641 Topics

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Member Avatar for kytro360

I want my program to log in to the users email account with the information they provide and click on the emails and then click the links inside the email? If you know how to do this in browser or httpwebrequest Im all ears. Thanks.

Member Avatar for kytro360
Member Avatar for meleo

After spending abut 8 hours frustrated (and growing very grumpy) :) I found a solution and wanted to share. On my site, I use cPanel. I found a couple of posts that saved me some serious headaches so I decided to share them here to hopefully help someone else. I …

Member Avatar for meleo
Member Avatar for artyfarty
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Ordinarily I tend to agree with many of the things PCWorld's John C. Dvorak has to say, but a [URL="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2343209,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03079TX1K0000584"]column he wrote this week[/URL] has left me scratching my head. He asserts that the email system is fundamentally flawed and has pronounced it "dead." Email? Dead? What? Dvorak gives readers …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rakibtg

hello, i am trying to add a feature in my contact form that create a link with visitors submitted 'TITLE' and 'URL'. Have a look at this code! ***In this code [B]$attn = Visitors submitted URL[/B] and [B]$visitor = Visitors submitted title[/B]. [CODE]$todayis = date("l, F j, Y, g:i a") …

Member Avatar for rakibtg
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hi. I've created an email system where people can sign up and receive emails. I want to make a link that says: "Trouble viewing email? View online!" or something like that. I've made it so that the email sent to people is saved to a database, and then it will …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for calebcook

Hello everyone! I've created a mailing list where users can subscribe with a form, and the results are added to a MySQL database. They can also unsubscribe. The subscribe/unsubscribe pages work GREAT, but the page where I send out the email is giving me some trouble. It says that the …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for chifliiiii

I want to show my free website to a specific industry and i found that industry listed on hxxp://email-list(.)com . They ensure that all the list all opt-in and the website looks good for what i see. Also i cant find any information saying that is not legal to use …

Member Avatar for Nonar
Member Avatar for battlex2010

Hello everyone, I managed to recieve the contents of my email from gmail using the poplib module. But I am nor able to save these emails. How can I save the contents of email including images etc in most preferably in a html file?? Regards BattleX

Member Avatar for DavidB

One of my computers recently crashed. Fortunately, the .pst file was saved so not all is lost. However, I am considering [I]not[/I] installing Microsoft Outlook on the new computer. It seemed to take over too much of my system. A couple considerations: (1) If I install Outlook Express instead of …

Member Avatar for commodity
Member Avatar for sarah2230

Hi, I am trying to set up a php email form but the website the form is hosted on, is hosted on a windows server. And I am getting this error: There was an error in the information submitted: From Email address empty Please return to the form and fix …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ

Hi Friends, I am having one contact-us php script. Here i have used php mail function to send email to admin. Even-though i have also used captcha coding, admin is still continuously getting spam (dummy texts) contact us emails. Actually I am not sure how spammers do such activity. If …

Member Avatar for Batch Devil
Member Avatar for striker_1

Dear All, Please Help me, An E-mail was automatically sent to all contacts that were added in my accounts, That e-mail contain a malicious link inside it. I also received this e-mail on my yahoo account because my yahoo ID was also added in contacts of my AOL id, I …

Member Avatar for crunchie
Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

I hate to post a thread on this since I know this topic has been discussed ad nauseum, but I've been searching for weeks and cannot find exactly the answer I've been looking for. I'm new to arrays and loops - I get the concept, but not the syntax. Here's …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for WASDted

I just applied. Get yours before someone else takes your name: [url]http://apps.facebook.com/livemsgs/[/url]

Member Avatar for youwill
Member Avatar for lee94

I am trying to make a form and send all the entered fields directly into an email to a specific email account. if any one knows how to do this or can point me to a site that can help me i would be extreamly grateful thanks!!

Member Avatar for anilashanbhag
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i have a script that sends an email to cellphones: [CODE=html] <form name='celltest' method=post> <input type=hidden name=cellsubmit value=yes> <tr><td rowspan=1>Mobile Phone: <input type='text' class='efield' id='phone' name='phonetest' style='width: 200px;'></td><td style='padding-bottom: 15px; padding-left: 3px;'>&nbsp;<a href="?ref=ea&dotest=1" class='eap' style='width: 50px;'>Test</a></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td style='font-size: 12px; text-align: left; padding-top: 2px; padding-left: 35px;'>Provider: <select name=provider class=efield style='width:258px;' id='provider'> <option …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

Hi, I've looked around and cannot find an answer to this. I want every email that comes in to a certain email address to get stripped of everything but the subject and email address and get stored into a MySQL database. First, is this possible? If so, how? If someone …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie
Member Avatar for tomjrjones

hi, i have a current working registration page, (the code is below), how do i make it so when they click register it checks to see if its a valid email address, if u cannot help me can u give me a link to a website. this registration form creates …

Member Avatar for tomjrjones
Member Avatar for axman1000

I have a task. I will be receiving anywhere between 1 and 4 files daily from one single email id. I would like to extract these attachments, save it to my local drive, and then, extract the data from there into a database. I do not/will not be using Outlook …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I've got a simple link that opens a mail message: [CODE]<a href="mailto:help@solutions.com"[/CODE] If I select a new mail message in Outlook, it opens and works fine, using the "Normal" format style for the body text. But, with the mailto: link, it opens a new message using "Paragraph" format style for …

Member Avatar for floatingDivs
Member Avatar for Tehim

Basically I'm making a script that sends the user an email on register and they have to click a link in the email to activate their account. But in my activate page their seems to be an error in my coding and I've checked it over but I can't find …

Member Avatar for Tehim
Member Avatar for jonow

I am trying to set up a text message newsletter on my website. The basics of it are someone submits their number and I can go in and send out a message to a list of the numbers. I want to know the best method of going about this. I …

Member Avatar for jonow
Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi, I need some help with this because it's driving my friends crazy. My Yahoo email account was hacked by this spammer and I can't get rid of the virus by using Kaspersky anti-virus, running the full scan. The trojan keeps using my email address to spam my friends with …

Member Avatar for jholland1964
Member Avatar for rt.garg1991

I want some help in sending Email through my Gmail account. I don't want this for spamming purpose. I am developing Complaint System for my University and I want to send Email whenever any Complaint is launched. I already tried the following code but I am getting "Failure Sending Email" …

Member Avatar for rt.garg1991
Member Avatar for techeee

Hi Regex gurus, I was developing a asp.net application. I need to validate my email field. I already searched a lot in the web but didn't found any suitable regex for my situation.I need to fulfill the belows criteria 1)Shouldn't allow a user to enter numeric data only. i.e, it …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for abhi10kumar

Send email from a website to a specified email. I am using user@puruinvestech as an email (Google Email Apps is setup). Email contains fields like Name, Mobile, Email of the user in feedback form.

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for cupajotogo

If I've already got Postini what value add would installing GroupShield for Exchange provide??? More specifically internal emails within the co. (10K employees) are not scanned but all nodes on the network should have McAfee VSE On-Access Scanning enabled and current (about 95% compliant). So if a threat attempted to …

Member Avatar for cupajotogo
Member Avatar for nikkiae14

We would like to offer free downloads of some of our materials but we would like to be able to do the following: [LIST=1] [*]Gather contact information [*]Send an email within a few days, automatically, as a follow up [*]Automatically send an evaluation within a few weeks(this could be an …

Member Avatar for PapaRich
Member Avatar for bjeffries

I have this email newsletter field that works. I just dont want the person to be directed away from the page they are on when they submit the form. Is there a way to process the form then have a window pop-up saying: Thank you for submitting $email! My HTML …

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The End.