1,537 Topics

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Member Avatar for happygeek

The Intel Open Source Technology Center has officially released open source graphics drivers for the 965 Express chipset in a move that while not exactly unprecedented is, nonetheless, a most welcome display of commitment to the provision of free software drivers. Moreover, it is a display of that commitment in …

Member Avatar for jooa

Hi, I have written some code which when a mouse is clicked, a red circle is drawn at that position. The x,y coordinates are stored in an ArrayList. What I now want to do is enable the circles to be selected and then dragged. When the mouse is released the …

Member Avatar for jooa
Member Avatar for Web_Sailor

Hi, I have to add a mouse over event and mouse click event in my rectangles that I draw while taking the values from an input file. Now since I am taking rectangle height and width from the input text file as well I also want to take a text …

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Member Avatar for Robtyketto

Greetings, I am creating an applet to draw a shape based on the selected item within the awt choice object. It currently draws the selected shape based on selection and quickly dissappears. I believe that I should be doing all drawing elements from the paint method (which I am not). …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for gangsta1903

I want to draw a tree in Jframe, the tree view is available in the attachment, As you see there are nodes connecting to each other.I know that I have to find the midpoint of the nodes at the same level or things like that. What I want your help …

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Member Avatar for VernonDozier

This is a simplified version of a larger project. I have three JPanels contained in a larger JSplitPane called [ICODE]wholePanel[/ICODE]. The top panel and left panel hold labels and buttons, which I have not included here. The lower right panel, called [ICODE]canvasPanel[/ICODE], is where I draw shapes. I'm trying to …

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Member Avatar for VernonDozier

I want to draw some text on a JFrame (later it'll change to a JPanel), but not have the text necessarily be horizontal. I've found some decent examples online that have worked well, but they've all been 500+ lines long. I'm hoping it can be done in a way that's …

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The End.