925 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ghost

Ahh I posted something similar in the PHP forum, but this location might be more applicable. Sorry for the double post! I need one user to be able to pay another user, and I get a % of the transaction. What's the best system to use? Thanks!

Member Avatar for mark santa
Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon

I just started a new store (see my signature for link). It was set up on IPage with a few simple steps. The problem is that I don't know how to calculate shipping costs. How is that done for UPS? Also how about sales taxes? AFAIK USA does not have …

Member Avatar for mark santa
Member Avatar for Harora

I m a PHP developer. i want to start working in open source. Can u tell me what is OScommerce and how it works. i just want to know what is the use of OScommerce and how it works and what i need to do to start working in OScommerce. …

Member Avatar for mark santa
Member Avatar for sun-tzu

I have been working over the past week on a shopping cart script. What I can't seem to find out is how to make the checkout page. I want it to send the list of products, the total, and the address of the customer to PayPal and then have PayPal …

Member Avatar for sun-tzu

Hey, I want to build a shopping cart for my sister's online jewelry business, but I can't quite get my thoughts organized enough to make something work. Anyone have a script that could work? P.S. It should have the ability to make options for products such as size, color, etc.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sun-tzu

[url]http://www.backatya.org/products-page/checkout/[/url] You may have to add an item to your cart first to see the checkout page, but I am trying to figure out why the form fields show the <br> and just plain don't look right. I am using the WP e-Commerce plugin and can't figure out what I …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for mpw5013

Good Afternoon, I'm having an issue. I know how to read the API documentation, but I can't find what other attributes I can add to the array. I need to import UPC and the var_dump shows a 'upc' field, but Its not working. Here is my question. How do I …

Member Avatar for mpw5013
Member Avatar for emily-bcot

For an ecommerce website, if the number of the visotor is keeping increasing, the user acces speed on the website are getting slow. Is there any solution to avoid user access speed becoming slow if the amount of visitors are increaed. Many thanks!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dw_user

I am using mApple theme of Magento. I just want to get the contents of the rightmost column and the leftmost column interchanged. I think it is a very easy thing but as I am a novice, I need help ASAP. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for danielkull

Hi, I am building a website that will allow users to send money to each other for goods and services, then withdraw money from account (the website) to a bank. Authorize.net is only for facilitating payments, the same PayPal etc. and I cannot find anything online that will explain me, …

Member Avatar for danielkull
Member Avatar for nobuts

Hello Guys, I'd like to build a ajax cart which is pass the product id, title and quantity to another div. Saying the user clicked 3 items. And I'd like those item to display on a cart like: ID | Title | Qty ---------------- 1 | Apple | 2 2 …

Member Avatar for shopjerseys

My website was attacked by a hacker last week. I do not know the reason why my website was often attacked by somebody.

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for allyson_gss

What do you think about ebay acquiring magento then launches xcommerce an ebay product running on magento, zend framework platform. Do you think this will affect the community edition of magento?

Member Avatar for TomH.PG
Member Avatar for spartan.pk

Hi I'm developing a web application and needs to Integrate it with Authorize.NET AIM. I have tested the code provided by Authorize.NET it works fine for Single product. This code has an option to use for line items and is commented by default. I uncommented it and then used it …

Member Avatar for HITMANOF44th
Member Avatar for bubblegumm
Member Avatar for ExtDISC

Hi! I am looking for old (<2000) online user manuals. Especially for tests like psychological tests. The providers do not publish them. Anyone able to help me locate those?

Member Avatar for 1paket.com
Member Avatar for Niharika Jain

Hey, I've just started with JSP! Was trying my hand at this Shopping cart app.here's the code..[CODE]<%@page import ="java.sql.*"%> <%! Connection con = null; String query = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; %> <HTML> <BODY BGCOLOR='ORANGE'> <CENTER> <H2>YOUR CART CONTAINS</H2> <% try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/shopping_mart?"+"user=root&password=root"); …

Member Avatar for bjeffries

If anyone is familiar with wordpress and the plugin shopp I am having an issue and no one on any other forum can seem to help me. I am running the plugin shopplugin which is a shopping cart. I want to the featured product to show up on the index …

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for mpw5013

Good Morning, I'm receiving a SOAP error when I try to pull all of my products (20k) into an array. So, I want to limit the script and only grab 1/3 of the database. How would I do that? Here is the code that is erroring: [CODE]$products = $client->call($session, 'catalog_product.list', …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for basantxbs

Hello everyone, i need a help on integration of PayPal express checkout. i have integrated the express checkout to the my site. After adding products to the cart user moves to the PayPal login screen. After login to the account user move to the review page. i want that user …

Member Avatar for propeers

Is any one using nopCommerce([url]www.nopcommerce.com[/url]) for their e-Commerce store? thanks

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for johnst

Hi everyone, I have a few online stores all based on shopping cart softwares such as Prestoshop, Volusion and Magento. Now I'm realy looking to amped-up and get a shopping cart software that has good marketing tools and recently stumbled upon Izzonet shopping cart that offers integration with somthing like …

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for MattMaclean

Hi, I’m a co-op student from the University of Waterloo and as our on-boarding challenge, my co Co-Op Max and I were told to create a web app that could make $20 in four weeks (with the provision of no family / friend handouts, etc.). Over the past two weeks …

Member Avatar for joshtimber
Member Avatar for emily-bcot

Hi, I have an ecommerce website on the shared hosting, but the website has been attacked by hackers. I think the reason why it got attacked, because the shared hosting is not secure enough. Does anyone know where the safe hosting is? Why some ecommerce websites (i.e. ebay, Amazon and …

Member Avatar for amrithaa2011
Member Avatar for Rolygate

I'm trying to compile a list of payment gateways that allow for recurring payments / subscriptions. Suggestions welcome - thanks.

Member Avatar for rocco88
Member Avatar for a1flowerss

Hello there! Is there any CMS to create a customized gift portal. Which have image editing functions and text writing over image. I am looking for any open source CMS to start personalized gift portal but I did not find anyone. Can someone help me over this.? Any reply appreciated. …

Member Avatar for allyson_gss
Member Avatar for jason830
Member Avatar for allyson_gss
Member Avatar for Mosqwik

E-Commerce is a process of performing your online business through your website usually to sell your product eg. Computer products or to provide services eg. SEO, Hosting. Usually the payment is received through Credit Card termed as Merchant Account that allow you accept payment automatically to you account. You don’t …

Member Avatar for allyson_gss
Member Avatar for dasrobin

Hi, my name is robin das and we are currently running small question answer site. Can any one please tell me how much a technology question answer site with different technologies like asp.net. java, sap, sas, oracle can earn and what are the adverting option site can take. like which …

Member Avatar for Sariscos
Member Avatar for princevaliant

*** I read and reviewed the rules and don't think this violates them, but please feel free to remove this if so. *** I've got this really great idea but no expert knowledge and no experience in how to execute it. I figured I'd come ask the experts. I want …

Member Avatar for smantscheff

The End.