1,537 Topics

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Member Avatar for Pinchanzee

I'm looking to create a 3D environment for an escape-the-room game that I'm making with Flash. I'm hoping I'll be able to do it with the 3D features of Adobe Illustrator but am unsure. I need to be able to move the view-point angle in the pictures to take the …

Member Avatar for Pinchanzee
Member Avatar for george61

Here is a PHP code that writes a string on the bottom of a given image. I want to have the image with the string on it to be saved in a folder. The problem is that this script copies the image without the stamped text. Here is the code: …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Ashfaq2679

I need to add orkut like functionality on my site. When user Logs in he should see images of all of his contacts. When he clicks on an image his profile should be loaded. I need guidance achieving this. Presently I have created the hyperlink images at runtime in a …

Member Avatar for Ashfaq2679
Member Avatar for MovingGifts

Hey everyone, I am trying to accomplish something with images growing on hover like the fancy grow mouseover effect on google images. Here is what I have: [URL="http://www.1stbusinessneeds.com/tooltip/tooltip.html"]http://www.1stbusinessneeds.com/tooltip/tooltip.html[/URL] The tooltip is offset and is based on the walter zorn tooltip. What's the best way to have the mouseover popup grow …

Member Avatar for simonquasar

hi guys! i've a mapped image and jquery in the following code, works fine with Chrome and Safari, but Firefox doesn't recognize the onclick function and I'm wondering why! [CODE]<img id="menu" src="/imgs/home/menuOK.png" border="0" align="left" usemap="Map_Menu"/> <map name="Map_Menu" id="Map"> <area shape="poly" coords="16,189,103,155,99,149,5,169" href="#" onclick="$('#contenuto').html('<iframe src=bio.php frameborder=no width=100% height=100% scrolling=no id=icontent><p>Your browser …

Member Avatar for simonquasar
Member Avatar for omeralper

Hello, I am newbie at ASP.net. I got stuck at a point that hopefully you can help me. I use mssql as database and fetch all my records and images from there by using <asp:SqlDataSource>. I also use [CODE]<asp:Repeater>[/CODE] to show data at every iteration. After fetching data from database, …

Member Avatar for omeralper
Member Avatar for swinefish

Hello all I'm working on a project for next year, and I've decided to be a little ambitious. One of the features I would like to have is the ability for my project to analyse an area of the earth (from Google Earth or a good atlas) and determine the …

Member Avatar for m7mud.mustafa
Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

i use the window 7 with Turbo C(16-bit) compiler , now i have an assignment to generate the bicycle code in c++ graphics when i run any graphics program the TC show error and terminate . plzz help me as fast as possible.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for byro73

I have recently acquired an old ATI Radeon 9550 Graphics card but i can't get it to work on my MSI 865 PE neo 2 mobo . It works fine on my older Intel 815 mobo

Member Avatar for byro73
Member Avatar for byro73

Hi Everybody My name is byro73 and I love all things IT. i try to keep up to date on new developments via te usual channels, but unfortunately for me I do not have regular access to the internet. I am the quintessential down and out IT enthusiast operating on …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people , i am a c++ biginner , i am self tought , this mean i have no teacher to help me . now i arrived to graphics . but i have got a small problem , i am programming with my laptop. my laptop is a mini laptop …

Member Avatar for Basteon
Member Avatar for prezblog

Hi all! I'm putting together a WordPress blog, and I'm trying to make it work with a standard template called "Tribune." It uses custom tags on posts to apply thumbnails and featured images. I can't quite figure out where to place the code in the index file to get it …

Member Avatar for Kraai
Member Avatar for DevonParsons

Hi Daniweb, I've almost always found solutions for various problems before and have now decided to become a member so I can contribute as well. I would consider myself a so-so programmer (I understand classes, pointers, matrices, I/O, vectors, and of course structure). I am only able to make code …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for benny2010

When you make sprites does the image file type have to be .png or can it be .jpeg etc.?? cheers for helping me out

Member Avatar for alexchen
Member Avatar for JellyTurf

this is my java code that i'm experimenting with right now. trying to learn graphics. [CODE]import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; public class game extends Applet { Image dbz; public void init() { Font newFont = new Font("TimesRoman", Font.BOLD + Font.ITALIC, 50); setFont(newFont); dbz = getImage(getCodeBase(), "dbz.jpeg"); } public void paint(Graphics g) …

