1,535 Topics

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Member Avatar for abathurst

Hi, I'm trying to upload multiple image to folder and insert the image information into a database. I have been successful in being able to upload the images to the folder (thanks to a tutorial online) but when I try to add the code to insert the image information to …

Member Avatar for abathurst
Member Avatar for user1133q

Hi, i'm working on a project, that scales and move the image, now i want to rotate the image, i tried using `matrix.postRotate(degrees);` but didn't work for me, here is my code: @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent rawEvent) { WrapMotionEvent event = WrapMotionEvent.wrap(rawEvent); // ... // Dump touch event …

Member Avatar for john29
Member Avatar for yup790

I am making a c# level editor and it is a bit out of my league but it should be good to learn oop algorithems. I have only just started and have already come across a problem. ** I need to load images as sprites and then create a button …

Member Avatar for yup790
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

tl;dr: I think my code sucks. Can you help me? I haven't written a test case for this class yet, but I want to make sure I'm doing it right before I go home tonight. The gist of the class is to provide a reusable ImagePrinter object that can print …

Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for rakwel10

Hello, I am working on a site that has big image on its background. So when the page loads, the image loads very slow also. See the picture to understand http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff429/rakwel10/loading-issue.jpg Slider images are also problem. What are the possible ways to solve this? "$(document).ready(function()" is not also working. Pls …

Member Avatar for androtheos
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello, My avatar pic is not getting updated....I changed my profile pic from a kitten to a design and even log off from Daniweb still its the same old avatar....

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Alexispap

%author: Alexis Papathanassopoulos from Tkinter import * import Image, ImageTk import os import glob import time top = Tk() c=Canvas(top,width=800,height=400, bg='lightblue') c.grid(row=0,columnspan=2,sticky=N+E+W+S) pdict={} class Flow: def __init__(self, clickfunc): self.cfunc = clickfunc def goto(self, canvas, nr): global velocity,autorotate clickeditem = canvas.find_withtag("pic_" + str(nr)) tagsofitem= canvas.gettags(clickeditem) oldcenteritem= canvas.find_withtag('center') if clickeditem: if oldcenteritem: …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for charl_i

Hello! I'm searching for a UML tool that can comprehensively 3D visualize a big (class) diagram. Something like a crossover between Google Sketchup and a proper modelling tool - or a tool which uses an XMI export as a base for its 3D visualization. Ideally it would also provide an …

Member Avatar for internetscooter
Member Avatar for microbert

Hi, I am using php and html and i am trying to make two buttons: - Print button: that print a specific picture (not the whole page) - Download button: which will display the save as window to save a picture. Do you know if this is possible and how, …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for afrogfx

**can help me please .. when i need to remove MAX_SIZE from my code and $dir='upload'; because function create thumbnail in images folder Nd i think error in this code if(move_uploaded_file($t_name,$dir."/".$name)) {** <?php //define a maxim size for the uploaded images define ("MAX_SIZE","1000"); // define the width and height for …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for c#_fem

Hi, I have a problem. I can't display image if it is stored on local disk c. The image class displays images only if there are in the project. For an example this will display the image : Image1.ImgUrl = @"~\image.jpg" But this won't display anything: Image1.ImgUrl = @"C:\images\image.jpg"; Does …

Member Avatar for PatSharbaugh
Member Avatar for c#_fem

I want to enable choosing which image to display after a button click. Could you please give me an example? Thanks This is what I have so far : protected void Button10_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Image1.ImageUrl = @"C:\img\Desert.jpg"; Image1.ImageAlign = ImageAlign.Left; } It won't display anything after I run …

Member Avatar for c#_fem
Member Avatar for c#_fem

Hi, How to add picturebox or something similar into a web form. I can't seem to find a picturebox in my toolbox. I'm using Visual Studio 2010. I need to display an image after the button click in a web form. Does anyone have an idea how to do that? …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for IndianaRonaldo

I started with curl and now I'm able to post form data, obtain html pages and all that basic stuff. But I'm unable to analyse individual data in the obtained webpage. Like filtering all the images, videos and things like that. I can do that in Javascript, but that can …

