1,537 Topics

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Member Avatar for ramilol

ok so im trying to use double buffer to make smooth animation but i can't get it to work here is the code for my drawing [CODE] VOID onPaint(HDC hdc,HWND hWnd) { HDC hDC=GetDC(hWnd); HDC memDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC); HBITMAP hMemBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDC,300,300); HBITMAP hOldBmp = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(memDC,hMemBmp); Graphics graphics(memDC); Pen pen(Color(255, …

Member Avatar for eligio

Hello! I need to extract a custom shape from a given image. That custom shape can be, for example, a triangle. For example, if source picture is 100px width and 100px heigth, I need to define a triangle with points: (x=0 y=0) , (x = 50, y = 50), (x …

Member Avatar for eligio
Member Avatar for mpc123

Please can somebody help with this. I want a Buy Now image to go to the producturl in the database, at the moment I am just echoing , so it only shows the text of the url in the cell. my code currently is [code=php]echo $row['ProductUrl']; echo "</td></tr>"; [/code] Hope …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for UzuNarU

Hi everyone. I am trying to figure out if it's possible to write a PHP or JavaScript that changes the background image every time the browser refresh button (or F5) is pressed. I haven't seen it done this way, however I have seen it done for banners and other images. …

Member Avatar for UzuNarU
Member Avatar for b10hzrd

Mobile phones are constantly evolving and improving to the point that they are akin to the PC market of the mid-nineties, when it seemed as if your desktop was horribly outdated six months after purchase. Bag phones became brick phones, which evolved into the iconic flip phone. The advent of …

Member Avatar for dmpartners
Member Avatar for kdgeiger

Ok, I did search on this site and found nothing that really helps with my issue. I am doing assignment - JPartyPlanner - I have the applet complete, it compiles and shows in IE great, BUT when I add the image code it still compiles but I get nothing showing …

Member Avatar for kdgeiger
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hello all, I have spent a good few days looking over daniweb trying to get the right answer, But I am yet to find what I am looking for. I have successfully upload my image to a folder store and named my uploaded image. The path and file name is …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for PCBrown

[ATTACH=right]16339[/ATTACH]3D technology is quickly becoming a must-have feature for TVs, monitors, and cameras. It may end up being a fad, but 3D still has a long way to go before it's fate is decided. One venue that has yet to be explored from a retail standpoint is dual-2D projections from …

Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I am creating a game in which I import images from files to represent characters, etc. I have created a class called Contents which represents anything that can be placed on a tile of the gameboard. A subclass of Contents (by several levels) is Wizard, to create a wizard character. …

Member Avatar for pi_lord12
Member Avatar for jackabascal

It may seem like a simple answer, but how do I pass an image to a bitmaps constructor. for example: [CODE]Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(########);[/CODE] what would I put in place of the pound signs If i wanted the default image to be C://Users/Me/Documents/Visual Studio 2010/Projects/MyProject/Image.jpg Please help.

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for s2n

I have started Computer Graphics using C recently. below is the code for drawing a line using the 'line' function. I am using Code::Blocks 10.05. I need help with some kind of linker error. this is what i have done till now. [LIST] [*]installed C::B with all default setting. Then …

Member Avatar for jackabascal

I have A webcam Class and have it so the image in my picturebox displays the live webcam feed. When I click the "Capture" Button, I would like to save the current image being displayed on the picturebox. How would I do this?

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for Resnymph

Hello, I have created an application that passes a Handle of a panel to a DLL which is then used for creating a DirectX or OpenGL render window, all of which works fine. I wish to duplicate what is rendered in the panel elsewhere (basically multiple render windows all rendering …

Member Avatar for Resnymph
Member Avatar for RickyG

Hi there Expert Designers, I am building a Web form for a medical institution, can you give me an advise in how to make this form look cool??[code]<%@ Master Language="C#" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" EnableViewState="false" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClick1() { if (divCalendar.style.display == …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for b10hzrd

It is often said that good things take time, and if that is true then AMD’s Fusion should prove to be exceptional considering the fact that it has been in the works since their $5.4billion acquisition of ATI four years ago.[ATTACH]16179[/ATTACH]The [URL="http://sites.amd.com/us/fusion/APU/Pages/fusion.aspx"]official AMD copy for Fusion[/URL] reads as: [I]“AMD Fusion …

