925 Topics

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Member Avatar for RazorRamon

I am very new to zen cart.. like 2 weeks into it. I'm having an issue with a virtual product. I want to issue ads on my website and want to take purchase of ad space through zen cart. The user will create the ad, once they are happy with …

Member Avatar for getmused
Member Avatar for ganesh641
Member Avatar for codemonkey88

A client has an ecommerce site, which is hosted on Magento but could be exported if easier. We are now trying to set up a couple more new branded sites which have independant designs but use the same product and client base. I have done some Googling and found that …

Member Avatar for Max D
Member Avatar for SKANK!!!!!

i heard that i can customize my webstore more with paypal api. i dont know what it is. am i able to have my own shopping cart page that i made entirely myself and then have the person buying just check out with paypal, so they can buy multiple items …

Member Avatar for Max D
Member Avatar for Ribamar23

I'm using Wordpress with Woocommerce and using Affiliates Woocommerce Light This plugin has a limitation: you can setup only a fixed comission for all products. I need different comissions for each product. I thought creating a custom field for product in product page when inserting a product. Then I will …

Member Avatar for Ribamar23
Member Avatar for johnpark

Hi am john from chennai,newbie for this forum.i am working for TreeShore Software Solution.TreeShore is a leading web design company,logo design,flash design,brouchure,flyers,catalog design with template and more collateral business cards and letter head design services company in chennai,India. <snip>

Member Avatar for alvin.smith.75470
Member Avatar for webflybullet

Is there anyone know how to install this shipping cart named tomatocart? Demo: http://www.tomatocart.com/products/store-demo.html Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for webflybullet
Member Avatar for venkateshyeluri

I have a website with a user registration page in which they give their details including a bank account no for online transaction, if any user is registered with us we will generate a unique web link for them through which their clients will make an online payment. this is …

Member Avatar for analyzea
Member Avatar for stereoworld

Hi guys, Just looking for some advice on database design. I'm relatively competent in MySQL (competent at a push, haha) and I'm in a bit of a pickle right now when I'm trying to generate products for a Magento store. Well, Magento is where it ends up, I currently use …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for danielbala

Hi, I have some issues like 1.for free classified ads website what CMSs or Ecommerce softwares or we can do just code in php without using any of these? 2.Same for social networking and job portal websites too?? 3.If we use just php coding for free classified ads website how …

Member Avatar for technolabinc
Member Avatar for Tristan2036

I hope this is the correct place for this, I looked for a similar thread. I have an ssl certificate on my site that is interfering with my eccommerce site's csv uplader somehow. I found if i turn this SSL off, the swf file uploader works. Of course I need …

Member Avatar for GarryHillton
Member Avatar for lapunluyang

I am looking for a free opensource shopping cart software that has the capability to have a 1 page checkout process.... That would be going from cart -> 1 page of checkout -> order submitted The checkout has address, CC info, shipping, etc all on one page. I currently I …

Member Avatar for reganstar
Member Avatar for aconnor86

Hey there, I am currently a student seeking a degree in Business but also understand the importance of technology so I am minoring in Information Technology. I am curious about ERP systems as that is what I am learning about in my Management Information Systems class. ERP systems seem to …

Member Avatar for nsillk
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi I would like to have a system where I offer a free service, and then two other tiers where people pay different amounts for a different service, so say £5 and £10. I want this to be put into a MySql database, so I'll have a column and for …

Member Avatar for reganstar
Member Avatar for game4tress

I want to create a website to sell software over the internet. I know i can use paypal to receive payments. I've been looking at the paypal documentation and i can't find the answer to my question. I don't have a company, i'm a freelancer doing my own work for …

Member Avatar for reganstar
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey That topic title was difficult to write. Lets say Provider A has the domain name of example.com and hosts a webpage with links such as example.com/aboutus, example.com/wherearewe, etc. Thats all great. But I want Provider B to host a online store with links such as example.com/store, example.com/storename/shirts, example.com/storename/pants, etc …

Member Avatar for eltonpiko
Member Avatar for zjbarden

I'm personally wondering if online tech support via live chat is a profitable place to start, well, profiting. I know one can be paid anywhere from $30-$80/hr (average) for their knowledge lent through the internet, but I want to know if it's a smart idea to get involved in that …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for hectortrojan

Hi, I registered for a domain name at godaddy a year ago. its time to renew it. godaddy is charging $13 for it. I think it is expensive. Do I have option to renew from somewhere else?

Member Avatar for musicbox
Member Avatar for ruen

Hey everyone, I think this is the appropriate place for this posting. I'm a graphic designer about to undertake a project and need some good answers and advice. I'm currently building an online store that will have approximately 200+ products. As this is a wholesale company, only those who are …

Member Avatar for musicbox
Member Avatar for subrata_ushasi

Hi, I am trying to install Magento in Win XP but not been installed. I tried so many times but that was erroneous. If any one can suggest the steps... thanks in advance. Subrata

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for lite_ws

Is anyone else using Magento ? I want to make a list of website using the magento CMS using a javascript which display the website screenshot in a box 400 pixels [URL="http://www.website1service.com/new-slide-show/"]like that:[/URL]

Member Avatar for stevenmaico
Member Avatar for job977

Hi i'm develop. a new ecommerce site for my current city.....the website is comercialibre.com i need some feed back.... [URL="http://comercialibre.com"]http://comercialibre.com[/URL]

Member Avatar for versan
Member Avatar for vaishnav2010

What are the drawbacks of a website which is not redirected with www ? how it affects the seo for non www website ?

Member Avatar for Jashandeep
Member Avatar for daniel.walker01

Finlandia Group brings out an interesting comparative study regarding the E-commerce market in Finland in respect of U.S. The reason behind the comparison is to highlight how much the Finns are different or more precisely are lagging behind the major country ruling the scene of E-commerce presently. In America, the …

Member Avatar for Jashandeep
Member Avatar for Kerry W

:icon_question: A friend of mine has some amazing sales promotions. What do you do if you can't sell your sale? Anyone have some easy ideas to get more traffic and conversions for a great sale? A sale won't sell if nobody knows about it... All input is appreciated!

Member Avatar for salinajohnson
Member Avatar for Martje

Hey guys, You know when you are about to buy an item online you have to insert your address, etc and after a few days you will receive the product at the address you provided. Well i am setting up an online business that offers products but i am stuck …

Member Avatar for salinajohnson
Member Avatar for mdpepper

Hi guys, I am an IT placement student with a company coming to the end of my year. The exciting prospect of being employed by this company has came up for the time between when I finish as a student and beginning my final year at university. The task that …

Member Avatar for jawanda0
Member Avatar for pchurness

Hello, I'm developing an e-commerce site in a LAMP environment. Is it advisable to separate data on to different servers (i.e. to have one server as the web server and another server to house transaction and other customer data)? In other words, from a security perspective is there any reason …

Member Avatar for jonellis2685

Hi Friends, If any friends has good idea to increasing the seal of email marketing Please tell me. Thanks is Advance Best Regards Jon Ellis

Member Avatar for jonellis2685
Member Avatar for sinryder

hey guys i need some seriously help in deciding a merchant + gateway for my ecommerce website, which is selling clothes/apparels . Montly sale will be between 10k to 15k . i have googled alot and came down to 2 companies that i think are OK. Please help me decide …

Member Avatar for Blaketh08

The End.