1,537 Topics
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Hi, Consider this code: [CODE]Ellipse myCircle = new Ellipse(); myCircle.Width = 400; myCircle.Height = 400; myCircle.Stroke = Brushes.PeachPuff; myCircle.StrokeThickness = 25; myCircle.ToolTip = "Bold Circle"; Canvas.SetTop(myCircle, 0); Canvas.SetLeft(myCircle, 0); canvas.Children.Add(myCircle); Ellipse myCircle2 = new Ellipse(); myCircle2.Width = 400; myCircle2.Height = 400; myCircle2.Stroke = Brushes.Black; myCircle2.StrokeThickness = 1; Canvas.SetTop(myCircle2, 0); Canvas.SetLeft(myCircle2, … | |
Hi, I added a Rectangle to a Canvas like this: [CODE]Canvas.SetTop(myRectangle, 150); Canvas.SetLeft(myRectangle, 80); canvas.Children.Add(myRectangle);[/CODE] Now I want to move the rectangle to other place, say (100, 100). What is the best way to do this ? Thanks ! | |
Hi, I put several shapes (like Ellipse and Rectangle) on a Canvas. Now, I want user to be able to drag & drop these shapes. Is there some predefined functionality that I can use, or I should implement the drag & drop myself using the mouse events ? Thanks ! | |
Hello ! Could you please point me to a good C# tutorial for drawing 2d graphics like Ellipse and Rectangle (that inherit from Shape) on a Canvas using WPF ? I'm also interested later to click on shapes and identify which shape was clicked, and also to drag and drop … | |
Hello, I desperately need a good and fast image encoder and/or compressor for files like jpeg or png. I need this for [B]internet image transfer[/B]. I have to transfer an images from server to client very fast - every second, even milisecond. I'm interested in an encorder that can [I]lower … | |
Hello, I have to take a snapshot of my screen and send the image to a client using Datagrams. I think my problem is at the client part. The image is null, and I don't know why. Here is the server part. I tried to send 534 byte packets (bigger … | |
Hello, In my application I transfer a lot of images from server to client. The problem is the size of the image, so I tried to encode it using [URL="http://objectplanet.com/pngencoder/"]this encoder[/URL] - objectplanet png encoder. The problem is nothing seems to happen, image size is the same. [CODE] //img is … | |
hi all! i have been programming in C for about 4 months now, and i have the very basics down pretty well (functions, pointers, etc etc), and have been doing a lot of console apps, and i was hoping to do a fractals program. i have the algorithm down (at … | |
Hi there folks, I have Visual C# Project- Windows Application , It has a Webbrowser Control , and I intend to load a local HTML file with images into it. I want to embed the embed the html file and image files as resources. So I did. While using the … | |
Hello All, I am new to PHP and the web interface that i am developing is not so attractive. It has many tables to display while reporting..I want to add some images to it. Like 'right click' , 'check boxes' and some image 'radio buttons'. As far as i know … | |
I should write a program to combine the huge number of images side-by-side. The source images are jpeg and png formats images. I think no any direct way to combine png or jpeg images to gather, unless first convert them to bmp, or any raw format, and perform combination and … | |
Hi, I am using sql data base the image save in database but it doesnt get viewed in data grid view though rest of the items are viewed. Please help me to come out of this solution. Regards Creativz [code] using System; using System.Data; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; … | |
Intel has confirmed reports that it will not release its next-generation graphics processor widely known as [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larrabee_%28GPU%29]Larrabee[/url] as a discreet GPU. Instead, most reports indicate that the company will move ahead with its many-core processor as a design and development platform aimed at graphics rendering and high-performance computing. The idea … | |
HI everyone! I'm Darkwing. Me and a crew of ppl, mostly teens :D, are willing to create an RPG named "Phoenix Dream". The thing is, i'm still learning, really, just starting to learn to program, so i'd need help from someone experienced enough to deal with 3D rendering and creation … | |
Hi there, I have some simple code that goes off and loads a bunch of tiled images into a web page. What I am trying to do is replace one of the tiles with a blank image in the event the image does not exist on the server. I am … | |
