231 Topics

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Member Avatar for jp_jones

Hello, Last year my team wrote a VB .Net project that used the webbrowser control to automatically fill out user forms, click images, action buttons etc. for a web application used in our company. This year, the web application was upgraded to version 3.0. We got the application in our …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for yousafc#

Please tell me how to make flash player in c sharp.I have no Idea.Please tell me about to flash in c sharp 2008.

Member Avatar for yousafc#
Member Avatar for captainSheepdog

Greetings all, I am a junior C#/ASP.NET web developer and have been working for about 3 weeks now. Recently, the graphics person here at work gave me a .swf flash file, an xml file that contained content for the .swf file and a content folder that contained slideshow images referenced …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for TheNinjaForce

I want to make a game in flash but I have no clue to start, I need a step by step tutorial, can someone help? ps: I would prefer to make a rpg.

Member Avatar for sothostha
Member Avatar for 080346

Hello every body; i hope you all are fine, i need help on my project where i got stuck; i have a page where user browse and then upload the swf file, i want to extract all the existing images from that swf file when user click on upload button..... …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for 080346

i have a php file where user browse and then upload swf file, now in that swf file i have 3 variables i want to first get those variables and then update those variables with new value...... i don't have any idea about flash. Any suggestions or solutions please Much …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for j12034

Our project proposal had already been approve it is intitled "The Adventures of Rico". We are planning to use flash, but our knowledge about this game development is limited. The plan is will create a 2d animation, and use actionscripts but we don't have much the idea how to code …

Member Avatar for martina.jones
Member Avatar for FOOLY

For some reason, when I try to shape tween an animation in Flash, I'm unable to do it. The option in the Insert toolbar is unable to be clicked, while Classic and Motion tween are given and clickable. Do I have something set wrong that is causing Shape Tween to …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for FOOLY

In Photoshop, my JPEG image is CMYK. Once imported to Flash, the colors change to become brighter and more saturated. How can I stop this, or what am I doing wrong? Thank you!

Member Avatar for Oveek
Member Avatar for FOOLY
Member Avatar for anand01
Member Avatar for MoZo1

Hi! I have been creating animated gifs with flash till now, but since here is HTML5, I don't need flash anymore. But any other program I try (yes, I tried google) want to make me to draw every damn frame one by one, and can't do a simple movement or …

Member Avatar for MoZo1
Member Avatar for newbiecoder

Hello, I am currently designing a website with Flash and I am curious about its usability on mobile devices, especially mobile phones. My second question is if I make an HTML website and it has a Flash video, can it be seen on mobile phones? Thanks a lot!

Member Avatar for vishalbandre
Member Avatar for saucy6969

Hey there, I have done multiple browser checks on the new website I am doing and all looks good except for Firefox moving the footer on the gallery page. I am guessing it doesn't like the flash. Can't figure out how to keep it stationary. Any comments from the gallery? …

Member Avatar for matricol
Member Avatar for TularePC

Hi everyone, My name is Jeramy and I am new to the forums. I did a search and tried to find a similar post and one came up with certain search terms - however I forgot which it was =( I'm an independent contractor and I setup HDTVs, PCs, networks, …

Member Avatar for TularePC
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Just like java applets seem to have had their day... is flash going the same way (no support on the ipad?) Is this a concern for designers who use flash. I use flash actionscript 3.0 occasionally. What are your thoughts?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for MasterBerd

Hey guys, I have a problem: My USB flash drive is not seen on windows 7 ultimate. i have just reinstalled the windows 7, it still won't fix. Was working about a month ago and it just stopped working 3 days ago. Please help, thanks!

