1,537 Topics
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I'm making a website where users select one of the four options - A, B, C, or D (for simplicity) and press a button to be redirected to a different page (page 2) that uses the selection to display one of the four images at the top. The selection is … | |
I'm wondering if anybody has extensive knowledge about graphics cards. I basically need to find a laptop that can support all these softwares: AutoCAD 3D Max Maya Mud Box Adobe After Effects Adobe Photoshop From my research I've been running into the NVIDIA Quadro 1000M but there are only a … | |
I am wondering if anyone can help me or point me inthe right direction. We are currently subscribed to a company that allows us to list products onto eBay. We can upload images through their web interface. For every 10Mb of images we are charged extra. Their is a count … | |
Hi, I'm currently working on a site's HTML code and am wondering how can I achieve this: I need to make certain images change, in a form of a slideshow, randomly and with random intervals; this means I will need it to start with a certain image and to go … | |
hi everyone I recently designed my webpage via notepad++ I am very basic at this, right now some pages of my site doesn't show up in other browsers than firefox. (like the contact form in contact page doesn't show in IE) please help me what to do. Also it seems … | |
I'm well aware this is most likely going for an instant shoot-down. Currently we can only get the four line signature. It would be nice to allow small HTML imaging. For example I'd like to include my StackOverflow flair :) <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/users/1220965/mike"> <img src="http://stackoverflow.com/users/flair/1220965.png" width="208" height="58" alt="profile for Mike at … | |
Hi all I would like to embed an encoded image into an FXML (i need this in that I'm coding a converter between svg and fxml). I tried with this: <AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" maxHeight="-Infinity" maxWidth="-Infinity" minHeight="-Infinity" minWidth="-Infinity" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns:fx="http://javafx.com/fxml"> <children> <ImageView fitHeight="150.0" fitWidth="200.0" layoutX="153.0" layoutY="94.0" pickOnBounds="true" preserveRatio="true"> <image> <Image url=" … | |
I need to store both text and images to be stored in the same field? How can this be implemented in php using a mysql database? I have used BLOB to store images in the past . Which datatype should I use for this problem? And how will this work...? … | |
I have created a screen capture of the current screen ,but i want to capture the entire html page as image can any body help me. Here is the code of screen capture.. import java.io.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; class A { public static void main(String[] ar) throws … | |
what should i write in the body tag so background image does not repeat?? <body background="images/red-and-black-powerpoint-template.jpg"> | |
how to implement active appearance model any tutorial to coding of it. in opencv vc++ | |
![]() | Hi all and good day, I'm having a problem to download/saved Facebook user profile picture that login to my system using their Facebook account. Right now I'm thinking to automatically saved their Facebook profile picture to my system as they signup or login. I already have the access to user's … ![]() |
This is really hard coding for uploading one images yes its working. but now i need to upload multiple images for code below: the link of that page is: http://dalilack.com/marketProductUpdate.php?packageId=15 you need to sign in: username: Molham password: Molham with capital <?php require_once('Connections/dalilack.php'); ?> <?php //initialize the session if (!isset($_SESSION)) … | |
I'm trying to load a PNG file into a BufferedImage like so: BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(new File("smile.png")); When I use this line of code alone, it produes the error: Unhandled Exception Type IOException... I can fix this by surrounding the statement with try/catch like so: BufferedImage image = null; try … | |
My application has a lot of buttons on it, and in order to create a skin for my application, I've been just creating a lot of images in my working directory and loading them all into my application as ImageIcons. I like working with ImageIcons, but not working with a … | |
please tell me how i can capture images using my webcam in c#?? | |
Hi I would like to make cgi-bin program which will make dynamic pictures. I know how to make cgi program which would output simple html file #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { cout <<"Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n" << endl; try { cout<<"<html><body><h1>Test</h1></body></html>"<<endl; } catch (exception e) { … | |
Hello Guys , I want to create a script that convert a text file or Nfo file to an image(format is .PNG). What it does is simply load the txt and output it as an image Here is my code: <?php if(isset($_FILES['image'])){ $errors = array(); $allowed_ext = array('txt'); $file_name = … | |
I have a problem, how to display the image and the url stored in the destination database. This my format code : This code is stored in the database like this <a href=\"<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>\" style=\"border:0;\"> <img src=\"<?php echo get_bloginfo('template_directory');?>/banner/728x90.JPG\" width=\"728\" height=\"90\"/> </a> I called using: stripslashes(get_option("bh")); <a href="<?php … | |
is it possible to preview the image in popup window. below is my basic code but i really dont know how to call the selected picture to view in the popup window. function newPopup(url) { var img = document.getElementById('photoimg').value; urla = url+'?img='+img; popupWindow = window.open( urla,'popUpWindow','height=700,width=680, left=300,top=10,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toolbar= ,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=yes'); } <form … | |
Hi Guys First of all i would like to state that i am new in php so my question might appear stupid for the geeks here. I want to create an image downloader in php , that is i need a textbox and a submit button. The user enter each … | |
Hi, I am trying to learn some basic game programming and already made simple pong game so I thought next step could be simple breakout. I already got ball and bat made by Rectangle. How about bricks, also Rectangle? If so it would be easy to break them just by … | |
Hi, I have a external class with paint(Graphics g) method and the class itself is working great. I can get it visible by launching it from my launch class by doing add(new Laatikko()); but when I am trying to get it work from third class it wont show up. Basicly … | |
In a previous thread i had described a problem i had to transfer a frame or panel and all it's components as an image into a buffered image. I thought i had found the solution but it seems i am doing something wrong. In line 162 i call the method … | |
I make newsletter with my own developed newsletter sending system. Testing in gmail, yahoo, hotmail some images doesn`t display due of img src rewrite of gmail, yahoo or hotmail. It looks like that there are spaces inserted in img src address because viewing image source there are "+" (plus) sign. … | |
In my web application I'm using the Lightbox v2 by Lokesh Dhakar. Now i want to refresh image in lightbox every second. Note: Lightbox is trigered by: `<a href="screenshot.jpg" rel="lightbox"><img src="images/Screenshot.png" alt="" /></a>`. ![]() | |
I'm trying to develop an interactive website using php and i want to display image(retrived from mysql database) and some text on the home pag. but the image retrived from my database fills the whole page. how can i display both text and image on the same page? ![]() | |
This is the form where i can upload the image file: <?php require_once ('includes/config.inc.php'); session_start(); // If no first_name session variable exists, redirect the user: if (!isset($_SESSION['first_name'])) { $url = BASE_URL . 'index.php'; // Define the URL. ob_end_clean(); // Delete the buffer. header("Location: $url"); exit(); // Quit the script. } … | |
I am developing a website in which i am showing the hexa code into bgcolor of td of table. The problem is that when someone like that page or print the page then that color is not showing because the color is bgcolor color of td. So, i want to … | |
Hi have confussed myself, can you see why i cant get a new pic to be displayed in the box on click please ? <HTML><HEAD><TITLE></TITLE><META content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv=Content-Type><META name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 10.00.8400.0"><STYLE type=text/css>BODY { FONT-FAMILY: verdana, arial, sans-serif }</STYLE> </HEAD><BODY> <FORM style="BORDER-TOP-COLOR: ; BORDER-BOTTOM-COLOR: ; BORDER-RIGHT-COLOR: ; BORDER-LEFT-COLOR: " method=post action=refresh> … |
The End.