6,562 Topics
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How to make HTML Page Full screen?? With "full screen" I mean that it should take all the space of user's screen,just like when we watch a video with the full screen model. I do not want the task bar/menu bar of the browser window display. Any suggestions?? | |
![]() | Hi all, I've got a sprite with a few icons on it that I'm trying to implement on my site. They are used in multiple places on the page and need to have different properties. Sounds simple enough, but I'm having trouble finding the right selectors to get this to … ![]() |
Hello I want to extract content of a website found between some specific html tags.How can i achieve that with php. For e.g consider viewing google.com soure code.I want to extract data with <title> </title> tags and store it in a variable(its "Google" in this case) Bascially script navigates to … | |
Hi guys, I'm once again stuck on something that is probably simple to solve, but I cant figure it for the life of me! Basically, I'm trying to make my website look as fluid as possible. I dont want it to look all boxed and hyper organised, but I want … | |
HI! I want to write a constructor that will make a window (a frame). I want to be able to insert the height, width, position and window color. This is what I've written: public Window(String name, int height, int width,String c,String isActive,int PointX, int PointY){ setTitle(name); setSize(height,width); getContentPane().setBackground(Color.c); setLocation(PointX,PointY); setVisible(isActive.equals("active")); … | |
Hello, Some tips about web design in 2013, Leaving the Doomsday behind and entering in the new year of 2013 still if you will search or just Google from other source you will notice that sale of PC (Desktops) is decreased in the year 2012. The question that arises is … | |
I decided the best way to learn css was to try to recreate pages of web sites. I chose youtube, because the layout seemed challenging but doable from a noobie perspective, and I get to watch youtube vids in the process. I am having trouble recreating the part under the … | |
Hi, I'm coding a game, i have a form to create player. I use html5 storage to create this. But the problem is if you go to tools>local storage, the password is visible. I want to implement some sort of security to hide this password in javascript. Can someone tell … | |
hello, do you know how to make broken underline css decoration, there is underline but cant find sample on broken one. thanks. | |
Hello guys! I'm making a site and I want to add a mouserover effect on the social-network icons, exactly like what WinRumors ([http://www.winrumors.com/](http://www.winrumors.com/)) have on their social icons. To understand what I mean (and what I want), open the WinRumors site and place your cursor on top of any of … | |
I want this code to run in the background but still be active: Private Sub frmMain_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress lblTest.Text &= e.KeyChar End Sub | |
Hi all, Im working on a website, and Im trying to put a navigation bar in the navigation divider I made, however when I put the image in, it doesnt go into the divider, even though its between the <div> tags. Heres what it looks like: ![enter image description here][1] … | |
Hi I have this question about a loop that would create many numeric-value drop downs on a page. So far I have managed to populate with javascript only one per page. I am trying to make a loop that would take various id-s of the 'select' tags in html, and … | |
Hello, I have an html5 form, I want to validate it and when clicking on submit, it calls the function register. The way i done it below is not working. Can you please help me? I think i should do it with javascript but i dont know exactly. <!DOCTYPE html> … | |
Can any one suggest me what is the major difference between **XML & HTML Site Map** ? | |
I need a code snippet that causes the browser to zoom in on webpage content when a link within the webpage is clicked. Is there even a single, standard way to do this with all browsers? I've tried looking around for the code but haven't been able to find it. … | |
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Hi, I am generating a random number. Then i click start. How can i see random value of q1 in html row after i click on start button? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <HEAD> <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!--hide function newtext() { var q1=Math.floor(Math.random()*11) document.myform.mytext.value=q1; setTimeout("moretext()",4000); } function moretext() { document.myform.mytext.disabled = true; } … | |
I have a premium html blog template - how can I use to create theme and use in blogEngine.net? I had been to this webcast... Creating custom themes (25:00) [Click Here](http://www.nyveldt.com/blog/post/blogenginenet-creating-themes-webcast) , however, it has been deleted. | |
<?php include("menu.php"); ?> <?php include("dataaccess.php"); ?> <?php include("functions.php"); ?> <?php //' Copyright 2004 Vender-MGT http://www.vender-mgt.com if(!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["orderby"])) $orderby = $HTTP_GET_VARS["orderby"]; if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["order"])) $order = $HTTP_GET_VARS["order"]; if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"])) $categoryid = $HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]; } if(empty($orderby)) { $orderby = "projectname"; } if(empty($order)) { $order = "asc"; } if ($order == "asc") $order … ![]() | |
Good Evening earth.... I have a question here, can someone guide me with my question Here it goes. I have a html form, which calls the function in javascript and prompts the user whether to delete a specific user.The dialog box prompts but it is not sending the value that … | |
My site is www.jeremyspence.net78.net. As you scroll down I want to make the main menu dissapear(the one menu you see now) and another smaller menu (kinda like the apple menu from apple.com) appear on the top that is fixed, I was thinking about making a sticky menu, but I want … | |
![]() | Hello, When viewing [this page](http://www.jjwangracing.com/setup-sheets-electric/) in IE 8, I'm seeing weird white lines. There is one right below and above the "Coming Soon!" header, and two below the small grey sentance below it. I've looked at the CSS, and I can't see anything that could be causing this, and the … ![]() |
hello i want to write the given css code in javascript but it is not working i have the div with id one. below is the css code that is working fine ` <style> #one { width:96px; height:0px; left:204px; top:65px; z-index:2; position:absolute; background-color:#FFF; animation:myfirst 2s; -moz-animation:myfirst 2s; /* Firefox */ … | |
Hi, i have problem whit a border, i want to set to center but make's higher column when it's to the center, please help me. there it's the original code:  <label for="">Nume de utilizator: *</label> <input class="bar curved5" name="user" type="text" id="user" maxlength="16" value="" onFocus="change(1)" class="validate[required,custom[noSpecialCharacters],length[5,16]]" /> there it's … | |
Hi.. I have a group of checkboxes and I want to apply a style to checked checkbox and remove the style of all other boxes.Here only one checkbox should be cheked at a time. The code I used as follows <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".item").click(function(e) { //$(".item").each( … ![]() | |
I am trying to develop a wp theme. But a problem arise with the footer. I have uploaded the theme in my testing server. http://wp-site.co.cc Here footer area comes into left side, just beneath the sidebar. But I have created separate footer.php file and div for it. I want to … | |
I'm having a problem with my main site navigation. I've made some changes to my easy slider that is on the same page, and the top nav seems to have adopted this. Is supposed to show: #nav a{ display:block; color: #474747; text-transform: none; font-size: 13px; text-decoration: none; background: none; padding-top: … | |
I have a site that has categories of images generated from the database, I am trying make it so when the user selects a category, the query is based off of that selection and the respective images load. Is that something that can be done? Here is my current code. … | |
Okay so I have created a function which brings up a column of information into a html drop down menu from a certain table. Now I want the data selected to be put into a value so it can be used in an upload form. This is the function. Thanks … |
The End.