231 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sismetic

Im trying to do a screen-flashing application that flashes the screen depending on the audio(like an audio visualizer, but instead of a visualization like bars or something like that, just flash the screen). I already made the music player and know how to make the widget get full screen and …

Member Avatar for Kanoisa
Member Avatar for FOOLY

Does the music have to be a certain type, such as mp3 or mp4? The Flash file is simply an animation. Thank you! Edit: Sorry for the misspelling!!! I meant, "an Adobe Flash file," not "a Adobe Flash."

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for trpsjt2008

Are There Any youtube Control Object My Own FLV player Can't Play File From Youtube I use SHockwave Flash Object It Can't Play File From Youtube How Can i Embed Youtube ON My Form By Link or Control

Member Avatar for rch1231

Hello, Well I have helped answer a few hundred threads here and now it's my turn for advice... Backround: I have a client that has a flat screen hooked up as a second monitor in the waiting room which was used to run several flash videos one after the other. …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for chrixlee

I've been working on my paper with a batch of PDF to converter. Basically, I want to present my PDF to the Professor much more like a Flash book. So any converter can make it? Better with the page-flip effect. thx in advance!

Member Avatar for MindSter
Member Avatar for mrmaxspeed

does this flash effect [url]http://www.goodthinking.com.ph/[/url] can code in jquery? or other tips, sample how to do it in jquery? thanks in advance.. . -mrmaxspeed

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for Benjaminsen

Hi everyone This is my first post here, so sorry if I break the etiquette of the forum. Anyway I am a founder in a small Danish company producing tools and services that help developers build better games. Historically we have focused primarily on flash due to the ease of …

Member Avatar for Benjaminsen
Member Avatar for joevs

I am embedding a flash photo gallery object in an html page. The flash gallery has a param "thumbVisibility" that allows you to set the visibility of the thumbnails with the options "NEVER" and "ALWAYS." I have it set to "NEVER" so that the thumbs do not show when the …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy

OK, I rarely start threads here, I'm more of a solutions guy than a problems guy; but I've started this thread off the back of something posted elsewhere by my good friend and regular poster in this forum, rajarajan07. (quoted below!) [QUOTE=rajarajan07;1257498]Jason always gives the great explanation for the thing …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for malashukla

i am working on a application in which i am storing some images and swf files that is flash. now my problem is how to display flash file at run time.i am unable to apply that code. anyone new about it please help me. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for monstercameron

i've been thinking, what is the easiest way to make a game...flash(albeit mostly 2d). what platform has the most games... any thing w/ flash suupport. what format has the most devs...flash. look at kongregate, miniclip, armor games, they recieve a new game everyday. there are alot of markets out there...open …

Member Avatar for monstercameron
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[B]Flash Support on the iPad Becomes Reality[/B] Comex, the programmer behind the user-friendly jailbreak tool, Spirit, has unleashed the source for his latest project, [URL="http://github.com/comex/frash"]Frash[/URL]. This little gem enables Flash support (sans video) on the iPad. Frash is still in the alpha stage, so if you run into problems, you …

Member Avatar for MyRedz
Member Avatar for marian99us

Hello, I have been looking for a solution for a long time. I have embedded a SWF app in html page using SWFObject. Now I need to give the Flash app the address where it is currently embedded, since the same SWF file is embedded in more than one locations! …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for 77wildhorses

Using a Flash menu generated by a 3rd party tool (flash menu factory). Need to implement a non-flash navigation for users who don't have/can't use Flash. How to I display an alternative menu for people like iPad/iPhone users?

