1,537 Topics

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Member Avatar for Neon Tetras

Hi guys. I decided to post this simple Photo viewer application. Its strictly for beginners, and cab be improved. /** * * @author Neon Tetras */ import java.awt.Image; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; public class ImageViewer extends javax.swing.JFrame { /** * Class constructor: ImageViewer */ public ImageViewer() …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for eduardar

How can I change the time that the images of my website (www.eduardlid2013.com) change faster?

Member Avatar for eduardar
Member Avatar for mufasil

Dear i want to make a program i which when Pressed UP Arrow key cicle start moving up and when pressed DOWM key circle moves Downword Similarly left and right i have draw circle and also implements Key Listner and can anyone give me ideo how i do this task …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for zacharysr

On my search page [URL="http://daparadise.com/search.php"]http://daparadise.com/search.php[/URL] i want to make the logo auto change when a certain day comes up. Say like christmas. our a birthday or something like that. So how would i make the logo change in php when these days come up?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for castajiz_2

I have a method which does something. However to do the desired thing i must call the CreateGraphics method. I Created a new class (added a new class) and now inside my method i can t call this method. What am i missing? I can call the CreateGraphics method inside …

Member Avatar for castajiz_2
Member Avatar for palo.moshoeshoe

this is my php code,it works properly before inserting,can it be the fact that i have attatched a photo to my form? the other problem is,i dont know what type is photo for my xampp database,i left it a VARCHAR, the error i get is: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected …

Member Avatar for João_5
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I'm trying to get this script to work. I want an image displayed based on the current holidays throughout the year. Any help would be great. Thanks a ton! <script type="text/javascript"> function H(){ var s=new Date(); var isHalloween= (s.getMonth()==9 && s.getDate()>26) || (s.getMonth()==10 && s.getDate()<3); var isXmas= (s.getMonth()==9 && s.getDate()>26) …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for Start4me

I want to create a map, with image of a floor plan. As the user zooms in or out, or moves the image around the form and clicks on a room to see more information about it, it will be possible. I'm thinking of creating labels or buttons with opasity …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for judah.raine

Hi there, I'm utterly desperate (being a total novice at all things php) and am hoping someone can assist. In brief, I have a submission form. User adds url. Output should then display as an image link with the amazon affiliate code. In my template I have the following (which …

Member Avatar for judah.raine
Member Avatar for sriramkarthick

My problem is "How to upload the image, while uploading store the filename with the extension in the database and while retrieving the image filename should be taken from the database and file should be taken from corresponding folder" ?

Member Avatar for 203428
Member Avatar for lexaeterna

good day! i just wanna ask if there is a way of getting the path of an image from another computer in LAN and set it as image propety of a picturebox. thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for kal_crazy

This is the code that I have done so far: import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; class TSP extends JPanel{ int weight[][],n,tour[],optDist; final int INF=1000; public TSP(){ Scanner s=new Scanner(System.in); Random r = new Random(); System.out.println("Enter no. of Cities:=>"); n=s.nextInt(); weight=new int[n][n]; tour=new int[n-1]; for(int i=0;i<n;i++){ for(int j=0;j<n;j++){ …

Member Avatar for kal_crazy
Member Avatar for sabarinadh.ch

Here i am uploading data through a form which contains some input fields and one image. But i want to upload multiple images here instead of one image. I am attaching my php code here to upload the data and single image. Can anyone edit this code to add mutliple …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Start4me

Hello everybody! I’m trying to create a program in which the user has the ability to move the image with mouse click and ability to zoom in and out by scrolling the mouse wheel. If the user wants to return to the original image size and position, it will be …

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for almostbob

![305e35d7292fca3d0c7b4659bf20d6fb](/attachments/fetch/L2ltYWdlcy9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8xLzMwNWUzNWQ3MjkyZmNhM2QwYzdiNDY1OWJmMjBkNmZiLmpwZw%3D%3D/500 "305e35d7292fca3d0c7b4659bf20d6fb") I was thinking about dogs, getting one, a house isnt complete without at least one dog, and the above description of Labradors just broke me up

Member Avatar for Agilemind
Member Avatar for ss125

Hello friends, I am having a HCL PC in my home with configuration of 120GB HDD, basic graphics memory, Core2Duo processor and with 1 gb of RAM. Now I am planning to do some upgrades to it. First of all, I am planning on DVD writer(already out). Then to the …

Member Avatar for mayaestat
Member Avatar for TheNewKid

Hey everyone. I am working on learning how to make some different controls with win32 and at the moment I amt trying to make a combobox with small images next to each option. However when I run my code the options are there but the images are missing. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for zain_1
Member Avatar for rishif2
Member Avatar for ss125

My friends I was working on the concept like a user can upload his image as a user avatar, and that should be shown in all his pages. I have two pages namely get.aspx and show.aspx get.aspx contains image file uploading and saving the records in database. show.aspx is to …

Member Avatar for ss125
Member Avatar for Marty1963

I have a gallery of product images in an e-commerce site which the client wants to "pop-out" on rollover. I wrote this CSS style to do it however while it works fine in Firefox .. not so in IE10. Can anyone suggest a work-around with this code that will support …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Ismatus3

Hello , I am making tries to display images in different tkinter windows , in every window displaying a different image , for this i made this code : # -*- coding: cp1252 -*- from Tkinter import * import Tkinter as tk import ttk from PIL import ImageTk, Image import …

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Member Avatar for renzlo

Hello, Everyone, I need your help with my code, I am trying to display the image from database to picturebox but I can't figure it out. Below is my code: Private Sub LoadImage(ByVal ind As Integer) Dim cn As New SQLiteConnection("Data Source=C:\db\QC_ASD_2013_08_09.qdb") Dim cmd As New SQLiteCommand(String.Concat("SELECT beeld_data FROM image …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for pmark019

I have an image view in my android application. I want to set the picture dynamically from a link. Example: The user has an id number of 0920305 The image from http://teachers.usls.edu.ph/student_pics/0920305 will appear on the image view.

Member Avatar for abhiroop.nray
Member Avatar for kian.popat

Hi, I am planning to build a budget gaming PC with the price limit of roughly £400. I have found a group of components that add up to make roughly £350 and I was wondering whether these components are worth there money, if it will be good enough to play …

Member Avatar for langdonb
Member Avatar for branding4you

I have code that worked before so i copied and pasted into new PDO as I am upgrading my website. It displays all images in one row, even though i have told it after 4th image in row crete new row and sart putting images below the row above. <?php …

Member Avatar for minitauros
Member Avatar for Sriharan

I am in the final year of MSc in computer Science. I request you to suggest me some topics on image processing which can be implemented within a span of 3 to 4 months

Member Avatar for pratik65

im trying to put an image in the background of my form so that it cptures full screen n i donno how to dp that. my code is follows: Me.BackgroundImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("school.jpg")

Member Avatar for abhi159
Member Avatar for adams2887

hi i am trying to upload an image but it doesn't work I have been trying for ages but without any luck. I was wondering if anyone would be kindly enough to take a look at it. Basicly i'm getting my echo error message "problem uploading image" displayed constantly, even …

Member Avatar for Raju_3
Member Avatar for CoilFyzx

Hello good day. I am hoping to discover some free/trial software that will allow we to identify a printed/drawn symbol/sticker on images in a folder. I have taken a picture of a few pages from my notebook(handwritten). On these pages I have put stickers. Is there a software that allows …

Member Avatar for DM Galaxy

The End.