Hi, I first convert the image on the server application in bytes: [code] //server public void sendImage(File file) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000); BufferedImage img=ImageIO.read(new File(file.getAbsolutePath())); ImageIO.write(img, "jpg", baos); baos.flush(); os.write(baos.toByteArray());// this is a "new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());" System.out.println("Done! Length is:"+baos.toByteArray().length); baos.close(); } [/code] Then my application freezes when trying to … | |
Please someone help me... why image panel not showing that image in the frame: [code] //image panel class import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.*; public class ImagePanel extends JPanel { private BufferedImage img; public ImagePanel(BufferedImage img) { this.img = img; Dimension size = new Dimension(500,500); setPreferredSize(size); setMinimumSize(size); setMaximumSize(size); setSize(size); setLayout(null); … | |
![]() | Hey All, I am working on a Java project for school. To make my project better, I wanted to integrate Python into it... like what I wanted to do is: [LIST] [*]You run the Python program [*]You get two options: [*] a) View source code [*] b) View output [*](Output … |
I am fairly new to image uploaders (worked in animation for a long time). I have an image upload form that works fine. The image uploads and redirects to another PHP page (imageupload_file.php) that confirms the image uploaded and gives you the name of the image and size on the … | |
The [url=http://www.blackberrydeveloperconference.com/overview]BlackBerry Developer Conference[/url] concluded yesterday, but not before Research in Motion had the chance to unveil enhancements to its [url=http://na.blackberry.com/eng/developers/]BlackBerry Application Platform[/url], which now supports [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenGL_ES]OpenGL ES[/url], a subset of the desktop graphics API specification for embedded systems. Useful for development of 3D games development and other graphics, it's … | |
Hi, I am trying to code a game program in js that will allow the user to click on a "Roll Dice" button that calls a js function to randomly display various images of dice. My problem is that I cant find a way to display the images where I … | |
Hello there, I am curious as to whether there's any 'easy' way of creating 3D models (e.g. animals, Humans etc) via a Java applet? I know in a full-blown application one could use Java 3D (with the Java 3D libraries being installed with the application), but is there an 'easy' … | |
Correction: The subject line was supposed to have said BAR CHARTS, not bar codes. Rather than reinventing the wheel, I'd like to know if something already exists that will get going me in the right direction. I have a program that, among other things, ftp's files to multiple computers in … | |
Hi guys, I have created a site where users can upload videos(mp4) and images(jpg & gif). The upload script sends the uploaded file to a folder on a remote server, and the filepath is stored in MYSQL. Can any one tell how i go about playing the stored videos or … | |
Type BITMAPFILEHEADER bfType As Integer bfsize As Long bfReserved1 As Integer bfReserved2 As Integer bfoffbits As Long End Type Type BMPInfoHeader biSize As Long biwidth As Long biheight As Long biPlanes As Integer bibitcount As Integer biCompression As Long bisizeimage As Long biXPelsPerMeter As Long biYPelsPerMeter As Long biClrUsed As … | |
I was just wandering about the user interface of C applications. What are the basic things one should know about programming a graphical user interface with C. | |
Understanding visitors go beyond the click. Thus, I have seen a few toold out there that discuss on behavioral targeting and psychographics. I have used QuantCast to gain an understanding of the visitors' behavioral profile. But what else is out there? Do you know of any other tool other ther? | |
hi friends, again a problem I have a mysql table name tbl_admin fields are below id(int), image1(text), image2 (text) , image3 (text) now i want to show these pics, i use randomly function to display them [code=php] $query=select * from tbl_admin where id=5; $result=mysql_query($query); $row=mysql_fetch_array($result) [/code] now for show i … | |
how do i add an image path to a mysql table of mine which has "product image" as a field. i have saved the necessary images to images folder in root folder as well... please help! ![]() | |
So I'm working on this OpenGL 3D Graph program, and like, I ran into some trouble, since I wanted it to support fullscreen, so I made the following; [CODE] int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ... // Some stuff glutSpecialFunc(SpecKey); ... // More stuff } [/CODE] Which is calling the … |
The End.