Member Avatar for Brian Stephens
Member Avatar for 77wildhorses
Member Avatar for 4delite

See you guys on various threads! Meanwhile, here is a bit about me. Daniweb Handle: 4delite Name: Mary Nickname: Mary Height: 5'6''-ish Weight: nyb Hair: Brown Eyes: Brown Location: CA Age: nyb Hobbies: [INDENT][LIST] [*][URL="http://collegeperspective.files.wordpress.com/2007/04/mia-hamm.jpg"]playing soccer[/URL] [*][URL="http://sanfrancisco.grubstreet.com/"]trying new restaurants and food carts[/URL] [*][URL="http://soccernet.espn.go.com/world-cup/?cc=5901&ver=us"]watching EuroCup and World Cup matches[/URL] [/LIST][/INDENT] Relationship …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for 3ndl3ss

Hello, I have a simple idea for a gaming application tool. I would like to create a small tool for an online game that I play. [B] The tools objective will just be to alert the user through a sound that will play as soon as there is any type …

Member Avatar for 3ndl3ss
Member Avatar for Derek Chou

I have a heap of amazing videos, and I want to upload and embed those videos into my personal website as video tutorial. Could someone recommend me a easy-to-use and intuitive software to complete this task?

Member Avatar for danielwtn

I have had to replace the hard drive in a Mac iBook G3 that I was working on, and was trying to reinstall Mac OS X 10.4.6. However, the disk refused to load correctly (possible CD drive error, as I know the Mac disk to be good), and I also …

Member Avatar for Wingzx20

hi, am currently working on a assignment in which i hace to make a graphic using the g class blink on and off for certain intervals. i was wondering if someone would know how to make a graphic do so since i only know how to make a picture blink

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Adobe Systems, Inc. the San Francisco-based software company, that has been heavily criticized recently by Apple, Inc CEO Steven Jobs, [URL="http://www.macworld.co.uk/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=3227682&blogid=14"]announced yesterday[/URL] they were releasing a mobile version of Flash, starting with Android cell phone OS. Adobe states in the press release that Flash is already one of the top …

Member Avatar for Ponomous

What do you guys think would be the easiest way to convert a powerpoint to a flash movie? Thanks

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Member Avatar for himanshujain

hi, folks. I want to use flash templates in my asp.net application, bt dont know how to do it. So i hv basically two questions to ask: 1) Is it possible to use flash templates without much difficulty in asp.net project. 2) Can we somehow using some tool or application …

Member Avatar for 2eXtreme

Hello, I'm trying to write some javascript that will always allow me to float content over a flah player. To do this, the <object> tag needs to have a <param> tag added to set the wmode to transparent, and the <embed> tag needs to have the wmode attribute set to …

Member Avatar for shastry_1985
Member Avatar for P0lT10n

Hello, my name is Matias (Mathew for english people) and I am 16 years old. And I am from Argentina !!! I joined this Community because I know a lot of things that I can share here of simply respond... I am a student from an idustrial school call Huergo …

Member Avatar for MikeVera
Member Avatar for Littlemanz

Hi I am from the UK and have been a keen web enthusiast for the past 5 years with a semi break of a few years,I am self taught and run a couple of websites [url snipped] is one and [url snipped] is another i am currently finishing them both …

Member Avatar for maceman
Member Avatar for Th3nutz
Member Avatar for Chosen13
Member Avatar for 4EverDesign

I am trying to customize a flash template for my needs. The site is consisted of Portfolio (Photo gallery), About Me, Archives, Awards and Contacts pages... I managed to customize the Portfolio page changing the previously added photos. Now i have to change the text of the other 4 pages. …

Member Avatar for 4EverDesign
Member Avatar for Neo7

Hi all!! I would like to design a customization site like the foolowing: [url]http://nikeid.nike.com/[/url] or [url]https://www.trekbikes.com/us/en/projectone/[/url] but I have no idea of how to even begin. :icon_confused: What should I use Flash or Flex? How it works? Is the customization done by changing any values in something like an XML …

Member Avatar for newviewit.com
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hey, So I have a small Flash application that plays a sound when a new message is received in a chat-box. The flash player is on a page embeded with an iframe. [CODE=html]<iframe width="1" height="1" frameborder="0" name="alerter" src="/chatbox/flash/alert/sound.php" id="chat_alert"></iframe>[/CODE] In the parent window, a variable called new_message is used to …

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The End.