231 Topics

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Member Avatar for madval88

I have a Mysql database and I am trying to import multiple records with multiple columns into Flash AS3 using PHP. My problem is I am able to make it work with a single column and multiple records but for multiple columns I am not being able to format it …

Member Avatar for lakewriter

Greetings, I'm new here, and as mentioned, I'm starting to learn to work in FLASH. My background is VB6. I'm mainly using books to learn FLASH, but would love to occasionally have someone live to glance at what I've created, and point out what would work better, or have I …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for juseasy

SWF Object Causing IE top margin problems I have a flash mp3 player on my website that is causing the main wrapper of the page to shift down by about 3px. The pages display perfectly in Fire Fox but when I open them in Internet Explorer 8 there is appears …

Member Avatar for giobongio
Member Avatar for harry.jhone

Is there any software/tools available, through which once I design my environment for game, it automatically suggest action script to the game in each & every part of flash game designing.

Member Avatar for chrjs
Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

Hi is there a way to export mp3 using AS3? As in layering them one on top the other? (Just like you would in an Audacoty project using lame). Thanks in advance for any help given.

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people i want to create a vedio chatting i know how to create a php/mysql chatting but i dont know how to create a vedio chatting do i need to learn another lamguage or php is okay. will i need flash?? how can i acccess the webcam from a …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for replax

Hello, I made a website and embedded a flash gallery to display images. In dreamweaver, to flash gallery shows up perfectly fine and beautiful. However, in any browser, it does not. Does not matter if the file is local or on a server, either. It is however (discovered through firebug) …

Member Avatar for replax
Member Avatar for sn4java

We are trying to load a flash file in a browser from local machine its loading only in Internet Explorer (IE) but not in other browsers. Please suggest me some solution. [code=html]<body> <object id="flowplayer" width="300" height="200" data="http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.5.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param name="movie" value="E:/SkillMate1/video/zelda.swf" /> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="flashvars" value='config={"clip":"E:/SkillMate1/video/zelda.swf"}' /> …

Member Avatar for josh_diego

Hello, I was wondering about API standards. I want to embed games on my website but log in my server the score visitors will do. I couldn't find any API that allows such thing (or a gaming platform which "pings" back the score to my server) I would like to …

Member Avatar for oO_flynn_oO

Hey, this is my first post. i hope someone can help. [B]Backstory[/B]: i am putting up this web site, using a flash template: [url]http://jealousproductions.net/[/url] the publish settings are set to have 100% width & 100% height for the html file. Under the main title bar, there are 4 pages. The …

Member Avatar for powersstuff

[url]http://www.creativedesignresolutions.com/projects/highway/bridges/i-35-corridor-widening-construction-project-1,-us77/39.html?headerbar=0[/url] Please see my issue on above page that I need to fix. I've got a Vimeo video and a wmv video on this page with two buttons: one for flash, one for wmv player. The issue is that when the wmv button is clicked the video tries to load …

Member Avatar for powersstuff
Member Avatar for kaharas

Hi guys, there a flash ( a game ) application A that opens a socket with a server. What I need to do, is to write a c++ application that intercept every packet sent and received by the application through that socket ( to write the game actions history), eventually …

Member Avatar for chaitanya91845

I have an account in Blogger.com and maintain a blog there. I need to display flash on the blog(They are not videos, but small applications like photo gallery etc.) Such applications depend on data from various folders to run properly such as images, thumbnails, javascript files etc. Hence, I primarily …

Member Avatar for chaitanya91845
Member Avatar for sandeep789

I am Sandeep Dave. I am animator and designer. I am flash game (cooking games, dress up game, escape game, shooting game, any flash game developer).

