925 Topics

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Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi There! Hope I'm putting this int he right spot! My question is not how to make a membership site. I've watched videos and read tutorials and I think that I understand how to do it (unless there are any hidden difficulties along the way) what I would like to …

Member Avatar for Jabga

Hi all. I am wondering how to handle e commerce payment on my creating web. It can't redirect to such as Paypal or moneybookers.com etc, payment should be start at my web form and finish on my web. Can it be? How to make it? It should accept international visa …

Member Avatar for Jabga
Member Avatar for virtualmisc
Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi, I am trying to install an open source erp but I don't know how. It is a greek erp called Putheus. [URL="http://www.snigel.gr/pytheus/wiki/PInstall"]http://www.snigel.gr/pytheus/wiki/PInstall[/URL] Could someone help me with some screenshots. Please PS : I am working with windows

Member Avatar for avrilabraham

Knowing to be one of the most advanced Technology Provider across the Globe, The umbrella of Oracle has made space for JD Edwards, Sun, PeopleSoft, Siebel and many more technologies. You wanting to reach out to the technology users out in the market place does not necessarily require confinement towards …

Member Avatar for virtualmisc

Anyone used OsCommerce for a long time? I am planning to use it. Just wanted to make sure i was doing the right thing. Any other options? Thanks

Member Avatar for hireaprogrammer
Member Avatar for dahagaku

if you order anything from amazon do you have to use a creit card or can you just pay with money were if not were are some sites that do...??

Member Avatar for bubblegumm
Member Avatar for slfisher

Authors of books published by [URL="http://us.macmillan.com/"]Macmillan[/URL] discovered early Saturday morning that all their electronic books been pulled from Amazon sales, and even wishlists, in a dispute between Amazon and their publisher over e-book pricing. How the dispute is resolved will help determine the price of e-books in the future. "Macmillan, …

Member Avatar for slfisher
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I want to create an example for buying multi products with Paypal button but I cannot do it. Can you help me with this? Thanks [CODE]<p>Buy Multi Products</p> <form name="form1" method="post" action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick" /> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="seller@hotmail.com" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_name_1" value="Charger" /> <input type="hidden" …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for happygeek

So just how many great ideas did you have last year? IBM managed to come up with 4895 during the course of 2009 that were good enough to be granted patents from the US Patent and Trademarks Office, cementing the Big Blue reputation as being King of the Patents. That …

Member Avatar for thizzle
Member Avatar for slfisher

As increasing numbers of states are running into budgetary problems, some of them are starting to look at taxing Internet sales. When the Internet first started becoming a commercial entity, Internet sales were exempted from sales taxes in order to help encourage new commercial companies to form on the Internet. …

Member Avatar for thizzle
Member Avatar for slfisher

Well, there's one advantage to global warming: The Kodiak-Kenai Cable Company (KKCC) has announced plans to finance, design, build and operate an express undersea fiber optic cable connecting Asia and Europe, routed through the Arctic, according to an [URL="http://www.kodiakdailymirror.com/?pid=19&id=8381"]article[/URL] in the [I]Kodiak Daily Mirror[/I]. Construction of the $1.2 billion, 10,000-mile …

Member Avatar for michelle2010

Hello, everyone. You have a few questions ... That if I want my site to accept the world, that is, from an international credit card - Do you think this one will be even better - the world's first data or a similar payment, or any good suggestions of things, …

Member Avatar for fionix
Member Avatar for still_learning

Hello there. I am completely a newb let me say first off and this is the first time I have ever dealt with a shopping cart while building a website. I stumbled across some source code that gave me pretty easy instructions that I followed. I set everything up, and …

Member Avatar for fionix
Member Avatar for MktgRob

Are there any issues in e-commerce applications if someone wants to use their debit card as a credit card for a purchase?