Member Avatar for b10hzrd
Member Avatar for griffinmt

I have a small application that tries to launch a slide show for a set of pictures (jpg). It is implemented by a timed ajax routine to get the next picture filename and updating the image src field to show the next picture. The problem is that the actual down …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for DawnyB

For my intro to programming class i have to design a game where a ball is shot at an angle and hits squares that are worth points. I have two questions 1.How do you get the ball to move. I was given this code but I don't know if I …

Member Avatar for Archenemie
Member Avatar for StefanTUE

Hey all, I just started programming C++, (only formiliar with matlab/mathematica for image processing) . I like to find the min of my grayscale image. My image is a part of frame token from a webcam. But I don't even know what type of object my image is. Is it …

Member Avatar for StefanTUE
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Maybe you're among the few who have seen the changes already; Google Images is getting a facelift this week. Google announced Tuesday that the familiar landing page for an image search will be changing and the site will offer more sophisticated technology for the 10 billion images it has indexed. …

Member Avatar for redesignunit
Member Avatar for bettersaid

i want explore the use of PIL but my first try got me this error : ImportError: " No module named ImageGrab " i tried it in terminal by typing 'python -v', 'import Image' but im broke. please help! thanks[CODE] import ImageGrab capture=ImageGrab.grab() capture.save('screen.png')[/CODE]

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for wolfeater017

Can someone tell me how to display an image with pygame. By the way I am using python 3.x.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I am working my way through an online book--Intro to Java Programming by David Eck--and in it he says that it is generally considered bad style to use the getGraphics() method to draw outside of a component's paintComponent method. Does anyone know why this is?

Member Avatar for pi_lord12
Member Avatar for PCBrown

Apple has kindly donated the source code for the original MacPaint software to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. This is in large part thanks to the [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/20/computer-history-museum-makes-original-macpaint-source-code-avai/"]exhausting efforts[/URL] of Andy Hertzfeld, one of the original members of the developmental team for the original Macintosh in 1984. When …

Member Avatar for patkeraudren

In my projet, I can't find how to determine which image and pixel coordonate at clicking image in different ScrollArea. The result was showing in statusBar() area. (See screenshot) I put a code in txt file with 2 jpg use with it. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for patkeraudren
Member Avatar for Jamesbch

Hello everyone, I'm working on a program that reads a PNG and extracts a custom chunk from it (using libpng). But now I've got problems to actually register my callback function to handle unknown chunks. According to the official documentation I have to declare which chunk is "unknown" (by their …

Member Avatar for Jamesbch
Member Avatar for ms_sws

Is there a way to create a div or some container in which there will be an image such that the image fills the container but retains its aspect ratio? So if the container is 100px x 100px and an image is 200px x 100px it will be resized to …

Member Avatar for prabinrai
Member Avatar for EricMack

Gentlemen, your suspicions have been confirmed - your lady/girlfriend/wife [I]is[/I] addicted to Facebook. [ATTACH=right]15821[/ATTACH]That's the finding in a new survey of 18-to-34-year-old ladies by Oxygen Media (think Oprah). It found that over a third of the 1600 women polled - 39% to be exact - describe themselves as "addicted" to …

Member Avatar for Brainshakers
Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I'm making a JPanel for a game. I want the background to be an imported image, so I set up a ClassLoader to import the image and converted that to a URL. However, that URL appears to be null, as when I try to put the panel into a JFrame, …

Member Avatar for pi_lord12
Member Avatar for baseballfury

Hi all, An issue i've never come across before. I've got a picture as a background which i declare in my css file. The div (wrapper) is 960px wide and 100px height, the image is to sit at the top left so no real placement needed. I then have another …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for abbyo

Any suggestions on how to get fonts from an external drive rather than on my local drive. Here is what I use now: [CODE] GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); Font[] fonts = ge.getAllFonts(); // Get the fonts for (Font f : fonts) { System.out.println(f.getFontName()); }[/CODE]

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The End.