53 Topics
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I want free search for all sites | |
What do you understand by Google Ad API? What are the uses of Google Ad API? | |
How we can set campaign using google adwords? How to select proper price for keywords? | |
My website is company landing page. >100user per day, but when i add Google adsense show notication about content, please help me about this. my website http://gos.com.vn THX all | |
hi, i know nothing can compare with google adsense but more or less equal to it. i have 27 websites, recently my adsense account got banned or disabled, so i was searching for the best adsense alternative but still i cant able to find one. can any one suggest me … | |
When an advertiser wishes to give on-line ads, the most suggested option is Google Adwords and Google AdSense. This may apply to B2C businesses, mostly ones with good budgets. What happens to small businesses with not much technical presence or fiscal strength? Also does it really give results? gettink clicks … | |
I heard some gaming developer really enjoy using adsense on their gaming site so what is actually the benefit of using adsense on the gaming site? | |
As goes Google, so goes the rest of the universe -- or at least that's the fear this week after the start up-turned-giant-turned-common verb reported disappointing earnings that sent the Silicon Valley stock over a digital cliff after-hours Thursday. [ATTACH=right]15859[/ATTACH]The company pulled in 1.84 billion dollars for the quarter or … ![]() | |
I added Qadabra about a week ago to my blogs [Techno World](http://www.technoworrlld.blogspot.com) and [Lab World](http://www.labworldd.blogspot.com).Together,I get around 500-600 visits daily.However,average eCPM is $0.3.One day,they gave me eCPM of $23 but on other days,it ranges from $0.1 to $0.3.They claim that with time,the ads become more relevant.Has anyone worked with qadabra … ![]() | |
Hi guys About 4 years ago I posted a question on this forum asking "[Can you really make money from Adsense?](http://www.daniweb.com/internet-marketing/pay-per-click-advertising/threads/109618/is-anyone-making-money-with-google-adsense)" Well that thread is still going strong but I thought I would just give you the answer to my own question. YES Over the years I have litterally studied … | |
I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through … | |
I have a 4 month old blog [Click Here](http://technoworrlld.blogspot.com).I am getting about 400 visitors per day.I applied for Clicksor but the earnings are pretty low-about 0.1$ per day.Is it normal?What is the maximum that can be earned from a technology blog with about 400 visitors daily?Also,90% of visitors come through … | |
Which is better? Which should I choose? | |
Hi Friends, I have one website with few hundreds visitors, and i want to put google ads but when i submit Google adsense application it replys in email that my contact details is not correct, I have tried more than 20 times and checked all my details very clearly but … | |
Hi all, I have 50 domains I park at trafficmedia, I'd like to know if you rather use my own adsense account? Thanks | |
Hi, I am using Adsense for my site more then a year, and the earnings keep rising. However I am not sure if my site is optimized properly for Adsesne. Perhaps I can earn more if I improve something. Do I use the right ads for my site (type and … | |
There are lot of questions about PPC which stands for Pay per Click. Recently in the Indian Market PPC growing very very rapidly. There are over 100 PPC Networks which has been launched in 2010 but the question comes which one of them are the best ? Well if it … | |
Not only is there a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story304425.html"]debate [/URL]about the constitutionality of using Global Positioning System units to help fight crime – now there’s concern about using Google Earth as well. The Associated Press [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100814/ap_on_hi_te/us_eyes_in_the_sky"]reported [/URL]a few days ago that government officials in regions ranging from the Riverhead, N.Y., to the country … | |
Remember Richard Blumenthal? The Connecticut Attorney General who has led a pack of other state Attorneys General for more than a year chasing [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220115.html"]pedophiles [/URL](who may or may not have been there) on social networks and [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220488.html"]prostitutes [/URL]on Craigslist? And who, in what is surely just a coincidence, is running … | |
Hi, I am very new in google adsense.Please advise me how will i earn money using google adsense. | |
Lots of talk about [URL="http://wave.google.com/"]Google Wave[/URL] last week, but after reading five articles that all described it in a similar fashion, I still didn't quite get what all the fuss was about. Finally, at the behest of one of my [URL="http://twitter.com/CharJTF"]online friends[/URL] I looked at the first 40 minutes of … | |
According to a [URL="http://www.mk-news.co.uk/mknews/displayarticle.asp?id=405050"]report[/URL] in a local UK newspaper, the MK News, it seems that Google Street View is not welcome in the affluent English village of Broughton in Buckinghamshire. Apparently concerned about the potential for criminals intent on breaking into their houses, residents of one street which has already … | |
[URL="http://earth.google.com/"]Google Earth[/URL] now supports the use of historical imagery -- back to 1945 in some areas -- that lets users see how certain areas have changed over time. As described by [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_earth"]Wikipedia[/URL], Google Earth is a virtual globe, map and geographic information program that was originally called Earth Viewer, and … | |
I knew it was going to happen, you knew it was going to happen, [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19244/53/"]everyone knew[/URL] that Street View would cause a privacy stink when it eventually launched in the UK. Everyone except Google it would appear. Although it is not saying how many images have been removed from the … | |
This has started earlier than I expected. American readers will be quite used to the idea that in many areas if you go to Google Maps you'll find pictures of the street as well as maps. Personally I think this is a good thing; only two days ago I was … | |
Remember [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3344.html"]last fall[/URL], when people were terrified that pedophiles were using Google Streetview to find parks and schools so they could more readily find their young victims? Apparently a California legislator has been listening to them, or someone like them. Last month, California Assemblyman Joel Anderson, R-El Cajon, introduced a … | |
So Google is going to compete with Skype. If you weren't signed up to the GrandCentral service the company acquired, forget it - as per the info on [URL="http://www.google.com/voice/about"]this link[/URL], the service is only available for existing customers right now. All the same, it's an interesting move. At the moment … | |
I was one of the lucky ones who was able to get in on the phone management service [URL="http://www.grandcentral.com/"]Grand Central[/URL] when it was still in beta. [URL="http://googlevoiceblog.blogspot.com/"]Google announced[/URL] late last night that its relaunching the service as Google Voice and is available to current customers as a private beta. I, … | |
...I didn't get any email outage at all through my [URL="http://www.google.com/a"]Google Apps[/URL] account. Call me old-fashined but when you sign up for something like that you deserve to be included if everyone else gets a complete service failure. I can only assume this is because, remiss of me though it … | |
The tabloid newspapers are full of it, some here in the UK even have the [URL="http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2255989.ece"]Google Ocean image[/URL] on the front page. Hardly surprising when you consider that it would appear the Google mapping app has discovered the mythical underwater city of Atlantis. The image, taken from the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3919.html"]recently launched[/URL] … |
The End.