Member Avatar for studentcredit
Member Avatar for general_neo

Hello fellow members, I am new to this forum and glad to have found it. Here is my plan. We have a shop and would like to have online presence. This business is related to car audio and lighting So I have already brought a domain (example xyz.net) But where …

Member Avatar for virtuemart
Member Avatar for newsguy

A roundtable of industry licensing specialists has been discussing software ownership and liability in the complex new world tech order where cloud computing, virtualisation and Software as a Service reign supreme. Certainly there can be little doubting that over the course of the last 12 months or so CIOs and …

Member Avatar for jwrigh13

Does anyone know about the legalities of storing credit card information to use later? Specifically, we want to start accepting political donations but our Click and Pledge account is not set up yet. Can we create a database to store the credit cards and amounts and then, acting as the …

Member Avatar for michelle2010
Member Avatar for EddieC

While most eyes this week were trained on Las Vegas and the Consumer Electronics Show, Microsoft was gearing up to speak with retailers at the [url=http://www.nrf.com/]National Retail Federation[/url]'s annual [url=http://events.nrf.com/annual2010/Public/MainHall.aspx?ID=5938&sortMenu=101000&exp=3%2f13%2f2009+10%3a07%3a54+AM]Conference and Expo[/url] in New York City running tomorrow through Tuesday. The company [url=http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2010/jan10/01-08nrf10ma.mspx]announced yesterday[/url] that it will be demonstrating new …

Member Avatar for blonkm

I have a problem with CJ API. Don't know if this is the right place to ask. The problem is that categories with the same name exist, so when I retrieve advertisers I don't get the correct entries.

Member Avatar for happygeek

What might kill illegal downloading do you think? The long ([URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220692.html"]and mostly ineffective[/URL]) arm of the law perhaps, or maybe a sudden (and unlikely) [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story235178.html"]feeling of overwhelming love[/URL] for the poor music and movie industry? According to the [URL="http://www.globalwebindex.net"]Global Web Index[/URL] the answer could be simple and obvious: why bother …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for skor

Hi all, I'm new here so forgive me if this has been asked before. I have installed oscommerce for the first time and I'm trying to configure it but I getting the next errors at the top of the browser: [COLOR=blue]Warning: session_save_path() [function.session-save-path]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script …

Member Avatar for wohoo
Member Avatar for Alex Carlson
Member Avatar for slfisher

If you've ever wanted to read [I]Sprague's Journal of Maine History[/I], or [I]Pioneers of Scioto County[/I], but couldn't because they were too old, you're in luck. They're among nearly 60,000 books -- many too fragile to be safely handled -- that have been digitally scanned as part of the first-ever …

Member Avatar for bufospro

Hi, I am student and I have to make an exercise about open source erp's. To be more specific I have to explain how an open source erp works. Does anyone know online open source erp's ? Can I download it ?? Thanks a lot

Member Avatar for enzo420

Hey all, i was wondering how sites such as ebay, amazon and hotscripts allow users to add downloadable products to their site and if there are any shopping carts out there that have this functionability. I have my own site and databases, i dont want to host anything on an …

Member Avatar for enzo420
Member Avatar for MktgRob

I just found this blog post through one of my linkedin groups and I thought I would share it here. As many e-marketers are using blog posts and articles as a way of attracting people to their sites, this blog talks about content syndication. Hope it offers some good insights. …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

As I am in the process of educating myself on all of the intricacies of e-commerce I am constantly seeking out new info and I came across an offer for a webinar about using e-signatures with a certain website. From what little info I have been able to find it …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was recently approached by a local limo company who is investigating adding a web-based booking system that would allow people who need to hire a car service for a trip to the airport or some other one off type of rental to do so on-line at anytime. This would …

Member Avatar for MktgRob

As I work with a number of different clients who are using e-mail campaigns (through Constant Contact as well as their corporate e-mail), Blogging and social media enagagement (twitter, FB, youtube) to drive leads to their e-commerce sites, I am curious to know which ones work the best and in …


The End.