1,537 Topics

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Member Avatar for nquinlan

I'm trying to find a way to find the URL of an external HTML document when it embeds an image generated by PHP. So for example I would want the following to happen if these two documents occurred. [B][url]http://example.com/index.html[/url][/B] [CODE=HTML] <img src="http://otherplace.org/image.php" /> [/CODE] [B][url]http://otherplace.org/image.php[/url][/B] [CODE=PHP] header('Content-Type: image/gif'); readfile("test.gif"); $thelocation …

Member Avatar for MoShapes

Hi, So, I have a client that wants a new background image every time page is reloaded. I thought I have to script and thought I had it working but when I applied it to all my pages from a template I made in dreamweaver it doesn't work. It only …

Member Avatar for SEOCoder
Member Avatar for branding4you

me again ... been google'ing the last 3 days to slide images accross a php page, does anyone know of any to pull these image names from a folder in the directory of a website? Thanx mike

Member Avatar for branding4you
Member Avatar for captain.don

Hi all!! i have PHP script (3 files) for upload images on my hosting server.This script changes the name of images in a unique format before uploading onto the server.I just need to print the name of image file and its path where the image is getting uploaded (like [url]http://www.johnsgallary.net/imageuploader/uploaded_files/124abc.jpg).Please[/url] …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for krunalkakadia

Hi All, I have req. of converting HTML DIV tag to image using javascript in asp.net. is there any idea how to do it? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Dharni.Gurnani

I am currently working on a project in which I need to check the similarity between images... I have started of trying the cosine similarity.. the formula available online needed to be modified since it was only for text and in images the 1st pixel of one image will have …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tcollins412

How would i upload image files to a database and then display them using [CODE] <?php $query = "SELECT * FROM members WHERE email='$username' AND id='$id'"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); ?> <img src='<?php echo $row['pic']; ?>'> [/CODE] and also, what kind of field should i use in the …

Member Avatar for Shanti C
Member Avatar for Huiliam

Hi everyone! My boss is using a Java program called Animal Shelter Manager, which stores all images as BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) in the database. She needs me to put all of those pictures she has stored on the shelter's website. I look at them in the database, and they …

Member Avatar for Huiliam
Member Avatar for methmignonne

hi. im doing an edge detection which will detect edges of each RGB channel and then combine them to show it as a final output. im now having a problem with combining the three as it doesnt show me a binary image, instead it has some colors on it. i …

Member Avatar for crunkie

So we all know it's easy to put text over an image - you just set the image as a background. If you then open it in your browser, do 'select all' and 'copy', it won't copy the background image,just the text. What I would like to be able to …

Member Avatar for fuston05
Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I have a successfully working system at the moment where a user can choose a file and upload it to my MYSQL database as a BLOB, but before the image gets saved as a BLOB I want to resize it. I have been giving this a try by using …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for Statoeo

Hello, I have a program that displays a frame that uses a canvas to display few rectangles and some images. While executing the program with Eclipse IDE everything seems to work appropriately, when I compile and execute the program using windows command line the images are not displayed. With eclipse, …

Member Avatar for Statoeo
Member Avatar for luciahlocsin
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I have a fancy animated GIF loader that I want to use in projects, but the problem is that the image is only 48x22. Is there some way I can tile the image horizontally to lengthen it? The only solutions I found on the web was with bitmap images. …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for billmudry

Lately I have been learning how to use 'sessions' (with some degree of success) for transferring parameters between pages. I have come across a new error report that is so weird that I would not be able to envision how I could do a Google search to find what is …

Member Avatar for billmudry
Member Avatar for tape enterprise

hello, I am currently working on CMS and I want a way for the user to upload images to go along with their post how would I upload the image with php and then add it into the database for later retrieval when people look at the posts?

Member Avatar for tape enterprise
Member Avatar for vivek4020

Hello Everybody, I have run into a bit of a trouble here I wish to set the background image of a button I have written this XAML [CODE]<Button.Background> <ImageBrush ImageSource="/UIDesign;component/Images/Settings.png" /> </Button.Background>[/CODE] but when i run the application and hover the mouse over the button, the background goes away and …

Member Avatar for gandora
Member Avatar for damsean102

I've built a blog where the user can attach a PDF to a post. This all works fine apart from one small minor detail. I call the details from the MYSQL database on the home page and use a while loop to go through the results. In the DB there …

Member Avatar for damsean102
Member Avatar for BelgianQueen

[CODE][COLOR="Green"]I have the following rule for a static BG image and other attributes for the entire site: #header{ width: 1014px; margin: 0 auto; height: 274px; background: url(images/imagename.JPG) no-repeat top; } However, this no longer works for me. What I need to do is to include a different background image for …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for McLaren

Hello, There is such code in css file [CODE]a:hover { background: #F1F9DA; color: #895F30; border-bottom: 1px dotted #895F30; }[/CODE] so on mouse over it changes the backgroutd of links and adds border. But I have images wiht links [CODE]<img class="reklama" src="http://localhost/darzelis/uploads/reklama/ad_-_Copy.jpg" alt="#" border="0">[/CODE] and I don't want a backgroud and …

Member Avatar for McLaren
Member Avatar for Mike Askew

As the title suggests, i am trying to pull a bitmap image stored in a table location with an OLEObject type to my picture box on the form. The code i am using is as following: [CODE=VB.NET]img_ProductPicture.Image = DS.Tables("LocationInfo").Rows(0).Item(5)[/CODE] The error i am receiving is an InvalidCastException: Unable to cast …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for Mrki77

Hi everybody, I have a specific problem, and cant get over it. For my latest project I need a simple PHP script that display an image according to its ID sent through URL. Here's the code: [CODE]header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); $img = $_GET["img"]; echo file_get_contents("http://www.somesite.com/images/$img");[/CODE] The problem is that the image doesn't …

Member Avatar for karteek.vemula
Member Avatar for mirena

Hi there, I am very new to python and wx and all that and I have a problem with my program, I'm trying to save what's been drawn on the screen,but just cant make it work. Here is the code: [CODE] import wx class MPanel(wx.Window): def __init__(self, parent): wx.Window.__init__(self, parent) …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

This little code snippet shows you how you save a wxPython canvas drawing to a standard image file.

Member Avatar for cavpollo

Hi there, I got this annoying problem... I have to create dynamically an image control that has got to be accesses later through javascript. In other words, I got an image that was created in the page code, and using javascript I got to be able to work with it …

Member Avatar for cavpollo
Member Avatar for sirlink99

is there an option where you can opt out a certain color (green, red, blue, etc.) and replace it with a different picture. lets say I had a stick figure with a blue background and I had a mountain as a background image would there be a way to take …

Member Avatar for pbl
Member Avatar for a1a4a

Hello all I am working on a project that convert images to text , and load them from text , so i can save them online then load them as image . But if u could just give me a code of a project with a textbox where i write …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for AdriftUniform

Hi, I am having an issue saving images to a MYSQL database as a BLOB, I have been for a few days now, I have used several different tutorials and even though the code works with no errors returned, nothing actually get put in my database. Here is my form …

Member Avatar for AdriftUniform
Member Avatar for deb081900

Hi All I got lots of help from this site Here I am facing 1 simple problem but can't point it out, So I need urgent help from you all. I am using Windows 7, VS C# 2008, Access 2007 My Access database have 1 photo column of OLE Object. …

Member Avatar for nooony

I've been learning python during one semester, and pygame in one week... Im making a simple kid guessing game where random images appear with one word. click on the correct image that the word describes and a little green right image appears and a red cross 'wrong' if it is …

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The End.