6,558 Topics

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Member Avatar for MsuDU19

Here is what i have a problem with. I need to display variable inside of an html table if the variable's are not empty from a form on a previous page. When the form is fully filled out it isn't displaying any of the table at all. Please help. [code] …

Member Avatar for MsuDU19
Member Avatar for BoB3R

Hello, I don't have any errors it just not showing a thing if i leave only the html code it works but in php it wont so if you can help me would be cool, Thanks =] [CODE]<?php $a = trim($_REQUEST['a']); $student = trim($_GET['student']); if($a == 'edit' and !empty($id)) { …

Member Avatar for BoB3R
Member Avatar for avataralien

How can I make use of sed (Stream Editor) to parse a html file for the required data I needed? Kindly explain to me. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post1354118.html#post1354118[/url]

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi: I have a dropline nav menu that works great in all standards compliant browsers and DID work perfectly in IE8 until I applied some Safari CSS hacks. The dropline menu has only 2 sub-menus under Company and Expertise. The issue is: prior to applying the Safari hacks, when hovering …

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for harbir

hi, I have three jsp files. main.jsp grizzly-link-application.jsp grizzly-link-menu.jsp In the mail.jsp I am including the other two. [CODE]<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/grizzly-link-application.jsp" %> <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/grizzly-link-menu.jsp" %>[/CODE] my grizzly-link-application.jsp and grizzly-link-menu.jsp files are actually pointing to the different css files. Content of grizzly-link-application.jsp is: [CODE]<link id="grizzlystyleid" title="grizzlystyletitle" href="style/application/grizzlystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>[/CODE] Content …

Member Avatar for dfxover
Member Avatar for Spycat

Hello all, This doesn't seem that it should be terribly difficult to do, but of course it is (for me anyway). I own a golf site, and I would like to insert the world rankings, which is in an XML format file into an existing html file. I have applied …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for Calatinus

Hi everyone. I would like to retrieve the value of an html-element on one of my websites. The path to that element is as follows: div#container > ul.specials > li.first > p. I have tried using DOMdocument model (in particular the functions loadHTML & getElementById) but that didn't work out …

Member Avatar for cpappas

Hey, So I am using PHP although any language solution would be great. I am looking at displaying whether or not a cookie from a specific ad network is present on your web browser. A good example is with AdChemy. They are a part of the NAI (Network Advertising Initiative) …

Member Avatar for cpappas
Member Avatar for Jalwes

We were assigned a game of hangman for our Perl class. In this Perl script, we must use an html page to get the user's name. I feel like I'm getting awfully close, but I can't quite seem to get the userName value to print after each time the user …

Member Avatar for Jalwes
Member Avatar for Hwestman

Hi! I am trying to embed a flash video in my html, and my problem is: The damn controls wont show! This is my code hope someone could tell me were i went wrong. [CODE]<object width="352" height="288" classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0"> <param name="salign" value="lt"> <param name="quality" value="high"> <param name="scale" value="noscale"> <param name="wmode" …

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for hemal1972

[B][B]hello to all, I am making a database project in vb.net. I have one table which has 9 columns. I am using ms access database as server side. my question is that, how to insert rows with values in a table.please help me. thanks.[/B][/B]

Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for sistrlynn

Hi, I need som assistance placeing an HTML table within a PHP script. I thought I could just echo it, but I am getting a parse error. Here is the PHP code: (the parse error comes on line 339 <?php /* declare some relevant variables */ $DBhost = "localhost"; $DBuser …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for flyblackbox

The footer on my website is raised 1 pixel too high. #footer { clear: both; margin-left:0%; height:40px; font-size: .8em; width:100%; border-top: 1px solid #81C5A0; background-color:#FFFFFF; z-index:1; margin:0; Padding:0;

Member Avatar for luap599
Member Avatar for wenlong88
Member Avatar for devilish demon

[url]http://pakcom.pk/clients/saddar%20site/[/url] please have a view of this web-survey simple coding and let me know what problem it has that it does not send any info to my email address which i have specified in mail function and not even echo the message of "thankyou for feedback" please rectify my mistakes …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for webwork

I'm a newbie trying to update my old FrontPage 98 rendered web sites and bring them up to date. I've gone through some self-help books and web tutorials and gained enough confidence to buy Expressions4 and started the learning curve, only to find the CSS "hover" is NOT available in …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for Gavicoind

When I view my website, it properly displays the header, nav, and footer. But it doesn't display the main section of the page. My domain is gavicoind.com Thanks for your help!

