value fn1() { int aiMat[MAX_ROW][MAX_COL]; int iNoOfRows,iNoOfCol; /* calls the function to get matrix from user*/ fnGetMatrix(aiMat,&iNoOfRows,&iNoOfCol); ............ .............. } void fnGetMatrix(int **aiMat,int *iNoOfRows,int … | |
i know that this is a simple code but i'm having problems with it. Problem to be solved Get two sets of 10 integers from the user and store each set in a separate array. Find the set representing the intersection of the two sets entered and store the intersection … | |
Hi all, I'm looking for a function that releases the CPU for the current executing thread. What I'm doing is implementing a multi-threaded approach to sum table calculations, and using OpenMP for multithreading. Here's the problem: I have a thread that depends on a number of other threads to finish … | |
Hello, I'm new to C and having this problem. What I need to do is add a single integer (0-9) to an (obviously char) string. More specifically, I want to add the value of a function that returns an integer (0-9) to a string. I don't want to change the … | |
N00B. I keep getting a segmentation fault when I try to substitute a word with another. I'm using this tutorial as an example but don't seem to get it right: [url]http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/cstring/strstr/[/url] [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void REPLACE(char STRING[]) { char *MONTH[] = {"January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"}; char *MES[] = {"Enero","Febrero","Marzo","Abril","Mayo","Junio","Julio","Agosto","Septiembre","Octubre","Noviembre","Diciembre"}; int B = … | |
{-='Reads ten integers and prints the first and the last on one line using Dev-C LaNGuaGe'=-} | |
hi, can anybody help me how to represent queue of stacks. if anybody gives me some idea then i would be greatful to them. thank you. | |
I want to check by a c program that in a system Microsoft Visual studio Runtime is present or not. The system might not have complete package of Microsoft Visual studio but we can run a c or c++ program using Microsoft Visual studio Runtime(MVSR) I want to know that … | |
hi! i'm trying to write the code to open the file and read the contents and write to another file with uppercase but the problem i'm having is path problem everything seems pretty fine but it says Steam != NULL , as long as i know its could'nt locating the … | |
Please mark the thread as solved after it gets solved It helps the onlooker and the members to know which threads are solved ad they can look into those problems if they have a similar query. But in many occassions it happens that even after the problem is solved the … | |
Hi . i am using C++ editor to write my C code. when i press Ctrl+F9 , the output screen comes and goes without stopping for a while. Please note that i have included "#include<stdio.h>" and i am using "getchar()" function do stop the screen. | |
Please someone help me regarding the differencec b/w Structures and Unions.I know the differnce in the memory management but what is itz advantage .Also why are unions specifically used in mouse programming and similar stuff.. | |
So I have written a reverse polish notation calculator: [CODE] #include <ctype.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define NUMBER '0' #define MAXOP 100 int main () { int type; int op1, op2; char s[MAXOP]; while ((type = getop(s)) != EOF) switch (type) { case NUMBER: push(atoi(s)); break; case '^': push ((unsigned … | |
I am running a program(client) that creates about 20000 sockets. After closing this exe when I again want to run than some of the sockets still remain alive and are not closed. Is there any mechanism that I can close these socket just after my exe terminates. I am using … |
The End.