231 Topics

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Member Avatar for prince23

hi, I would need to create a website that has all the screens using Flash. The Flash screen would be having authentication system and get few data like Menu info, image info.................. Just wondering what is the way that Flash & .Net can talk. Application front end: Flash Platform: .Net …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sachin_mishra

Where do you recommend one can get [B][URL="http://www.memoryx.net/flashmemory.html"]flash memory[/URL][/B]? It's usually hard to find... if you do get to find a few, they over price it! Although i got an good Site [COLOR="Red"] MEMORYX.NET [/COLOR] but did you.....? share your knowledge here Thanks!

Member Avatar for Thew

Hello, I'd like to make some application which will play videos or flash animations over the desktop. The only idea I have is to use DirectShow, make application window transparent and "always on top". But this is not exactly what I want. I'd like to have something playing on the …

Member Avatar for chand.

Hi I need to know how we can swap the xml nodes with php. actually I'm working with flash and want to create such a menu in which the images of the menu is come from the xml source. Now user can drag and drop the menu vertically like a …

Member Avatar for zackyz
Member Avatar for marjan_m

Hi, Can any one please guide me how to create an interactive map of any country in FLASH? Or if you can suggest any other software for this purpose? Thanks & Regards,

Member Avatar for surindersharma
Member Avatar for AjithAnnadurai

Hi friends i want to know about how to create Big flash banner in html . and also i dont know to create flash video in swf format. please send the code here .......

Member Avatar for vijayahurli126
Member Avatar for tdjprj

I am looking for an interactive UK map in flash for embedding to a client's website, the map should show all the UK states, and then drill-down to UK counties (if they are also call counties as in the US) Here is a map I found which is * almost …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for happygeek

Adobe has issued a security advisory following the discovery of what it describes as a "critical vulnerability" which exists within the current versions of Flash Player (v9.0.159.0 and v10.0.22.87) across all platforms, Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems, The same vulnerability can be found within the authplay.dll component that ships …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The bad guys of the IT business are always looking for the most effective ways to infect the innocent Internet user, and increasingly that means turning to commonly used web browser plug-ins such as Flash or PDF readers. A couple of years ago we were [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1537.html"]reporting critical vulnerabilities[/URL] for all …

Member Avatar for rapper2
Member Avatar for newsguy

John Tu is the President and Co-founder of Kingston Technology which just happens to be one of the biggest providers of memory products on the planet, so when he talks about trends and developments in the memory market a lot of people start listening. Especially when he does so against …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Zephyr today launched version 2.0 of its namesake software test management tool, which is now available as a SaaS in Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud. Zephyr gives development teams a Flash-based system for communication, collaboration, resource, document and project management, test-case creation automation and archiving, defect tracking and reporting. The system …

Member Avatar for EddieC
Member Avatar for EddieC

Adobe Systems has confirmed what many in the media have been speculating for months--that it will produce a version of its Flash runtime environment for Apple's iPhone. The move will open the device to an enormous wealth of applications and Flash-enabled Web content. What remains to be seen is whether …

Member Avatar for EddieC

In the late 1990s an innovative company called Enroute Imaging came out with QuickStitch, a program that could analyze a series of digital photos and "stitch" them together into a single image. It cleverly figured out where the image data repeated and combined the photos seamlessly. It was really cool …

Member Avatar for acejames1
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to the official [URL="http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2008/06/improved-flash-indexing.html"]Google Webmaster Central Blog[/URL] it would appear that much better Adobe Flash indexing is heading for Google. In fact, if the Googlebot engineers posting to that blog are to be believed, the ability to index textual content in SWF format files, including Flash, has already improved. …

Member Avatar for kelly johnson
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

When I opened my mail box today and picked up this month’s [URL="http://www.streamingmedia.com/article.asp?id=10395&page=1"]Streaming Media Magazine[/URL], [URL="http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000325/"]David Caruso[/URL], aka Horatio Caine on [URL="http://www.cbs.com/primetime/csi_miami/"]CSI Miami[/URL], stared out at me from the cover in his trademark shades. Not exactly what you expect from a magazine aimed at video geeks, but apparently Caruso is …

Member Avatar for EddieC

I laugh inside when Microsoft loses ground, even in the slightest way. It’s particularly sweet when Redmond loses to a company like Novell, which owned the LAN market it pioneered through the 1990s, only to have it ripped from its grasp by the totally inferior Windows NT. This week Novell’s …

Member Avatar for EddieC
Member Avatar for EddieC

Watch out Java; Adobe wants a bigger bite of your mobile-device market share pie. The company yesterday said it will drop its licensing fee for including its Flash Player on handhelds and unveiled alliances with some of world’s largest telecom carriers, content providers and chip and handset makers. It’s all …

Member Avatar for happygeek

No less than three critical vulnerabilities have been identified by Adobe affecting upon users of Flash Player and earlier, and earlier, and and earlier. The cross-platform problem refers to an input validation error that could, potentially, lead to arbitrary code execution via content delivered from a remote …

Member Avatar for John A

Since recent years, we've come to appreciate the speed and usability of Flash drives. The fact that sudden motion makes no difference to its accessibility makes Flash drives an intriguing prospect for laptop manufacturers. Especially Dell, which is going to offer a configuration option with its Latitude D420 that will …

Member Avatar for ndeniche
Member Avatar for happygeek

American chip maker [URL="http://www.freescale.com"]Freescale Semiconductor[/URL] has today announced the development of a magnetoresistive random-access memory (MRAM) chip which can maintain data using magnetic properties and not the traditional electrical charge methodology. Think of it in terms of storing data more like a hard drive, albeit a very small one indeed, …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Catweazle

To the average consumer the ‘Digital home’ has little to do, really, with internet-connected intelligent refrigerators that do the grocery ordering for you, or robotic valets who ready the ‘pipe and slippers’ when you walk through the door. It simply means a way to manage the home entertainment and avoid …

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The End.