Member Avatar for Gavicoind
Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi! Sory for my bad english. I don't know the name of it. Can you write. Thanks. See the picture (attached). Let's say that the name of it is "little window". I want to make on my site that this disappear, and when I something type, I want that this …

Member Avatar for ivan3510
Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi! Sory for my bad english. Is it posible to make in php a html compiler (program that will check if there is lexical or semantic mistakes)? (eg. If someone write: "<html><haed>", the program will check and write message that is error in code and that must be writen "<html><head>"). …

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Member Avatar for mayyubiradar

Hello All, First of all, I am beginner so please bear with me. :) I want to extract data within the table from a html code. Lets consider HTML code to be in a file. I have read the data to a variable. Now using this variable I want to …

Member Avatar for mayyubiradar
Member Avatar for arjen

hello guys can u help me with this my code [CODE] Dim myFile As String = "C:\report.html" Dim stream As New IO.FileStream(myFile, IO.FileMode.Create) Dim writer As New IO.StreamWriter(stream) writer.WriteLine() writer.WriteLine("" & TextBox8.Text) writer.WriteLine("" & DateTimePicker1.Text) writer.WriteLine() writer.WriteLine() writer.WriteLine("Customer Name | Cost | Number of hours | Time Start | Time …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for littlemt

Hi, Please go easy on me. This is my first website. :) I am having trouble getting my text to line up how I want it to in IE7. It works fine in Firefox and Safari. Wondering if someone can help me fix and understand where I am going wrong. …

Member Avatar for charlesying
Member Avatar for spivey

I am working on a mobile site for my library and want to include an mobile version of our catalog. But our catalog provider doesn't have a mobile version. I tried PHP scrapes, but the way the catalog handles session info made it impossible to return more than one page …

Member Avatar for buster2209

Is it possible to view the code of the site that is loaded into the webbrowser? eg; [CODE]webBrowser1.Navigate("http://google.com"); webBrowser1.Contents = HTML;[/CODE] Or is is possible to save it as a file instead?

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for jbisono

Hi I initially start this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread283467.html"]thread[/URL], but now another issue came up. Tha fact that im creating the dropdownlist in the fly within a treeview asp.net control, now i want to have one button that when pressed go thru every node in the treeview and get me the selected value …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for mtaylor2

Hi All, I have a form that shows the list of expenses based on which category you choose from the select box. I then have links above this which allows the user to view expenses in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th quarter. If I select a Category and then view …

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm trying to get a div tag to move while scrolling. I know you can do position: fixed, but I was wondering how to do it so if the div tag is in the middle of the web browser, it will stay there until when you scroll down and …

Member Avatar for andrewliu
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

[B]I cant seem to get this code to work with my table code below -[/B] [code=javascript] <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(".stripeMe tr").mouseover(function(){$(this).addClass("over");}).mouseout(function(){$(this).removeClass("over");}); $(".stripeMe tr:even").addClass("alt"); }); </script> [/code] [B]Table Code-[/B] [code=html] <table width="780" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> <tr style="background-image: url(templates/{TPL_NAME}/images/tr-background.jpg); background-repeat: repeat-x;" align="center" class="table_titles"> <td width="40%" align="left" height="18" style="padding-left:5px;">{TEMP}</td> <td width="6%">{LANG}</td> …

Member Avatar for JayGeePee
Member Avatar for Robbastiaansen

Hi all, I am running a script that processes files line by line. It takes a while so I would like to echo a status update with each line so we can see where we are in the process. I started reading on the output buffers but that doesn't do …

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The End.