925 Topics
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Hi, I am just setting up a website for a friend who is a singer/songwriter. He wants to make his music available for purchasing from his website via digital download. However I have never set up a website that makes use of ecommerce, could you please suggest what the best … | |
Plz tell me tht How we can check tht the payment we hav received frm Google for Adsense is correct or not..?? | |
I want to add a chat room to my phpfox, and I have considered v3chat, flashcoms, and 123flashchat. 123flashchat have the most features and the high performance, what's more, they provide free integration for you, but flashcoms will charge you, Has anyone had good results with them? your opinion is … | |
I want to start email marketing and am looking for a good mass email software for the same. Can anyone suggest a good low cost or free email marketing software? Also please inform which smtp server offer unlimited emails and is reliable and ependable. Pradip Kumar Daftari | |
Hi, I am looking for some relevant link for my Finance related website. So if you have Finance theme base or Business, Real estate,Mortgage, loan, Personal loan, and other Credit Cards theam related sites. So Plz contact me soon and I hope you also know the benefits of link popularity. … | |
Please anybody tell me about E-commerce and the benefits of E-commerce. | |
As we know, it requires hard time and sophisticated means to promote a website; considering an eCommerce website, what do you suggest to let it be known by public? | |
I saw new group buying websites like Groupon, Socialbuy or Livingsocial popping up all over the place. I'm thinking of starting a Groupon like service in my area - the problem I have is I've not figured out how the backend online payment is handled- as visitors credit card are … | |
I have created a website at google sites, and I want to add a log in page. Can anyone help? | |
hi, I need database for US email address. | |
I'm looking to implement chat live support and need product suggestion/recommendation based on experiance. Also, what does everyone thing of hosted products compared to in-house implemented products. Jamal | |
Hi all, Happy holidays if you are in NA. So I'm looking for the best live chat/help software there is. Years ago I used one & it wasn't that great. Features I want are: 1. Makes a loud noise when someone tries to connect b/c we don't want to have … | |
Hi, I would like to put paypal on my site. I am not sure what I should go for, as its so poorly layed out i can't understand exactly what each product does. What I want to do is: -> When someone clicks on the `payNow` button, a screen pops … | |
hey....this is henry....I want to know about this E commerce....please tell me about all this topic which is related to the E commerce.... thank you........... | |
hello does anyone know zen cart,if so i need help integrating google check out | |
How our website can be on the top in google search? [URL="http://www.pitulast.com"][B]:)[/B][/URL] | |
how good are those online degree programs, I've been offered an awesome deal to earn a degree in the field I wanted to study for a long time now. How good are they?Also tell me from where i can got information About it. | |
[ATTACH=LEFT]16647[/ATTACH]On Friday, the world’s largest online marketplace announced the launch of its U.S. exclusive eBay Bucks Rewards Program. The cashback incentive gives the consumer a 2% return on most items available for sale on the site. "We're giving eBay's most loyal shoppers something special in return -- money to spend … | |
Social shopping is a process of e-commerce and of traditional shopping in which clients shop in an online social networking atmosphere s related to twitter and face book. Using the understanding of crowds, users communicate and total information about good quality of products, prices and deals. A lost of sites … | |
[ATTACH=right]16268[/ATTACH]The federal government and almost all these United States are broke, and so they're considering something we've all at least thought about from time to time: making money off the Internet. There's a fight brewing in Washington, D.C. over an attempt to collect sales tax from online purchases... yet again. … | |
Hi, Does anyone know software to build a private sales club? Examples of private shopping clubs are: SNIP SNIP SNIP The new [URL="http://www.magentocommerce.com/media/screencasts/private-sales-including-events-invitations-and-category-access-permissions/view"]Enterprise version[/URL] of Magento offers this, and it's absolutely perfect. The only thing is, the license fee starts at [B]$12,990 per year[/B]..... I'm wondering if there are other … | |
Hi, I am new to daniweb and appreciate this opportunity to hear the communities thoughts. I would like to market our B2B service* though affiliate marketing but am getting quite a negative impression towards B2B from affiliate networks, who say B2B is too small. There are over 4 million small … | |
The troubled newspaper industry has been railing for years about how the Internet is destroying their business model, and taking actions such as paywalls and talking about [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220640.html"]changing [/URL]copyright law. Now, one newspaper is going further -- it's taking bloggers that posted its stories to court, with the result that … | |
A friend and myself are taking an E-Commerce course. We're having a debate rather of not XYZ senario would be consider E-Commerce. We've tried looking through our books, and browsering the web, but have not been able to find solid evidents to support either of our claims. The senario is: … | |
[ATTACH=right]15944[/ATTACH]Earlier today, Amazon announced pretty significant numbers that illustrate the rising popularity of e-books. For the first time in their short history, they are outselling their hardcover brethren at the bookstore giant. For the second quarter of 2010, Amazon sold an impressive 143 e-books for every 100 hardcover copies. Change … | |
I'm trying to add oscommerce to my website and i'm having trouble. I dont know how to edit the front page and i dont know how to make it active. I've added all my products to the site but i cant seem to checkout. I can get the products to … | |
For an e-commerce site, it is important to monitor conversion rates and optimizing it. So what other metrics do you assess/monitor on your website to help increase sales? I found this very interesting slides stating this: [url]http://www.slideshare.net/dennis.mortensen/using-web-analytics-insights-to-sell-more[/url] So have you used web analytics to increase your sales? | |
OK here is what I am after and here is the bumps in the road. I am selling but ONE product, and this ONE product I am selling can be sold in different quantities of course. So after selling this product on the streets of my town to know it's … | |
Hi, I have been asked to make a ecommerce website as cheap as poss. The website will contain clothes etc but also will have adult material. The iseal cart to use would be oscommerce but due to the nature of some of the product, I can't use paypal. Does anyone … | |
Hello im totaly new here as you can se on my post count =) Got a couple of questions about pricing and payment methods. Im designing or trying to design vbulletin templates and web site designs. Ive relesed several free styles over at [url]www.vbulletintemplates.com[/url] . But now i wanna do … |
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