1,125 Topics

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Kind of a quiet day on Wall Street, with traders wondering if Bank of America's less-than-expected Q1 forecast was a bump on the road to a bull market or a legitimate roadblock. With the market off 35 points in Monday trading (as of 3 PM EST), after rising four percent …

Member Avatar for khess

When he took the reins almost two years ago, new Novell President and CEO Ronald Hovsepian, was going to lead the charge in driving the Linux acceptance and conversion. Recently he said that the Desktop Linux market, in the next 3 to 5 years, is mainly enterprise-related and that the …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for happygeek

Ahead of its unveiling and hands-on demonstration at the TechEd: IT Forum in Barcelona, Spain next week, Microsoft has announced that Centro will be officially known as the Windows Essential Business Server. With something in the region of 1.4 million mid-sized businesses around the globe, it does not take a …

Member Avatar for newsguy

Microsoft is announcing the availability of its new [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/windowshomeserver"]Windows Home Server[/URL] product today. The WHS solution is targeted directly at a family audience, helping them to protect, connect and share digital media and documents. The stay-at-home server delivers the same type of benefits that the corporate and academic server technology …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the latest [URL="http://www.idctracker.org"]IDC Quarterly Server Tracker report[/URL] the growth of Linux as far as the US x86 server market is concerned has started to slow. In fact, it is has done more than just slow, when compared to Windows-based server growth it has slipped backwards. In 2005 Windows …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for newsguy

Remember when SCO used to be known as a big fish in the Unix OS pond, well respected and pretty much a pillar in this particular vendor community? No, neither do I. The image of a company that sought to claim IBM had somehow inappropriately contributed to Linux development, a …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Jeff Jones is a Strategy Director in the Microsoft Security Technology Unit, part of the team trying to make Microsoft products more secure, poor guy. No surprise that he publishes a vulnerability report on his Microsoft TechNet hosted [URL="http://blogs.technet.com/security/default.aspx"]Security Blog[/URL] which always seems to suggest that Microsoft Windows is far …

Member Avatar for Infarction
Member Avatar for John A

Add SuSE to the list of operating systems going to be offered by Dell as they ally with Novell and Microsoft to sell their server software. Planning on selling both SuSE SLES (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) and Microsoft's Windows Server, Dell broadens their offering of solutions, hoping to increase their …

Member Avatar for Flannel Avenger
Member Avatar for Dani

It's been a couple of years now that Google has been in the contextual advertising game, serving up ads not just in the search results, but also across the network of AdSense publishers. AdSense has since become a dream come true for many small publishers realizing they can make some …

Member Avatar for blud
Member Avatar for John A

Red Hat's been the king of Linux for a while -- but as of lately, it's been quite some time since they released an update to their enterprise edition of their distribution, RHEL. 2 years in fact. Now, Red Hat has finally released a new version of RHEL: REHL 5. …

Member Avatar for markdean
Member Avatar for Dani

Well, I just got myself through a major disaster. A couple of days ago, vBulletin, the forum system which powers the core of DaniWeb, released a shiny new version, vB 3.6. Every day since, they've been announcing new features - many of which look just awesome! This afternoon, they finally …

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

As of Sunday afternoon, Oct 30, 2005, DaniWeb has taken on a new look! I have been active with DaniWeb since early 2004, and we now have the 3rd revision to our community! I like the new changes, and I am sure that on behalf of the administration, others do …

Member Avatar for whipaway
Member Avatar for Danny

It’s finally here. The company that brought us Flash, Dreamweaver, Cold fusion, among others – announced that it will be shipping [url=http://www.macromedia.com/cfusion/store/index.cfm?store=OLS-US]Macromedia Studio 8[/url] in mid September. Absent from the new software suite will be Freehand, but two new other components will be added. Here’s what is included: Flash Professional …

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Member Avatar for Danny

High performance gaming and media center computer systems manufacturer [url=http://www.alienware.com]Alienware[/url] announced today that it has made available a new product line of high performance rack mountable servers. Dubbed the [url=http://www.alienware.com/hivemind]Hivemind series[/url], the servers come in both single and dual processor configurations, and can support up to a reported 2.4TB of …

Member Avatar for Fede

Hi, does anyone knows how to write a simple telnet client aplication in VB .NET Visual Studio 2005 ? I've looked and downloaded a lot of stuff but still don't find anything that really works. All I need is to connect from my App. to Unix via telnet and run …

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The End.