15,550 Topics

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[B]I need a program which convert infix to prefix using stack in c[/B]

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Member Avatar for Drake

Hi can anyone tell me if global variables are not liked to be used and why, and whether local variables are a preferred or not and why?? thanks if you can help

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for awi123

the program asks to calculate the power of a number, for eg. if 2 is entered as the base and 3 is th power it should display 8.

Member Avatar for lich
Member Avatar for twgood

Here is my problem; I do not know hwere to start. I have written pswudocode before, for a currency converstion program but I am unsure if I am doing the same thing with this one. Can someone please just tell me how to start this, do like the main module, …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for dalaharp

hi, i have to do image read and write in Turbo C. i am very new to C. so please help me out as to how to do these operations and provide some sample code if you have any.. i have a vague idea that it can be read as …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for vikram_sriram16
Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for SonxQ7

I'm trying to represent a number such as [B]1.45E-15[/B] in C... How do i do this... I know there's pow() & exp() function but i don't think they are useful here...

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for chsarp_vijay

Hi, I am working on route maps. I want some algorithms to find out shortest path between source and destination. And also i want to know how we can represent Nodes in the Maps. Can u please help me how to find out this. Regards, Vijay Bhaskar

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Diode

Hello, I am trying to output simple sound through the internal computer speaker. Is there a way to output certain sounds and control the frequency of the sound as well as the time it lasts? I'm using Windows XP Pro but is there a "standard" way to do this? Thanks …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for rob_xx17

Hello, I have a relatively straight through program where I collect some integer data and pass it to an external file. The problem that I have is that what I really need to do is to pass that value divided by another integer (255 to be more exact). I tried …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for narendharg

[code=c] /* Copyright 2001, 2002 Georges Menie (<URL snipped>) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for chico1st

Hi I am getting an undefined reference error from my code here is a snippet of my code. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> //defining functions void ErrorFunc(int error); int error = 0; int main(void){ return 0; } void ErrorFunc(int error) { FunctionFromALibrary(error); } [/CODE] I am using DEVC++ 5 and …

Member Avatar for lich
Member Avatar for gilly_kumar

Hi, After 7000-8000 loops, i.e after 2-3 days, there is a runtime error because malloc failed.We identified that the error was occuring malloc function tires to allocate ~250k bytes of data. Then on analysis, We listed few possible items where malloc could fail 1. Fragmentation 2. Memory overwrite or overflow …

Member Avatar for lich
Member Avatar for Crushyerbones

I'm doing a project for college. It's not too complicated but it involves a lot of data access on a linked list. Does anyone have any tips for designing an intuitive command line gui? I'm doing things like: [CODE=C] while (current !=NULL) for (i=1;i<10;i++) printf("%d *Name: %s\n",i,current->data.name); current=current->Next; switch (get_char()) …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for siripong153

I'd make a basic C rpg game and I want to save data such as Exp, name, gold, ect. How can i do it in C? I went to c++ forum and saw it but fstream doesn't work on C. thank You

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for yelugamraghu

How can we type cast a double number to long. I am getting wrong value, when i am trying to type cast it to long. [code=c] int main() { int s=9; double minuttakst=0.019000; int takst_enhed=60; double antal_minutter, beloeb; antal_minutter = (double) s / (double)takst_enhed; beloeb = ((double)((long)(((antal_minutter * minuttakst) * …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for yelugamraghu

[code=c] int main() { int antal_sekunder=9; double minuttakst=0.019000; int takst_enhed=60; double antal_minutter, beloeb, beloeb1; antal_minutter = (double)antal_sekunder / (double)takst_enhed; beloeb1 = ((antal_minutter * minuttakst) * 10000.0) + 0.5 ; //This is used for rounding up to 4 decimals. printf("\n beloeb1 = %lf", beloeb1); printf("\n (long)beloeb1 = %ld",(long) beloeb1); beloeb1 = …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for cebubinary

HI guys. Im a student and studying c++ that and cmd and so far i stil havent figure out how to change my current dir while my program is running. My program is that i want to make a test.txt file with a "my test file" inside it , in …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for Onixtender

I've got a question...we all know double arrays a[100][100], but how to change it into linked list or like" linked list to linked list" that we could transfer data like in a double array a[i][j]? 12345.... 2 3 . . . Ideas? Graph>weighted>minimal tree>neighborhood list(yes normally matrix, but i need …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Onixtender

Hello, I've got a question how to change this function, because it should read f.e. two lines: 33333n5rr door 3333is closed 3333333 n5rrr [COLOR="Red"]nanana[/COLOR] tt4tt [COLOR="Red"]wall[/COLOR] t6tt6t then transform to: nrr dooris closed nrrr tt[COLOR="red"]nanana[/COLOR]tt t[COLOR="red"]wall[/COLOR]tt[COLOR="red"]wall[/COLOR]t (writing word instead of a digit was: nice ttt5555ttt //to: ttt[COLOR="red"]nice[/COLOR]ttt,deleting digits in first …

Member Avatar for Onixtender
Member Avatar for RickN

Hi all, Just a general question, if someone asks you to provide a) description of source code b) how to run the program how do you write this? I'm currently taking a C programming course as a beginner and these were ask of me to do. Any help would be …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for Eulerito

Hi... I saw a simmilar problem in this forum, but now i have a new problem.... I want to read string from a txt file: "myfile.txt"..... inside the file: "i want to read this text". then I write: [code=c] LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure(HWND hwnd.... HDC hDC; PAINTSTRUCT Ps; HANDLE hFile; DWORD …

Member Avatar for Asat232
Member Avatar for harsh2327

Hey, I have just upgraded my C++ compiler from old [B]TurboC++[/B] to [B]CodeBlocks[/B] as per Salem's suggestion. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post604085.html#post604085"](Check this post)[/URL] But I am finding difficult to work with this compiler for the basic reason of not knowing the in-built functions. Can you please help me with this by listing down …

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for shaddybOi

Hello everybody, I need to implement a circular buffer and im clue less . . .HELP me:'(

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for moshw

Hi, I'm learning C++ programming and have to write a program that shows how to calculate tax rates for a business tha th as shops in 3 different cities with three different tax rates, using the printf function. Anyhelp I can get is appreciated. Keep in mind I am just …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for cookiedianne760

[code=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> struct book{ char title[30]; int book_isbn[13]; };book library int x, found,count,y; char title[20][30]; void setup() { strcpy(title[0], "Wind In The Willows"); strcpy(title[1], "Fright Night"); strcpy(title[2], "Women From Venus, Men are from Mars"); strcpy(title[3], "Happy Days"); strcpy(title[4], "Gone Fishing"); strcpy(title[5], "My Sql"); strcpy(title[6], "About Nothing"); strcpy(title[7], "Beowulf"); …

Member Avatar for jephthah
Member Avatar for nagaa

Hi, pls help me to understand the fork process and execlp command.. With one perfect small example is ok. for me.. I can abe to understand theoritically buit i can't able to proceed through practically.. Pls no the needful..

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for nnobakht

hey guys, im have written a code that all it does is get user input and run a simple fork task. the problem i am running is the commands i type for example /bin/ls and so on does nothin it jsut asks for the next input. Could someone give me …

Member Avatar for Luckychap
Member Avatar for Prabakar

I happened to try find the total number of ways a horse can cover all 64 squares in a chess board without visiting a square more than once starting from one corner. All I was able to do was to use a brute force algorithm which run for a whole …

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Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey everyone. Glad to become part of this community and I hope I continue to come here for a long time seeing as this site gives great helps. My problem: I have a struct that is (for example) the following: [code] #define NUM 999 struct client { int id; char …

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The End.