925 Topics
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What are you think abouth e-com website plugins/tools. Have you found any really useful one. | |
Hello.. There have been a lot of discussion about making money online programmes. Can some one tell me if something really works (please don’t tell me just because you want me to be your referral). Can some one please tell me the way to make money online ?? Thanks | |
In the battle of e-commerce increasingly fierce today, there are many websites selling online, many of which are using Shopify to create a website for themselves. Sellers want to show customers their products are the best, which is essential for them, but how customers will visit your website to trust … | |
I have couple of shipping methods DHL & FedEx, if selected products exits in cart show only selected shipping method, how to archive using shopping cart pricing rule or any other way to do this? | |
Hello evryone currenlty i have wordpress site with woo commerce plugin. I run online shopping site i don't know how can i improve traffic more. now i have small amount of traffic how can increase high traffic. suggest me good information. | |
Helllo everyone :) This is my first post so, here it goes. I am a digital marketer for a grocery delivery mobile app operating in Romania, Europe. My team and I are now in the process of linking our AdWords and Google Play accounts. This will allows us to serve … | |
How you can use Facebook ads for drive traffic to ecommerce small business site? | |
At the dawn of the computer age, there were many individuals that truly believed that while the Internet might be valuable, that it would not have a lasting impact on human civilization. Paul Krugman [famously wrote](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/paul-krugman-internets-effect-economy/) in 1998 that the effect of the Internet on the world economy would be … | |
Hi all ! Friends i would just like to ask that whether PPC is good or Email marketing ? | |
Please share your SEO strategies for your e-commerce stores. Thanks. | |
Hi All, Suggst me which is the Best Tool to start the E-Commerce Site and easy to use. Thank you. | |
Hi, Hope you guys are doing well! I need help from experts, I have a query that "Does google allows SEO for websites related to crypto currency ?" If yes, what is best way to do SEO for crypto currency website ? | |
Hello everybody, I`ve been away for some time, but I`m back now! I have question to ask you all. I need help in making a decision. So, I decide to get into this kind of online business, and I decided to make an e-shop for selling mountain gear, like skis, … | |
Hi, Dani hope I am on the right place to disscuse some issue with you. Actually I am a freelancer but now I am bigining my own physical bussines in Digital Marketing. So I ahve to hire some Indoor and outdoor employees for my bussiness and I am just worried … | |
What are the new SEO topics in 2020? | |
Rcently i posted to many platforms but not sufficiant ansewre was given, can some someone tell me why google has removed my website from search, i have right pagesa and tested on many seo tools everything is fine still google remove my site, does it because of cloud flare, someone … | |
Hey guys Can you name me some promotional techniques for advertising an e-commerce site. I know there's posters and tv advertisements but thats normally for actual stores not online sites. Any ideas? | |
Are there any external tools that can improve my audience targeting on FB&Instagram for fashion e-commerce? | |
Can Anyone give me brief about it? | |
I am running online shopping website. I need to know which online tools are important for my website? | |
Anyone use them ? It's taking forever to get them fully responsive. Any ideas on why they are so far behind the others ? | |
Hello to all! Hope you are fine. I am developing an e-commerce android app and integrating Stripe payment gateway in it and using Google Fire base as real time database. I browsed the official website of stripe and took the source code from there. I used my test key from … | |
I have magento shipping charge code : <?php ob_start(); // require_once(__DIR__ . '/app/Mage.php'); require_once('./../app/Mage.php'); umask(0); ini_set('display_errors',true); ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M'); Mage::app()->loadArea('frontend'); function getShippingEstimate($productId,$productQty,$countryId,$postcode ) { // $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('default')->getId()); $quote = Mage::getModel('sales/quote')->setStoreId(Mage::app()->getStore('english')->getId()); $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($productId); $_product->getStockItem()->setUseConfigManageStock(false); $_product->getStockItem()->setManageStock(false); $quote->addProduct($_product, $productQty); $quote->getShippingAddress()->setCountryId($countryId)->setPostcode($postcode); $quote->getShippingAddress()->collectTotals(); $quote->getShippingAddress()->setCollectShippingRates(true); $quote->getShippingAddress()->collectShippingRates(); $_rates = $quote->getShippingAddress()->getShippingRatesCollection(); $shippingRates = array(); foreach ($_rates as … | |
Hello guys, unfortunately it looks like I'll have to use your help again. I'm struggling for few days to configure some filters in woocomerce and I can not do it at all. I'm trying to configure some filters to appear only in subcategories, and a main filter only in the … | |
I was thinking that how will the digital marketing affect the traditional way of doing business. | |
Hello Evreyone, I Faced a big problem, I have a Instagram Service site, but this speed is low, I'm trying some time but faild to raise site speed, see site speed https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbuyfastlike.com%2F&tab=mobile Site url - https://buyfastlike.com | |
Setting a value to hidden element in clickdimensions is tricky beacuse you cant set an id to it and there are lots of hidden elements set by the page. the way i did it was by setting a special value to that field and find it later when code runs. | |
Hi! Can I buy email database to my newsletter. I visited this site and it looks great, but I need confirmation from you. [spammy link deleted] Regards, Bela | |
We are {company name and link removed} and we are now using oscommerce but we found out it is not seo friendly. Can anybody recommend seo friendly shopping cart. Tom | |
Without going into each of the products pages and setting sidebar to appear on left, how can I code it into the woocomerce product single page using php? http://www.mabridalplus.com/?product_cat=bridal-wear |
The End.