15,550 Topics

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Member Avatar for adi.shoukat

Plz tell me how can i delete a particular string from given file .... plz help .. I've no idea :(

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for virtualmisc

I was wondering how I could use the graphics type effectively in C. I have seen games created in C. How is that practically possible?

Member Avatar for NicAx64
Member Avatar for shahab.burki

Hi, I am doing network programming in C on Ubuntu using gcc. I am facing the problem how to convert an Integer Type to ASCII Type. I have used itoa() and sprintf(), but wasn't that fritful. Can any one suggest a suitable solution to it?

Member Avatar for manutm
Member Avatar for vandna

hey m a new user so didnt knw it... nywyas here's the program i made.. /*A PROGRAM TO SEARCH AN ELEMENT IN 1D ARRAY USING BINARY SEARCH USING ITERATION*/ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void binary(int array[],int n,int ele) { int beg=0; int end=n-1; int mid; mid=(beg+end)/2; while((beg<=end)&&(array[mid]!=ele)) { if(ele>array[mid]) beg=mid+1; else end=mid-1; …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Gaiety

Hi , finally i managed to write code for infix tree generation. but when i am getting segementation fault . when i debug the code its entering infinite loop. please review my code and kindly let me know wheres the problem. i am passing a file through command line and …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for Gaiety

This Question is not programming related but rather important for all compiler related programming languages especially the Language C. what is portabily? since my graduation i have been taught C is not 100 % portable language. but i dint get any satisfactory answers for,not 100 % portable? where its lagging …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for ssb

write a program which convert a given decimal number in to binary ,hexadecimal ,octal and write a function which will arrange a given string in alphabetical order

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth
Member Avatar for anandi ilu

Can anyone help me to get the program code for printing the transpose of a matrix as output......pls help as soon as possible......

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe

The line fullpath = temp; doesn't actually reset the var. I am not sure what I have to do. I have tried fullpath = *temp;. Could someone tell me why this is not working? [CODE] #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" //Used for getenv(); #include "string.h" //Used for strcat(); int main(int argc, …

Member Avatar for Joe Shmoe
Member Avatar for Gaiety

i have been trying to write code for creating an infix tree for the given [B]infix expression[/B]. but i struck at writting the procedure itself. suppose my expression is : a + b *c + d this is how the compiler evaluates [CODE]( ( a + ( b * c …

Member Avatar for Gaiety
Member Avatar for splurchner

This program is (as you can see in the notation) a homework assignment I'm doing for class. I wrote the whole thing, which as far as I can tell right now is logically functional. It takes commands from a user and uses them to denote what happens to a linked …

Member Avatar for splurchner
Member Avatar for adcodingmaster

if one thread stucks in "gets" command then it does not allow any other thread to printf any thiing. i have also tried scanf but the same result. what should i do. i want other threads to print on command line but they did not if one of the threads …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for stuartc

Please can you help me with writing the following C program : Write a program that accepts 10 integer store them in an array and determine the following: 1. sum 11. the average 111. highest 1v. lowest

Member Avatar for geoffy0404
Member Avatar for geoffy0404

[CODE]#include <stdio.h> #ifndef __CHARCODES__ #define __CHARCODES__ #define LETTER 1 #define NUMBER 2 #define SYMBOL 3 // sub-type codes #define VOWEL 4 #define CONSONANT 5 #define ODD 6 #define EVEN 7 #define UPPER_ASCII 8 #define LOWER_ASCII 9 #endif int main() { char keyStroke = 0; int typeCode = -1, subTypeCode = …

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Member Avatar for RobBrown

I am having some problems with writing a 2d array, then displaying it, and then showing the sum of all of the elements. A major part of this problem is that i nave to write three seperate functions to achieve this. it is supposed to do this: [QUOTE]For this exercise …

Member Avatar for anandi ilu
Member Avatar for adcodingmaster

i m working on gtk but haviing a problem. i want to make a function which inputs a string and display it on a widget window and then if i call that function again by passing another string then that string should be shown forward to the previous string on …

Member Avatar for DARK_BYTE

Hello I'm doing my OS homework and I need to know how to read an write a 32 bit integer with the write system call Here is the code that I wrote: [code] #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> struct Person { char name[21]; int ch_in_name; char address[21]; …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for sanushks

Hi, Below is the makeFile i tried executing on SuSe linux and getting many undefined reference errors. Anybody can shed light on this. SHELL = /bin/sh CFLAGS = -O -DSVR4 CC = /usr/bin/cc SO_LIBS = channel.so all: $(SO_LIBS) channel.so: channel_limit.o chglobals.o chinit_windup.o chprocess.o files_n_pipes.o list.o tree.o ld channel_limiting.o chglobals.o \ …

Member Avatar for sanushks
Member Avatar for nizzy

Write a program to calculate a. Sum of diagonal elements of matrix. b. Sum of second diagonal elements of matrix

Member Avatar for mvmalderen
Member Avatar for bbballin

i need help writing a program that counts the characters entered into a program untill EOF is reached. I have to use the getchar function and my program should output the number of characters entered. thanks

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for mvmalderen

As the title says: a C function for detecting anagrams. Returns [B]true[/B] if both strings are anagrams, returns [B]false[/B] otherwise.

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for bittuthegr8

is the gtk runtime library nessary to run compiled gtk apps on windows and linux ??? or is there a workaround

Member Avatar for bittuthegr8

hi my computer fried cause of a circut overload and i really need a program to be compiled. could someone compile this for windows 32 [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <curl/curl.h> #include <curl/types.h> #include <curl/easy.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <math.h> GtkWidget *progress_bars[999], *list_labels[999][10], *list, *list_items[999], *list_items_table[999], *list_labels_vboxes[999], *list_scrolled_window, *abort_buttons[999], …

Member Avatar for Gaiety

The following program is working fine some times and some times getting garbages while reading contents from the files. i tried it months ago then i got the garbage results but now its working fine. but i unable to understand whats wrong with it. i have a proof when i …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Sushma21
Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for magicor

In my code, the parent process does not need to wait these children processes. And I need to know which child process finishes first to do rest of the code.

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for adcodingmaster

i m making a messenger in linux. a command line application. here is a server and 2 clients.both the clients are connected to the server but not with each other. i want to connect those 2 clients with each other. i m the server. how can i do that? plz …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for MrNoob

well bascially here i started with K&R excerises with remove tabes and spaces i m not sure why my programs works in my head it does but even in puesdo code i did it does but arr[j] sometimes get intilised to values before [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #define STOP …

Member Avatar for dkalita
Member Avatar for 54uydf

Hey everybody! I'm having a hard time finding a solution for my problem- I have a dynamic array that holds structs of Person type..now I want to delete one specific person so I need to move all the ppl after that person one block down in the array and then …

Member Avatar for manutm
Member Avatar for ulcimd1

I am learning about code auditing, and I have a question relating to the argc/argv[] variables. I think that the argc is an integer type, so would enough command line arguments overflow the buffer? I know that it's a stretch, but I am looking for the third vulnerability in our …

Member Avatar for Tom Gunn

The End.