Member Avatar for MasterBerd
Member Avatar for dragon@dragon64
Member Avatar for pavankumarr

Hi Everyone, I want sample code for passing data in flash file and the passed data should be taken or shown as output in aspx or ashx files. Can anyone help me to solve this one. Regards, PavanKumar

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for kanjigirl

I don't have access to the original Flash file - can someone help? Here's my test page. You can see that first test banner not working at the top, with the code provided by the advertiser: [URL="http://www.riftcache.com/test.php"] http://www.riftcache.com/test.php[/URL] If I remove the "?clickTAG...." part from the "embed src" section, it …

Member Avatar for j_rome
Member Avatar for honey61399

[CODE]<div style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;" class="grid_16 example" align="center"> <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" BorderStyle="Groove" CellPadding="5" CellSpacing="5" RepeatColumns="3" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"> <ItemTemplate> <ul> <li> <object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="328" height="200"> <param name="movie" value="vplayer/player.swf" /> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <%--<param name="flashvars" value="file=<%# Eval("vurl","video/swf/{0}") %>&image=<%# Eval("vpurl","video/thumb/{0}") %>" /> --%> <embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="player2" name="player2" …

Member Avatar for honey61399
Member Avatar for perll

hi, i ve an image in adobe photoshop without background. when i try to insert it into adobe flash file it shows a white background and i dont want the image w background color. can somebody help me. Thanx.

Member Avatar for srajanbill
Member Avatar for khess

[URL="http://www.mozilla.com"]FireFox[/URL] 3.5 is due out by the end of June and includes some pretty interesting new features--and not a moment too soon. Some of these new features include the ability to play videos in the browser without the need to download and install a third-party plugin. It also includes [URL="https://wiki.mozilla.org/JavaScript:TraceMonkey"]TraceMonkey[/URL], …

Member Avatar for mhanry
Member Avatar for happygeek

Solid State Disks are ideally suited to laptop use, being small and thin but rugged as well. The lack of moving parts is pretty much a win-win for mobile usage, making these units much less prone to the knocks and drops of daily life than your average mechanical hard drive. …

Member Avatar for guss1988
Member Avatar for wapcrimers

Hi Everybody. Recently, i was trying to execute FLASH editor, but as i clicked on executable application file to install it, it shows an error that "FLASH VIDEO EXTENSION.DLL file is missing". I downloaded this file from SNIP but it didn't work and commenting about version. So, if anybody knows …

Member Avatar for contusvideo
Member Avatar for penguino138

Hi. Im making a flash cards program and need help with making graphics, making a menu, making it so that they can go back in and access the decks, and making it so i can give it o other people, and a few other things. Here's my code: [CODE] import …

Member Avatar for penguino138
Member Avatar for penguino138

Hi. Im pretty new to java. First question: is javascript the same as java? I just want to make sure. So for my program. Since im a very basic beginner with some c++ experience i was hoping the forum could help. I want the user to input the deck name …

Member Avatar for penguino138
Member Avatar for penguino138

Ok, so im trying to make my sister a flashcards program with dev c++. What you do is put in the deck name and how many cards you want. Then you go through for each card and put in what's on the front and back. I also want it so …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for george61

It is a very interesting question about downloading flash files embeded in Video JS from HTML 5 standart. Here we have 2 flash pages. 1: [url]http://resursi.e-edu.bg/content/math3/runtime/rtleo/scorm-flo.html?sco=../../content/uc_m5_l008.flo&width=788&height=553&recording=true[/url] 2.[url]http://resursi.e-edu.bg/content/s1/runtime/rtleo/scorm-flo.html?sco=../../content/uc_s3_l093.flo&width=788&height=553&recording=true[/url] As you see we have different id's uc_m5_1008 and uc_s3_1093; Interestingly we have .flo format?! and video js in a script file. Also …

Member Avatar for swathys

hi, i'm using flash file to open to next screen but i have no idea how to do that using the code...below is my code. i'm having problem to code at red highlighted area.How do i make it to link or show the next form once the button clicked. PLEASE …

Member Avatar for swathys
Member Avatar for 84hd0ns

Hello, I would like to have a dynamic resize slider for a flash game, I am trying to do something like the slider here [URL="http://www.agame.com/game/funny-cars.html"]http://www.agame.com/game/funny-cars.html[/URL]. Does anyone know how I should go about this, my site is [URL="http://tsgs.tk"]http://tsgs.tk[/URL]. Thanks

Member Avatar for 84hd0ns

The End.