Member Avatar for ProgrammerAl
Member Avatar for Dante2

Call me a noob, but is there a way to use [B][I][U]just[/U][/I][/B] PHP to create a photo slideshow? Or do you need to use flash? I have code that will display images in a random sequence, which is fine. [CODE=php]<?php $pic = rand(1,15); print "<img src=\"images/$pic.jpg\" height=\"100\" width=\"140\" />"; ?>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Dante2
Member Avatar for jmcdyer

When loading up any browser, all the text and pictures display normally, but the graphics buttons and pointers and outlines etc. do not show up. It must be a problem independant of the browser. All other programs display correctly. I was using an nVidia gForce 6100, but just tried changing …

Member Avatar for dartz
Member Avatar for petercpwong

I was just wondering if it was possible to upload an image using XHR rather than a hidden iframe? If so, do all modern browsers support it?

Member Avatar for mehdi991
Member Avatar for keavon

Hello. What I need is very simple in concept, although I am the worst in the world (not really) at JavaScript. I basically want to make a displayed image change, no special effects, every set amount of seconds. I also want to have a forward and backward image button to …

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Can someone tell me how to make an image next to an input field? Something like what you would find at [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]http://www.facebook.com[/URL] or [URL="http://twitter.com"]http://twitter.com[/URL] when looking at the search field input box, you'll notice a picture of a magnifying glass - How do they do this? Thanks, Ashton.

Member Avatar for NZprog
Member Avatar for stemiros

Hi, I need some help with OpenGL and rotation. I have a 3D door surrounded by a holder. The holder needs to move with the door and rotate when it's not on the floor. After that the door must be able to open without affecting the holder. It's based on …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for pjh1985

Hi, i found this image uploader in another post but i'm having a few problems with errors or upload confirmation not displaying at all and was wondering if someone could take a look. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread144647.html"]original thread,[/URL]the file is a zip near the bottom of the page It seems the database code …

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for CallumP93

Hi All, I am currently making a server monitoring application that pings the server to check its uplink, so far it creates all the picture boxes and labels for each server, and then pings the server, although I have a picture that I want to change dependant on the result. …

Member Avatar for CallumP93
Member Avatar for sellerjd

I'm resizing images (making them smaller) and am wondering if there is a programatic way to determine the variance of an image using JAI. High level, I want to be able to tell when I've scaled an image down so much that it no longer looks good. I understand that …

Member Avatar for sirlink99

I tried putting in a margin (bottom) into the [code] .news { width:800px; height:auto; margin-left:30px; margin-right:30px; margin-bottom:50px; } [/code] but the blue background that I have here [CODE] .newsbg{ width:740px; height:auto; background-color:rgba(142,229,238,0.5); } [/CODE] still goes to the end of tile background. I would like there to be a space …

Member Avatar for Arkinder
Member Avatar for navachaitanya

hi every one i need help i want make a form in vb.net and using web cam to save picture in ms access or in a folder please please can any tell the complete code thanks in advance please please help me....

Member Avatar for navachaitanya

hi every one i need help i want make a form in vb.net and using web cam to save picture in ms access or in a folder please please can any tell the complete code thanks in advance please please help me....

Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi all, I am having some problem writing an ImageJ plugin for display image histogram. [CODE]import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.process.ByteProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; public class Create_New_Image implements PlugInFilter { String title = null; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus im) { title = im.getTitle(); return DOES_8G + NO_CHANGES; } public void …

Member Avatar for joshisumitnet

Dear Friends, Please help me out to display a Collage page same link in [url]http://bestuff.com[/url] The images are generated in random size through CSS. I am confused how to display images like in varying size? Please help me out. I am on deadline. I thought lot but could not succeeded. …

Member Avatar for joshisumitnet
Member Avatar for patrickgormally

Hi! I am trying to do a project in which I draw a Christmas tree with about 3 segments, filled in with color and with writing below it saying "Merry Christmas". Sadly, I have no idea where to being! I'm able to draw the Christmas trees using stars by defining …

Member Avatar for woooee

The End.