1,537 Topics
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I'm using an html form to submit data directly into a mysql database using a php script. For some reason the pictures will not be uploaded fully into the database. This is when I don't use a multipart/form-data tag. When that occurs the pictures partially upload but when I put … ![]() | |
I found out some years ago that some woods will actually fluoresce under UV light and that I can photograph that glow. In fact, I estimate over 10$ of the 3,000+ actual wood species samples I have glow under black light. I have worked on for some time the TAXA … | |
![]() | Hi all... I am developing one program but i just came to one obsticle that I really dont know how to pass it. on my form i will have some options that user needs to enter after that im puting it and drawing it in printpreview eventhandler. So user can … |
I am unsure what is going on with my website? I had flash on it, and I have removed the flash and installed javascript. Everything is installed correctly from what I can see, when I go to the view page button on Dreamweaver the images rotate. When I upload it … | |
My idea is to create a gallery in which the thumbnails have rounded corners. This works in every browser except IE because it won't support CSS3. Is there any hack for creating rounded corners for thumbnails in IE? Of course I'm not sure my HTML/CSS is good enough so take … | |
Hi, where is the best practice to put js, image, css files when you make component? I put them in the same directory as component is. Is it good practice? Or should they be in media directory? | |
hi all, I am trying to make a prog. which will download image from a web site.But the problem is the dynamic nature of the web site. The url is like [url]http://www.site.com/image.aspx?id=445[/url] If i wanna access image 1,2 or anything i can change the id and i can view the … | |
![]() | I want to limit uploading size of the user image. How can i do this? User should upload only jpg file and it would be less than 100kb. and is there any way i can convert that image into specific resolution? Thanks.... |
Hey guys, I was wondering how I could make games with Java3D. I've used Java3D but only in static programs. How could I 'repaint' with Java3D (Make games and such)? Also, where could I learn more of Java3D? I've only learn't what I know so far from a few tutorials … | |
Hi guys, i am going on with a vigorous practice with PHP and MYsQL. currently i am doing a simple project which has a form, input box which takes the users name, then selects a random image and place it on the image with a random selection of fonts, with … | |
Hello, Just yesterday I picked up parts for a new computer that I'd planned to build. I had a couple of friends over to help me out. It went quite well considering none of us have ever built a PC from scratch before, only upgraded certain parts and so on. … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]19749[/ATTACH]I recently had the chance to play with GiiNii's 8-inch "All-In-One" digital picture frame (Model: GH-8DNM), I know all of you are thinking, "Not another digital picture frame!" but this one is was fun and easy to use, unlike every other digital picture frame I've used before. [B]So Easy[/B] It … | |
Hello there, I have a JSP page that has a couple of images in, when I type the address of the JSP directly in my browser the page loads, with images and all. But when I go the page, through my servlet [RequestDispatcher.forward()] the page loads but the images are … | |
I want to make it so I can put a caption under an image so that the caption will only go as long as the image. I wan't to be able to do this without having to set a width for the caption. I do not know if this is … | |
hi, i have a form with a few fields including 3 image fields: the problem that i am having is that on the 3rd images upload it just does nothing. i can upload using any 2 of the image inputs and it will work fine but as soon as i … | |
Hi I have a client who wants to provide me with Microsoft Publisher documents to add to his website. The material will be added via a content management system. I can't just select all and paste into the CMS so I have saved a copy of the Publisher document as … | |
![]() | Hi, I'm trying to somehow download all pictures on a website FIRST before anything else happens... the problem I'm experiencing is that when a user comes to the site - none of the images are loading, sometimes they show, sometimes they don't... I believe that if the client downloads all … |
Hi, Here is my code. [CODE]# class DefaultTamplate import wx import Image BUFFERED = 1 class FourByTwo(wx.Window): def __init__(self, parent, id=-1, image="JPEGImage", size=wx.DefaultSize): wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, id, image, size=size) self.SetBackgroundColour("white") self.W = 384 self.H = 272 self.photo = image # wx.Image("Test.jpg", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG) self.FrameSize = 96 self.SetVirtualSize((self.W, self.H)) if BUFFERED: self._Buffer = … | |
[CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Validate Image</TITLE> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT="Bit Repository"> <META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="validate, extensions, file, javascript"> <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A JavaScript Extension Validator for Images"> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- function validate() { var extensions = new Array("jpg","jpeg","gif","png","bmp"); var image_file = document.form.image_file.value; var image_length = document.form.image_file.value.length; var pos … | |
Hi, I'd like to add a GUI to one of my C++ codes. As the software should run under Linux and Windows I think about using QT. A special requirement is that I'd like to visualize 3D objects (triangular meshes). It should be possible to turn and zoom the objects, … | |
Okay, so as a project for one of my classes I need to make a basic drawing program in VB that can do three things: [LIST] [*]"Draw" with a brush of some sort [*]Clear the screen [*]Perform a flood-fill (paintbucket action) [/LIST] I decided to do the first two tasks … | |
Ok i have a problem i cant solve I have 2 images image one saved in location x and has name x1 image two is saved in location y and has name y1 Now i want a script that picks up image y1 and replaces x1 with y1 using changeing … | |
anybody know how to upload or set piture into windows form using code..i want create a button like browse that can chnge background and every i relaunch application,bckground is still there..please anybody.. | |
I am in the process of creating a website in PHP/mySQL and the next thing I wanted to tackle was creating an option for users to be able to upload a small avatar (maybe max of 50x50 let’s say). I’m not as familiar with how images are stored/retrieved in a … ![]() | |
Hello, I have written some java classes to generate a random network. The network is made of : 200 nodes . Each node has a maximum of 50 neighbors. What i want is to Randomly chose a node from that network and GRAPHICALLY show it with its one hop neighbors … | |
I am hoping some one can shed some light into my world. OK heres my problem, My computer kept going No signal when it was in high use playing games like starcraft2 or watching web videos, at first it was once every two weeks, then it continued to get worse … | |
This code is for a stand-alone file, named "thumbnail.php" or something similar. Once uploaded to your server, it can be called from inside an IMG tag. There are four options for this script without modifying anything. [LIST=1] [*]First, you can resize the image to a percentage of the original, as … | |
are pictures displayed next to your post and your own title like "newbie" or java addicts "posting maven" only for admins or are they anyone above a certain number of posts, if so how many posts? | |
hi all, i have image path name in database and i am fetching it this way. [code] con.Open(); string img= "select imgPath from Tbl_Image where imgId='1'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(img,con); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); con.Close(); [/code] i got path name in ds. … | |
Hi, I am a rookie coder. My goal is to incorporate the magick++ features of reading and converting different image files to an existent project. So how do I go about this? Should I download the binary installer or the source files? And what to do after that? I am … |
The End.