1,537 Topics
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hey guys. so first of im kinda confused as to which forum i should post to but i hope you guys arent mad if this isnt the appropriate forum. moving on, i have these bunch of images that i want to be able to be displayed after a button click … ![]() | |
Hello guys, I have a project to save an image from canvas to file. I have tried googling for 3 days and nothing works. Can anybody show me how to do it. I have search from this forum and this is what i get. http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/java/threads/436548/saving-canvas-as-image " Create a new buffered … | |
I have a site where the customer makes multiple selections of clothing and these are shown together at the end of the selection. So they may select a dress, top and skirt, accessory etc. All the images are in png format with a transparent background. At the end of the … | |
Hello all, I am doing project which user can upload its image and can customize it according to different differnt functionality available on the site,in which one functionality is that when that the price of image is increases according to the image size for example: I have following radio buttons … | |
Good evening, Just want to ask if there's a way to get the contrast and pixeltype(if it's colored/bitonal/grayscale) of an existing image using vb .net such as: gif/jpg/pdf/png/tif If yes, how? Godbless and thanks in advance, nel | |
Hello all, I need a multiple photo frames, on click the selected frame set on the image or image is set on it.Any jquery or javascript plugin is available for it ? | |
![]() | I cannot figure out why I have a shadow around my image in IE and Opera. It's not a problem in Chrome, Apple, Firefox, Avant, Maxthon, Safari, etc. I've tried, outline, shadow, etc in an external stylesheet and directly inline. http://i.imgur.com/rLPKHVs.jpg ![]() |
How do the numbers in a matrix relate to coordinates in 3D space. I've looked at a ton of tutorials for an answer but I still haven't come to an answer. They explain mainly the math which I try to use to answer my question, but I can't come to … | |
<? $connection = mysql_pconnect("***","***","***"); mysql_select_db("***"); $id = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(stripslashes($_GET['id']))); $getUser = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE id='".$id."'"); $gU = mysql_fetch_object($getUser); $Background = $gU->Background; if (empty($Background)) { $Background = ""; } $Hat = $gU->Hat; if (empty($Hat)) { $Hat = ""; } class StackImage { private $image; private $width; private $height; public function … ![]() | |
Hello, I am trying to create a page for gallery (picture) input: input_gallery.php <?php include('../includes/koneksi.php'); $post_id = isset($_POST['post_id']) ? $_POST['post_id'] : ''; $confirmation = isset($_POST['confirmation']) ? $_POST['confirmation'] : ''; $kategori = isset($_POST['kategori']) ? $_POST['kategori'] : ''; $post_image = isset($_POST['post_image']) ? $_POST['post_image'] : ''; $page = isset($_POST['page']) ? $_POST['page'] : ''; … | |
I have 2 buttons, one is a browse button that allows you to choose which folder you want to select the images from and a GO button that gets a random image from that folder here is what i've gotten so far: Public Class directory Private Sub browsebtn_Click(ByVal sender As … | |
Hello all ,Please I required some effects on the image like Bleed gallery wrap,bleed mirror effect,select the edges like thin gallery(0.75") and Thick gallery (15"),Please guide me on that any jquery or script ,css for that. | |
I am working on a project where I am trying to track email opens by inserting an image in it and detecting when it is loaded from the server. The loading is performed using a php script. I am trying to load 2 different images. Lets call them image1 and … | |
Facing issue when splitting a image ,when image size is bigger,it split only part of tht image or i want that any size of image show properly according to div size after splitting.`Inline Code Example Here` <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>jQuery PicStrips example</title> <!--<link href="http://www.jqueryscript.net/css/jquerysctipttop.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">--> <script … | |
Hi all, Now this may be a very basic question. Need to know which CMS is better to achieve what I want and How to configure it properly. Please refer to this link: http://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/oscar-snubs-most-overlooked-films-stars-and-shocking-losses-in-academy-awards-history-2014101/35151 Things I want to achieve: 1. Articles that may/may not include multiple images. 2. Page should … ![]() | |
Hi there, i'm looking for the easiest image slider banner for my homepage, any suggest? Thanks!! | |
Alright, so I am thinking about an idea of a useless application, however it is interesting me. A 3D "perspective" of color. I know, confusing. But think of it this way: Movement given an x, y, z coordinate. Color given r, b, g = x, y, z I was also … | |
Guys why is my image not loading on my JFrame?? BTW I am using eclipse on my mac. Code for Board : package ourgame; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener { Dude p; public Image img; Timer time; public Board() { p = … | |
<?php $query=mysql_query("SELECT model_no,images1 FROM nokia"); echo"<div>"; while ($img = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo $img[0]; echo "<img src = cms/pages/images/".$img[1].">"; } echo"</div>"; ?> what is actually wrong in my code.. its not displaying images($img[1]) but it displays the content 'model_no' ie. $img[0]. plz any sugesstion would be greatly helpful... | |
Hello All,Ineed a help in uploading image in which i want that the image which is of 150 dpi(dots per inch ) ,is only upload and smaller den that show messge .My issuue is that how i apply tht :( please give me some direction in tht | |
One of the oldest technology truisms must be that you only realise the importance of backing up your systems after disaster strikes. This is especially true if you have no backups to turn to. There are, thankfully, few excuses aside from sheer laziness not to backup your data these days; … | |
In the following function, the first debug output line ("debugPut"), produces what seems like a valid result: X: 427 Y: 197src=http://www.mygameslab.com/Switch/settingsScreen.png and even pasting the image link itself correctly displays the screen graphics. However, the screen never displays and the next debug text which was supposed to print "Kukuriiiiiiku" doesn't … | |
Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to get only the visible section of the image from picturebox1 and place it in picturebox2. So what I have is picturebox1 set to a certain size, and the image size mode is set to center. Picturebox2 is also set … | |
I wrote a simple prog. for drawing a circle . Compiled it .. n THERE WAS NO ERROR. But at the Execution time Error Occured : BGI ERROR: Graphics not intialized use 'initgraph I used initgraph olready . [B]1.[/B]Then i copied EVAVGA.BGI from BGI to BIN.. i tried again .. … | |
I am using following gdiscreen() function which takes screenshot jpg image into buffer.I am sending this buffered image using sento() over UDP.I am unable to convert this char array data sent back into image .I appreciate any help you can provide void gdiscreen() { char buffer[61400]; using namespace Gdiplus; wchar_t … | |
How i ll display one image into differnt frames in php or wordpress ,when user click on particular image | |
Hi, I have this wierd situation: I am trying to animate 2 images going one past the other on the canvas. I have a function to calculate their new locations etc, and when it's time to play the animation in calls another function to render the new state of the … | |
my problem is i want to show the picture from folder to image box but it need to find what picture depends on text box, If Right(filStudent.Path, 1) = "\Picture\" Then imgS = filStudent.Path + txtFind Else imgS = filStudent.Path + "\Picture\" + txtFind End If imgStudent.Picture = LoadPicture(imgS) but … | |
I want to know how I can have an array of strings for example: a[] = {A,B,C,...,Z} and then randomly choose one character from the array (for instance 'F') and apply a font format from windows on it and then render that particular letter in the form of Bitmap image … | |
Hello, I have some 5 picture boxes, and stored the images into imagelist. Now I can able to load 5 picture boxes with first five images from imagelist. I have two buttons previous and next. I got stuck with this, please help On click of next button, it should hide … |
The End.