Member Avatar for lamxuan
Member Avatar for rogerjoyeux

Hi All, first time with this so go easy on me please. I want to validate my code. I have fly-out menus that fly-out over a flash movie. At first, the flash layer covered the fly-out portion. I resolved the cover-up problem in the big 3 browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox), …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for nigelsponge

I am having a problem with an online application I've built that is using flashvars to get parameters from the url. This application works perfect in all browsers except ie 7 and older. I have tried embedding the content using AC_FL_RunContent javascript method and the newer swf object method accessing …

Member Avatar for Varnius
Member Avatar for george61

Ok I created some flash rotator-onclick event to change swf files. But this won't work in IE because the javascript isn't able to create a closing embed tag. Here is the script: [CODE]<script type="text/javascript"> var flashNumber = 0; var items = 3; var i = 0; films = new Array(items) …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for abdul_rouf26

Hello Experts, Can any great person help me for mp3 song playing on my web page. I added (player_mp3_maxi.swf) in my project. So, it’s working best the problem is that when I Click button Code is given below then autoplay does not work but when I load song by give …

Member Avatar for george61

Ok if you visit [url]http://www.miniclip.com[/url] you'll notice that there is some kind of flash rotator on the home page. This is my code attempt to move between preloaded swf animations using javascript. I've tried giving id of the object or embed but this won't help. Of course this is not …

Member Avatar for george61
Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Okay so I am learning to write with with ActionScript for a flash project. First of all I hate this language and can't figure out how to solve my problem. I am trying to play the frames so that they appear 1 second apart but stop at a certain frame. …

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV
Member Avatar for navi17
Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Roy Murphy

Could someone please help with an issue that's preventing my video from showing in IE8. It play's on all other IE versions...and plays fine in Firefox & Chrome. [code]<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,115,0" width="768" height="466"> <param name="movie" value="../media/video/anassa.swf"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="True" /> <embed src="../media/video/anassa.swf" quality="high" …

Member Avatar for Roy Murphy
Member Avatar for alanlee9898

Hi everyone, I have a flash files, which has navigation menus and the contents. I just want to know how to edit the name of the buttons? Example it has 4 buttons and these 4 buttons is linked to each others. Home Home Home Home If i change one of …

Member Avatar for alanlee9898
Member Avatar for eswar.aspire

hello, Any guide or suggestion to my problem.Thanks in advance.. I have an Iframe which load the flash Mp3player by mean of JavaScript using Swfobject. 1)But Its not loading properly by loading the XML to play the songs. 2)Also I have to send the Variable to flash to load the …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

Smart phone users, including iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, will now be able to see more advertising on their phones thanks to a new interactive video ad player that automatically detects the user's device and switches it to HTML5 and the appropriate video required by that device. [ATTACH=right]16572[/ATTACH]The [URL="http://www.jivox.com/"]Jivox Interactive …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan
Member Avatar for wherenow1223

I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop running Vista SP1. A month or more ago it stopped being able to read any USB flash drives. They all work in my other laptops, but in this one machine the autoplay dialog box has stopped popping up, and when I click the drive …

Member Avatar for rangarecon
Member Avatar for APatrizio

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16858[/ATTACH]You may have noticed that solid-state drives (SSDs), those flash memory-based drives that were touted as an alternative to hard disks, have remained stuck in the 80GB to 160GB size range and the prices are not coming down. There's a good reason for that. Starting in early 2009, the price …

Member Avatar for mmmerlin
Member Avatar for j0hnmcg

I'm trying to create a link that takes you to a flash page, but directly to a specific location in the flash page. I want to make a link to [url]http://live.deckmonitoring.com/?id=hunt_valley/[/url]. But then I want it to go directly to the graphs tab without users having to click. Is this …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for drweni

Hello.. I need help with following: I have flash template downloaded, just trying things.. so I can edit text in tfile_main.xml file ant that's ok. But I need to change the font, because this font doesn't support some eastern europan letters (č,ć,š...) .. I know when I have .swf file …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=RIGHT]17138[/ATTACH]In an impressive gesture of goodwill, Apple has decided to publicize their app store review guidelines for developers, and has even lifted their restriction on third party development software. Yes, this even includes apps written in actionscript, the code behind Adobe Air and the ever-contested, Flash. While the does not …


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