Member Avatar for mustafaneguib
Member Avatar for _Brooksy

** Having trouble running this code as the compiler keeps having issues with the method 'public void mannipulate()', I'm new to java so forgive my ignorance, but I've been trying to rearrange everything in every which way to please this thing and its just not turning out right. I'm sure …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dasd

Hi! It's time to get another laptop but with all the changes and options available, I'm a little overwhelmed. I travel a good deal, so I need a unit that is built solid but does not resemble a brick or is overly heavy. I was considering an iPad but I …

Member Avatar for dasd
Member Avatar for Neetumishra

Hi, I am trying to change background image of my div but its not picking up style of background image that I am setting from javascript. So can anyone help me out? Thanks in advance. Here is my code: <HTML> <script language="JavaScript"> NUMBER_OF_IMAGES = 3; ImageNames = new Object(); ImageNames.length …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for bkjfdghiuds

im using a wordpress plugin called [photospace](http://thriveweb.com.au/the-lab/wordpress-gallery-plugin-photospace-2/#6). it works great except images always seem to stack up on top of each other. [[image here]](http://i.imgur.com/77vPl.jpg) i edited the css file thinking it was a padding issue but it didnt work. i looked though the javascript file too but i dont see …

Member Avatar for jackbauer24
Member Avatar for maximchris

Hello, NOTE: I dont know in witch forum to post this, I'm sorry if i post it in the wrong one. I had to make a project a few months back for my school, that required me to create 3 3D objects (cube, sphere and so on) and apply some …

Member Avatar for myk45
Member Avatar for princeofpersiaa

Hi guys, I have a php crop issue, I am using Jcrop (JQUERY plugin) to allow users crop their user profile picture jquery doesnt have an issue (is easy to select) but when processing image crop in PHP, image crop doesnt work and all i get is an empty page …

Member Avatar for princeofpersiaa
Member Avatar for sandz24

Does anyone know the equivalent version of cvCreateImage in c++. I tried googling it but no luck. Thanks!!!

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

tring to create a website where user can upload image. i have 2 database 1-user(database) 1- which has user_id, email, passwod 2-image(database) 2-which has image_id, user_id, image(store image here), image_name ...etc on upload.php page user has to fill this form hit sumbit. and it will run php code on upload.php …

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for sandz24

Can anyone discuss how to convert a jpeg color image into binary using OpenCv and C++. I find it hard understanding it on my own. I found sample programs but that really doesn't help much if I don't understand the meaning of every line of code. At least a step …

Member Avatar for bleedi

Hiya! I have a function that creates 3D meshes procedurally from the given parameters. It creates a four-sided box, which is (for example) 1.0 wide, 1.0 high and 100.0 long. The box is then subdivided into multiple parts, so if the aforementioned box is subdivided to three parts, it will …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

1st user has to fill this form <form action="upload.php" method='post' enctype = 'multipart/form-data'> ImageName: <input class = "text" type="text" name="imagename" /><br/> Description<textarea name="imagedes"cols="16" rows="4"> </textarea><br/> <input type ="file" name="fileupload" /><br/> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="sumbit" /><br/> <a href="index.php">[BACK]</a> </form> than it run php code. here i am getting image infomation $image_short_name …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for samxa

hey, i'm looking for a simple script that will display 3 images in the same page as the upload button is present in. would be great if you help me with this. thanks a ton!

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Member Avatar for jwings

I have problems with adding images to JFrame java application. Now I am using Eclipse IDE. Below is the code that no images is shown. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class LabelDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { JLabel northLabel = new JLabel("North"); ImageIcon labelIcon …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for my3h

Hi , I am trying to display images stored in database. Actually, i have stored image names with extenstion in the database, images are stored in my root directory images folder. Now i want to display all the images with other filelds in that table, in same page. I have …

Member Avatar for my3h
Member Avatar for GTech4life

Can someone help me with the code for this assignment i have for school using dr java > Project Assignment:Write a method drawFace() which will draw a face on the picture. Your face should have eyes, mouth and text beneath it that provides it with a name.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for erms

Hi, I'm using the getRGB function to get the color of a pixel of a BufferedImage. It returned a number like 2001231. What I want to do is use setRGB to set the color of this pixel to something so that getRGB returns 2000000 instead of the original value. How …

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The End.