1,537 Topics
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I want to ask something about the gifwebview. How can i resize the gif images while im using the gifwebview. Should I use relative layout params? Because the gif images appeared is very big. I want to adjust the size to fix my application. Please help me. public void onCreate(Bundle … | |
I have a c# program that opens a .tif image and later offers the option to save it. However, there is always a drop in quality when saving the image. _**I passed some parameters while saving the image so that the quality is at 100 % and there is no … | |
My university's TA helped me setup all the necessary files to run OpenGL on vs 2008 (even though his .cpp and .h files were written in vs2013) yet when I compile the project, it gives me a white window. The same code will display a 3d mouse in the computer … | |
hi everybody! I really need your help here. I am developing a 3D game. so far I have came no further than finishing the 3D engine and print out some basic 3D-models. everything works okay, with exception of a bug, occuring after a couple of minutes of running time. it … | |
Here, i'm trying to fetch the image from database. In my database i can see a image file size ([BLOB - 62.3 KiB]). But, it didn't work. i didn't get any error here. i'm confused where i made a mistake here? <?php include('config.php'); ini_set('display_errors', '1'); error_reporting(E_ALL); try { $stmt = … | |
Hello everyone! I have tried again and again to get this to work using multiple suggestions from the Internet. I am trying to convert an int[] to an Image object. I am getting the array using a PixelGrabber object: int img1_1d[] = new int[img1_w * img1_h]; PixelGrabber grab1 = new … | |
Hello Programmers! I am working on a 'comics' page of my website. It is going to have multiple pictures (arranged neatly in a table) for the viewer to see and enjoy. I would like to have the images (by default) have a width of 10% of the browser window's width … | |
**Hi 2 All,** I am getting problem with email images. The TD width and height is fixed but the image is coming dynamically from databse which might be bigger or smaller. If I apply **overflow:hidden** also, the image is showing up like squized or streched. Is dere any solution to … | |
Dear, I make a php page to upload the images, pdf, swf etc etc for specific orginisation entered in same form. In the form i made the input type files to upload a maximum of three files but i know how to upload one of them only. here i upload … | |
Hi all, Can help me write code to display images from database. The code is in bold. Thank you. @grid.GetHtml(tableStyle: "webgrid", headerStyle: "webgrid-header", footerStyle: "webgrid-footer", alternatingRowStyle: "webgrid-alternating-row", selectedRowStyle: "webgrid-selected-row", rowStyle: "webgrid-row-style", columns: new[] { grid.Column("Product_Category", header: "Category", style: "to-the-center"), grid.Column("Product_Type", header: "Type"), grid.Column("Product_Code", header: "Code"), grid.Column("Product_Name", header: "Name"), grid.Column("Product_Brand", header: … | |
Hello, I'm having a problem with my code. It seem to only echo out the picture name from my database and not the picture. This is my code search.php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM all WHERE (`title` LIKE '%".$query."%') OR (`add_type` LIKE '%".$query."%')") or die(mysql_error()); if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) { while($results … | |
Can anyone please tell me how to use the built in graphics in c++.Is there any tutorial on this?Which graphics will be suitable for using in c++?If there is any tutorial on this,please give the link. Thanks in advance. | |
hi want my user to upload images to my server. There is a lot of security risks i am aware of, like: 1. client side validation is not a good idea. 2. PHP code can be embedded into various other data types.(like embeded in a image file) 3. by using … | |
Can anyone tell me which graphics library will be suitable for using in C++. I am new in C++. if there is any suitable library, please give me a tutorial link on that. Thanks in advance. | |
![]() | hi, i need to past *.x 3d model file into vb6 script. can someone recomend some comprehensively teaching online redaction about? it will be good if there could possibly find way of puting multiple objects in. ex three to see the regle. thanks, i will publish the resultats, for next … |
hi, i want to change the image class on click on the image, i am also using radio input, here is my fiddle, check out and tell me what is wrong? [http://jsfiddle.net/Avik/7aKY3/1/](http://jsfiddle.net/Avik/7aKY3/1/) | |
Hello programmers! I am a beginner in html using the w3 school website help as a guide. Currently, I am working on an excercise website. The code is as following: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <title><head> ------- Website </head></title> <body bgcolor= #FFCCFF BACKGROUND="background.gif"> <h1> What This Site Is All About: </h1> <hr … | |
I combined mouse events o move my drawn rectangle object. Everything was fine i could move it and when i released the mouse button it stopped moving and settled down. However after rotating that object and then trying to move it around I just could not perform the action again. … | |
hello to all the members of daniweb My Question is if we insert the image in css, so how can I add the alt attribute or other property which will work like the alt text. Because alt text attributs are important for the seo. But Alt attribute is the tag … ![]() | |
1. Please how can select Assigned Court so that the Assigned Judge and his Court Location should be auto selected...What I was able to do is just for Assigned court and Assigned Judge..Please I need help to capture the three. This can be found on the Second ICON after login...Add … | |
hey guys, so im trying to do the image slider with js but its not working. only the first pic: pic1, displays then it doesnt slide. code: <script type="text/javascript"> <!--> var img1=new Image() img1.src="image/pic1.jpg" var img2=new Image() img2.src="image/pic2.jpg" var img3=new Image() img3.src="image/pic4.jpg" var img4=new Image() img4.src="image/pic5.jpg" var img5=new Image() img5.src="image/pic3.jpg" … | |
Hello! I would like to create a clickable backround for my IPB forum board. It will act as a banner and when clicked, it will redirect to the advertiser webpage. Here's the AdOcean demo of what I would like to create: http://demo.adocean-global.com/main.php?x=BI&y=Background%20Image Please, give any advice on how to implement … | |
Why is this not working, no errors? photo exists in correct position... gui doesnt alwyas show up, image doesnt. Using python 3 from tkinter import * from random import * import time mainGUI = Tk() width2= 319 height2 = 240 widthOfScreen = mainGUI.winfo_screenwidth() #Get the width of the screen heightOfScreen … | |
Hello I'm new to android development. So I've tried this coding where when I clicked on the imageview it will change to another image. And it's working perfectly. But I have 10 imageview. And every time each of the image being click it will change to another image. Is there … | |
Hi I'm working on a registration form.So every one can register but to regeister you need to upload your logo.! this is the file:register.php : <?php $page_title = "register"; require_once("inc/config.php"); require_once('inc/header.php'); ?> <center> <form action="check-register.php" method="POST" encrypt=”mulipart/form-data”> <input type="text" name="username" /><br /> <input type="password" name="password" /><br /> <input type="password" name="repassword" … | |
Hello, Unfortunately I learnt OpenGL from NeHe tutorials, which means that all of my current methods for OpenGL-ing are extremely deprecated. I tried to find a more up-to-date tutorial, but all they seem to do is teach how to get really complicated stuff out of OpenGL. I just want to … | |
Apart from a few small programs written for fun several years ago, it is about 15 years since I wrote any software. However, I have had some visual images in my head for many years, so I am going to write software to bring them into reality, so I can … | |
The code sample shows how to get an image from the internet and show it in a Tkinter label widget. | |
i need to upload multiple image randomly in flex with php as backend..can any one help me?? |
The End.