1,125 Topics

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Member Avatar for dongtrien

I want to calculate the total conditional in the month but remove the records that are not the same month and not the same year, the condition that eliminates the view on the sql access because the result is true or false in the excel file http://www.mediafire.com/file/kq2mr2v6px1uxan/exercise.rar DOANHTHU2: Sum(IIf(Not IsNull([DONGIA]),[SOLUONG]*([DONGIA]/1000000),[SOLUONG]*([DONGIATT]/1000000))) …

Member Avatar for mike888

Hi, I have a problem with my homework assignment. I am able to access the database and insert new customer but it doesn't work when i try to update any record. if anyone can tell me what is wrong with my code. thank you so much this is all my …

Member Avatar for vishal_30
Member Avatar for dongtrien

Previously used winXP operating system running normally (very good) when switching to win7 operating system, this error, read errors from the SQL Server data, what is the error ? http://www.mediafire.com/view/4q5ux6e66ds4avb/ErrorOpenSQL.jpg/file

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ranjanj2me

Sir can you please send me an example to upload an image to the server (with user defined file name and display message if name exist) at specific folder "images" and save its path to the mysql database. And again display the images uploaded on the server folder by using …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for sharara

Hello, I ususally browse internet using google chrome. OS is windows XP. Can anybody tell me any free and safe proxy server? Whenever I search for any online shop, my all other pages come with advertisements of those objects whichever I clicked over the time. It seems like so many …

Member Avatar for Free_2
Member Avatar for jaimin4829

we r trying to insert date from datetime picker into mssqlserver 2005 but it also enter defult time(00:00) with it in database. using we want only date... [CODE]& xyzdtp.value.date &[/CODE]

Member Avatar for uzma_2
Member Avatar for progtick

I am using a code similar to the one below inside my stored procedure: [CODE]declare @tempVar decimal select @tempVar = amount from tempTable where <<conditions>> IF (CONDITIONAL STATEMENT) BEGIN select @tempVar END [/CODE] now I am supposed to be getting 4.25 something and I get 4, when I can clearly …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for Khairul_1

hello everyone.. i am a final year student. we are asked to do a project in networking.. what kind of project in networking should i do.. i confuse what kind of project should i do.. i am in need of a project topic which is feasible and can be finished …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I have a website that gets a lot of visitors a month. And the server cannot handle the traffic. I have a dedicated server. How can I run the site on multiple dedicated servers?

Member Avatar for FarrisFahad
Member Avatar for singularity~

So I have completely hit the wall trying to diagnose the problem with setting up Anywhere Access on my Windows Server 2012 R2. I am getting the infamous "Anywhere Access to your server is blocked" error. The error tells me to check that port 443 and 80 isn't blocked by …

Member Avatar for Snowblind738
Member Avatar for Quang_1

I use cPanel hosting sometimes the error message "500 Internal Server Error" when accessing your website. Help me how to fix it ?? Thanks

Member Avatar for santhoshsocial
Member Avatar for breaksand30

I'm working on a project in Python that I'm having trouble with. I've asked so many people but they seem to not be able to help me :/ I'm coding a little program that executes system commands. The idea is that one machine opens the server and the other one …

Member Avatar for reeta_1
Member Avatar for xoman
Member Avatar for Ritesh_4

Hello, I have a local domain server, managed via a Windows Server 2003 R2 SE machine, and would like to be able to broadcast messages as an administrator to all client PCs which are connected to the domain, whereby the message will just pop-up on the users' screens, and either …

Member Avatar for cguan_77
Member Avatar for Noor_7

Hello, I am facing a very tiresome problem. Whenever I click on any link (sometimes not even on link, any where on the window) on any web browser (I am using Chrome more), a new tab opens up with address "wonderlandads.com". This stays for fractions of a second and some …

Member Avatar for Anthony_16
Member Avatar for adriculous

Hello, I've joined Daniweb months ago, but haven't really had the time to post here. I apologize if I posted in the wrong section, as I tried to look for the most specific one. So far I've seen `Linux/Unix > server` as the closest. I'm currently stuck with my situation …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for franck_1

My server goes off when I do a remote desktop after a few seconds of logon. I am looking to know what can caused this and solutions to solve it

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for skullscript

Hi Everyone Dont know if this is the right place to ask this but i Just wanted to consult anybody of you that might have an idea on what this core dump message means. Yesterday my website is down for almost 30 min and when i called the hosting provider …

Member Avatar for skullscript
Member Avatar for Anna_10

Im working with Forms Builder. Ive built my form, when Im testing, it shows: FRM-41045::cannot find item:invalid ID. See Help>Online help for details But, online help sucks - there are only unanswered questions (forum-like site) Any help?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Ravi_31

i Have used thread concept to handle multiple connections. But It's not working for multiple clients. please help me // Server code #undef UNICODE #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x501 #include <windows.h> #include <winsock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> // Need to link with Ws2_32.lib #pragma comment (lib, …

Member Avatar for Ravi_31
Member Avatar for Max_20

I have a home lab I am trying to configure multiple subnets on and use Routing and Remote Access LAN Routing to get everything talking. I have two hosts w/ 5 physical NICS running Hyper-V. I have the NICS configured on each host so they each are in a different …

Member Avatar for Nadosh

hello, i have one table in sql server and i made a form to editing this table from. so when i click edit in the table .. it takes me to the editing form with the chosen id .. what i need is to show all other feildes in the …

Member Avatar for Aditya_18

Hi, I want to redirect my sub doamin blog.adityabevoor.com to a folder called blog. I need apache directives to edit .htaccess file. can you help me out please? Thanks

Member Avatar for Antony_5

Hi, Wondering if you lovely people can help me; my career goal is to succeed in IT but due to family issues I had to drop out of my degree. With this being networking and dealing with Microsoft Windows Server I would love to complete the MCSA. However, in a …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Dean_5

What it says on the tin. I'm looking for a good voice/chat server I can run on a RasPi 3 running Raspbian Jessie. TeamSpeak is Intel only as best I can tell. EDIT: Dangit. Every single time I jump on this forum thinking "These guys will know, but let me …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Saboor880

Hi to all! I am using sql server 2008 enterprise edition. My instance name is "saboor-pc/ SQLSERVERENT". I am using this server for many months and i am satisfied but today an unexpected error occured when i clicked on "connect" button in sql server management studio. The error was: "Cannot …

Member Avatar for Alec_2
Member Avatar for dimi231080

Hello dear memebers, after searching for a multiple chat client i have come across a multithreading chat system which i have attached the code .I have taken the code of the server class and added it to my application form as well as the gui.My question is(well i know it …

Member Avatar for Reinaldo_1
Member Avatar for Swadesh_1

I'm calculating the in/out bytes between my application and also the server. The findings within the application is completely not the same as the one I possess via iptables?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ashley_12

I am using the Ionic framwork for the mobile app and Bootstrap for the web app, this has been set by my University as what we have to use, so we can't change them, but is there a way to link the data base to both services? Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for IcyFire

I made a client server program to send an image from the server to the client. The image is being sent being but its not showing up in client window immediately. If i click send on the server then i minimize (or maximize) the client window then open again the …

Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.